The Doubled Turnabout, Part 9 (Hana)

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-I was in the courthouse to watch a trial that day.

-I walked past the prosecution lobby, but I was pulled inside and tied up!

-I was forced to watch Matt get stabbed to death!

-The culprit hit me on the head, and I started bleeding slightly.


Red slammed his hands down on the defense bench. "Lying is unbecoming, Ms. Sinn."

"W-what do you mean, suga?!" Ms. Sinn stammered.

"Yeah, Red," I growled, tightening my hold on the red fabric. "What do you mean?"

"I had a blood test done yesterday on the floor of the crime scene. Your blood wasn't found anywhere," Red smirked.

"M-maybe none of it fell onto the floor...." Ms. Sinn whispered.


Red slammed his hands down once again. "You testified yesterday that some of your blood did get on the floor, though!"

"Urk! Why would I say something as stupid as that?!" Ms. Sinn yelled, her accent gone.

"What happened to your accent? Or are you just a big PHOny?" Red smirked. I have no idea why he said it like that....

The judge slammed his gavel on the table/bench before him. "Mr. Red! Where is this chatter going!? I will have to penalize you if this has no relevance to the case!"

"The importance of this line of questioning is that the witness would know for sure if her blood got on the floor. But since none of it was found there, that can only mean one thing." Red finger pointed at the witness. "That she is the real killer and she messed up due to her faulty lying!"


"Red! Misremembering something does not mean that she's the killer of this case!" I yelled. "You must have other proof than that!"

"I do," he smirked, arms crossed. "I got a few other tests done yesterday as well. Including a finger print test on the blood writing."

"You got that tested?!" I exclaimed, my heart racing fast. I had a feeling I knew where this was going.

Red nodded. "Yes. The test results said that while the blood was that of the victim, the finger print in the blood was somebody else's entirely. And that person's print...." He pointed at Ms. Sinn once again. "Was the witness'!"

The people in the gallery began to buzz. I guess I can just let this case go down the drain. I can't believe I let myself get drawn into the trap of finding Prosecutor Lin guilty just for one more victory on my record! I ripped my red fabric slightly before groaning. I guess I'd have to go and buy a new one after the trial....

"Order in the court!" the judge thundered. "Mr. Red! Are you saying that this witness is the real killer?!"

Red nodded. "That's exactly what I'm saying, Your Honor. If her finger print was in the blood, that would be proof enough of this witness' guilt."

"You said yesterday that the killer of the Harry Galle case was likely the killer of this case as well...." I started, a frown forming on my features. "Do you stand by that statement?"

Red nodded. "I do. The motive for murder makes a lot of sense if that's the case."

"Y-you can't be accusing me, can you?!" Ms. Sinn stammered. "I swear! The defendant is guilty! I saw that woman commit the crime! Nobody else could have done it!"

"I believe otherwise," Red smirked. "Why don't you just confess now? It'll make things easier on us all."

"I...I failed! My assignment...was to learn about...about the target.... I can't believe...I failed...." Ms. Sinn whispered under her breath. She suddenly looked up, her hair disheveled and her eyes flashing with insanity. "I had one job!!" She began screaming, her hair falling out of its two low ponytails and the cowboy hat falling to the ground. Ms. Sinn began smashing her hands down on the witness stand, and the noise sounded similar to galloping horses. I wonder how she did that....

"What are you talking about?!" Red exclaimed. "What target?! What assignment!?"

"Like I'd tell you," Ms. Sinn smirked. Her accent was once again gone. Ms. Sinn never had it in the first place, if I had to guess. She stared off into the distance silently, though this quiet seemed to scream 'guilty' instead of calm everybody down. "But I can't. He won't let me."

"Who is 'he?!'" Red asked.

"Who sent me, obviously. You think I'd just go and kill a random person who I have no relation to?" Ms. Sinn began cackling, her laughter echoing throughout the entire courtroom. "Actually, forget that last part. I would kill somebody I have no relation to."

"W-what?!" I stuttered, hoping that this didn't turn into a second UC-1 incident.... We didn't need an insane killer attacking the innocent.

Ms. Sinn opened her jacket pocket and pulled out a small blade. "And I have intentions on it."

"What are you pulling?!" Red roared.

"Any questions?" Ms. Sinn asked, knife in her fingers.

"Who were you sent by?!" I exclaimed.

"Can't say. He'd kill me." Ms. Sinn's knife blade glinted in the light. She held it up right in front of her face. An insane smirk formed on her lips. "If only that were a metaphor."

"She's scaring me," Ms. Jones whispered to Red. He nodded in reply, though he refused to take his eyes from Ms. Sinn. Not that I blame him. Even I felt myself fearing for my life every second I even thought about looking away from the insane woman and get blade.

"Does this mean that you're...?!" Red exclaimed, clapping his hand over his mouth.

"That I'm what? I can't answer your question if I don't know what it is," Ms. Sinn smirked. She toyed with her knife like a certain prosecutor I know.

"Are you really.... You can't be...." Red looked down silently before facing Ms. Sinn, rage in his eyes. "An assassin!?"


Would I?

Yes, I would.

If this chapter deletes partially, please tell me. I finished this chapter on my phone so....

And I made a reference in this chapter. That's probably going to become a thing soon XD


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