Turnabout Betrayal, Part 4 (Lily)

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The video for this chapter includes a sample of what I picture Jay's voice to sound like. Around four and a half minutes through, a guy named Michael shows up and that's Jay's voice. I thought I'd give you this as a random present Cruz why not.


I was perplexed by Chrysalis' sudden exit, so I pulled out my phone. Might as well take her advice and call Sora. I found the prosecutor's number in my phone rather quickly and hit 'call.'

It took about twenty seconds before I got an answer. "Lin speaking." It was Sora for sure. The voice didn't have the angry 'I WILL EAT YOUR HAPPINESS' tone that Tora's had. Even if the alter ego had never addressed me directly, her voice wasn't a pleasant one.

"Sora!" I exclaimed, a grin breaking out on my lips. "Chrysalis said that you could help out with the investigation. Could you come down here to help me out?"

"Sure thing!" Sora paused, probably thinking. "Did she say anything about tomorrow...?"

I shook my head in confusion (I promise you I was aware that she couldn't see me doing this, but whatever). "No. Why? Is tomorrow an important day or something?"

"Ah...no. Tomorrow doesn't matter. I'll be down there in about ten minutes," Sora said.

"See you then," I told her before hanging up. I put my phone away, one thing flashing through my mind:

What's so special about tomorrow?

The words repeated in my head, burning themselves into my mind. Things were getting weird. Really weird.

The next thing you know, some sort of evil genius will rise from the ashes!

I swear, if that happens-


I looked up from the ground to see Sora running towards me. I guess I'd been thinking for longer than I thought.

"Sora!" I grinned, shoving all memories of fateful days out of my mind. "You sure didn't take long."

"In case you can't tell, I'm a ninja!" Sora began doing ninja actions, which left me mildly confused.

Make that very confused.

I shook my head. "Chrysalis said you could help with the investigation, but didn't explain why."

"Speaking of her, where is Chrysalis?" Sora asked.

I shrugged, shame and dishonor making my shoulders fall into a slump. "I don't know. She ran off a few minutes ago, saying something about tomorrow."

"T-tomorrow?!" Sora stammered. Her eyes widened in silence and shock.

"What's so special about tomorrow?" I questioned, repeating the thought that kept racing through my mind faster than a comet.

"O-oh. Tomorrow is just another normal day. Don't pay it any mind," Sora told me, faking a smile. I rubbed my Magatama and locket with a frown. The Magatama caused five Psyche-Locks to crash into existence, black in color. The locket showed immense amounts of pain coming from her heart.

One thing had been made clear:

Tomorrow is important to Sora, Chrysalis, and probably Mr. Morix. They were siblings, after all.

(Yeah, I know about that. One Erin Anderson led me to an evidence room in the prison a while back, and I found the GC-9 file and read through it.)

Speaking of GC-9....

"The GC-9 crime," I whispered, causing Sora to turn my way. "Didn't it occur yesterday?"

Sora's eyes widened and she gripped her head as she began trembling. "Have to...hold her off...!"

I gasped, knowing instantly what she meant:

Tora was coming.

Sora suddenly stopped shaking, and she took her hair down. Instead of styling it to be the way it is when Tora comes out, she put her hair in a low ponytail, her windswept bangs left alone. She pulled a black scarf out of her jeans pocket (it was rather large, so I have no idea how she got it to fit in there). Sora wrapped said scarf around her neck until it was puffy and covered up the bottom part of her face.

"Sora...?" I asked.

"Sora...? Ah! You must mean the medium!" The voice that answered me was male and oMG IT WAS HOT AS HECK-

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Jay. Jay Yang. I'm a defense attorney...well, former defense attorney. I'm one of the two spirits watching over the one you call Sora Lin, the other being Tora Yin. And I know who you are. Ms. Lily Shield!" 'Jay' bowed and I could feel a nosebleed coming on. HOLD IT IN LILY-

"So.... Why exactly are you here?" I questioned, still more than a little confused at what was going on.

"Being a defense attorney, my job is to protect. I am Sora's 'protection' of sorts for when she feels Tora coming on. If she channels me, we can avoid Tora's appearance. She recently learned how to control my showing up, which is why I stand before you now," Jay told me.

"Wait! If you're a defense attorney...." I began.

"This is exactly why Ms. Starr wanted Sora to come: so I could help when she was unable to," Jay answered.

"Unable to...." I whispered. I supposed that maybe asking Jay wouldn't hurt.... "Is something wrong with Chrysalis? She mentioned tomorrow before bolting...."

"Tomorrow.... Is indeed the day that GC-9 occurred. But it means something slightly deeper to Ms. Starr.... But since you are not aware, there must be a reason. She'll tell you when she's ready," Jay told me.

"Not aware of what?" I questioned, feeling panic sweep through me.

"Not aware of the other things that happened on August 31st three years ago. Not aware of what will happen tomorrow because of it," Jay replied. "But I suppose you'll find out all about it tomorrow."

"August 31st, 2025.... Something happened other than GC-9?" I asked.

"Something that is still in effect today. And I'm positive you'll find out about it tomorrow. It's the anniversary, after all." Jay smiled gently my direction. "I'd be happy to help you out with it, should you feel the need."

I nodded. "If Chrysalis is unavailable, I suppose this wouldn't be too bad of an idea."

Jay clapped his hands together with a grin. "Now! Time to examine the bodies for clues!"

I nodded, falsifying a smile. Something was still bothering me....

Was it possible that....

The mole....

Was Chrysalis?


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaas double updates.

And for those of you who took the time to listen to Michael's voice from the Digimon episode I linked, congrats. I'll give you a Hope Cookie.

*gives out cookies that look like Makoto Naegi and Nagito Komaeda*

*proceeds to eat cookies*


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