Turnabout Wilds, Part 2 (Chrysalis)

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//June 22, 2028. Detention Center, 10:00 AM//

"Cana? Is that you?"

As soon as we walked into the detention center, I could hear the voice of a boy. Cana, Lily, and I walked closer to the glass. On the other side, a boy with brown hair speckled with caramel and black sat. He had the same navy blue ensemble on as Cana. Our client, if I had to guess.

"Sean!" Cana exclaimed. "I brought some lawyers to help you."

"Thanks, Cana," he said with a small smile. "You've always got my back."

"I'm Lily Shield and this is my partner, Chrysalis. We're here to defend you," Lily introduced.

"It's nice to meet you," I continued, bowing my head slightly in Sean's direction.

"I'm Sean Sparrow," he told us.

"Could you tell us a little bit about the case?" I asked.

Sean nodded. "Cana and I work at the local zoo as animal caretakers. The victim, Raven, worked with us as a tour guide for the bird cages. When she was giving a tour to a small crowd yesterday, Raven was struck in the neck with an arrow and died instantly. Said arrow had been fired from a bow, which was found in the bushes nearby. Forensics found my finger prints on the bow, so I was arrested for the murder. I enjoy archery, so I bet that the real killer switched the murder weapon bow with one I had used."

"This must be hard on you," Lily said, looking down. "I promise we'll catch the real killer to help you."

"I'm with Lily! We'll help you, Sean!" I exclaimed with a grin.

"Thanks, you two," Sean told us, a small smile on his lips.

"Now, how about your alibi for the time of the crime?" Lily asked.

"I was alone with a sick bird named Perla, so my alibi isn't the best," Sean frowned. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize!" I told him. "You didn't know that this would happen."

Sean sighed. "You have a point."

"Shouldn't you two go and check out the crime scene?" Cana asked.

Lily nodded. "Yeah. I think that's a good idea."

As we turned to leave, Sean spoke. "Wait! Could you do a favor for me?"

"What is it?" I questioned.

"Could you check up on Perla for me?" Sean asked.

I nodded. "Sure."

"Thanks. See you guys later," Sean said.

"See you later!" Lily exclaimed.

//June 22, 2028. Amura Zoo, 10:36 AM//

"So, this is the zoo?" I asked. I didn't know about Lily, but I had never been here. The desire to leave the agency to go into mosquito territory didn't strike me much. And it was usually brief.

"Yes. Let's head on to to the bird cages to check out the crime scene," Lily answered. I nodded.

"So, you two are back on cases?"

"I know that voice!" I whispered, turning to face the speaker. "Detective Mills!"

"So you didn't forget your old friend," Abbie smiled.

Lily shook her head. "No. And are you the detective on this case?"

Abbie nodded. "Yeah. You two the defense team?"

"Yep," I replied.

"Well, the team has cleared out of the bird cages. I suppose that you should investigate now," Abbie suggested (I call everybody by their first name. It's not weird. I may address them otherwise in speech, but inside they're just their first name).

"It seems awfully early for the crime scene to be cleared," I observed.

"Most of the investigating was done yesterday. There weren't enough courtrooms to hold the trial today, so it was postponed one day," Abbie replied.

"That makes sense," Lily commented.

"I guess we should go and check out the crime scene now. See you later, Detective Mills!" I exclaimed, dragging Lily off in the direction of the crime scene.

//June 22, 2028. Bird Cages, 11:03 AM//

As soon as we walked into the bird cages (which is a large glass room with birds flying around inside, their cages hanging from the ceiling), Lily and I were overwhelmed with chirping noises. I squealed slightly and clapped my hands over my ears.

"Chrysalis, it's okay. It's just the birds," Lily told me, taking my hands off of my ears.

"I know. They just startled me, that's all," I said, feeling heat of embarrassment flooding into my cheeks. Gosh darnit, Chrysalis!! Quit making a fool of yourself!

And speaking of birds, I wonder which one is Perla. I'm also curious about if she's even out. Sean did say that she was sick....

"There's the body," Lily announced, pointing to a corpse on the ground of the bird cage. A woman with long black hair was face down in the grass, an arrow lodged in the right side of her neck. I gulped and began pulling on my sweater sleeve. I had yet to get used to the gore of this stuff.

"So, the victim was shot in the neck with an arrow?" I asked.

Lily nodded. "Yeah. I bet that the bow is in police custody by now," she told me.

I sighed. "Do you see a sword anywhere?"

Lily shook her head. "You're being paranoid. The UCA was caught a year ago. There aren't going to be any swords at crime scenes."

I gulped again and nodded. "You're right. I just need to stop worrying so much."

Even if the Under Cover Assassin was caught last March, when that stupid scar had gotten onto my wrist, I still worried. They broke out of prison once, and when they did, one of my friends was murdered. Cassidy...even now, I still feel bad about that. I'm just afraid deep inside that something bad like that will happen again.

I shook my head. "Let's just start investigating the body already. The UCA doesn't matter right now."

I crouched down next to the body on one side. Lily did the same on the other side. She looked at the arrow with a frown. "Hmm...I wonder...."

"What is it?" I asked.

Lily smirked. "I think I have an idea."

"What kind of idea?" I questioned, cocking my head slightly.

"The kind that will shoot down at least one decisive piece of evidence against Sean in court tomorrow," Lily replied.


The names of this turnabout are such bad puns gosh.

Who every figures out Cana Ree's name pun gets an internet cookie.


And I forgot to say this last time, so I'll say it now:

Yep! Sora from JAT and GFOL (Teeheehee~) has finally made her debut in QATH! It took a while, but I finally figured out a way to get her in.

And yes, she is secretly a Vocaloid.

Sora Lin=Hatsune Miku



Ace Attorney: Secrets Beneath SecretsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora