The Doubled Turnabout, Part 7 (Lucas)

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//July 17, 2028. Prosecution Lobby No. 7, 2:00 PM//

"Back to the crime scene, I see," I said as Averl and I walked into the prosecution lobby where the crime took place. The body was gone today. 

"I wonder...if the killer wrote Sora's last name in blood, did they use their finger or the victim's?" Averl asked. 

" are we supposed to figure that out? It's not like the detectives are going to help us out so willingly," I frowned. 

"And that's where I finally get a little better of use."

I turned to the entrance of the lobby, confused. But in the doorway stood a familiar face, cell phone in hand.

"Chrysalis!" Averl exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"I figured I'd try and help out with the investigation. And it seems that my purpose here as surfaced," Chrysalis answered. 

"But how are you supposed to help us with a forensic investigation?" I asked. 

"Remember how big bro started dating Polly a few months ago?" Chrysalis questioned. Averl and I nodded in reply. "Well, she's been doing forensic tests for us every once in a while, as long as she isn't the prosecutor on the case. I guess that I can use that to our advantage now."

"You're going to call her and get her to do a forensic investigation for us?" Averl asked. 

Chrysalis nodded. "Yep. You guys not want me to, or...?"

"Are you kidding?! This could help us pin down the real killer!" I grinned. "Let's do it!"

"I'm heading outside to talk to her. Keep on with your investigation in here," Chrysalis said, walking outside with her phone. 

"What exactly do we know about this real killer?" Averl questioned. 

"Well, they have an accent for one. Do you remember what Ms. Anderson said in court?" I answered. 

"Yeah. Ms. Anderson said it sounded like somebody from the Harry Galle case, just without the accent. Now, who has an accent that's involved in that case?" Averl wondered aloud. 

"Aw, suga! You must be part of the investigation team!" 

Averl and I looked at the door in confusion. It was barely cracked, and through the opening, I could see Ms. Sinn from Niamh and Yuri's case standing near Chrysalis, who had a tight grip on her phone. 

"Yeah. What of it?" Chrysalis asked. 

"I was just wondering 'ow the investigation was going. Judging by the frown on your lil face, I take that it isn't going well," Ms. Sinn replied. Chrysalis looked to the ground, a frown deep on her face. 

"Ah! You must be Lassie Sinn!" I exclaimed, opening the doors to the prosecution lobby. The two girls walked inside. "My name is Lucas Red and this is Averl Jones. We're the defense team on the Matt Doyle case. Would it be okay if we asked you a few questions?"

"Chrysalis? You in here?" 

Chrysalis grinned and walked out of the lobby. "Polly! Nice to see you came so quickly!"

Prosecutor Bloom walked into the room, arms crossed. "Why did you want me to come? You said you needed something tested."

"Could you do a quick fingerprint analysis on this writing?" Chrysalis asked, pointing to the section of blood that read 'Lin.' 

Prosecutor Bloom nodded slowly. "I guess so." She and Chrysalis crouched down next to the blood stain and looked at it while murmuring commands to Prosecutor Bloom's fancy, kicked up watch.

"Did you see or hear anything suspicious the day of the crime?" I questioned. 

"I saw the entire crime from inside this very lobby. Would you believe that?" Ms. Sinn replied. Neither Averl or myself could hold back a gasp of shock and surprise. She had seen the crime from inside the lobby?!

"Not really!" Chrysalis called from the corner of the room. 

I sighed and shook my head. "I had no idea that somebody was in here at the time of the crime. What did you see?" 

"Well, I walked in on the crime shortly before it occurred," Ms. Sinn answered. "The defendant hit me in the head with some object in the room. I can't remember what it was. She tied me up in the corner of the room. I pretended to be unconscious so that I could testify against her if things got ugly. I saw the defendant commit the entire crime from this very room!"

"When you were hit in the head, did you start bleeding?" Averl asked. I shot her a confused glance, unsure of what my partner was doing. Chrysalis smirked from the corner of the room, whispering a few quick words to Prosecutor Bloom, who nodded. The two made their way into one of the room's other corners. 

Ms. Sinn nodded. "Yes. Right around the top of my head." Ms. Sinn removed her cowboy hat to show a bandage wrapped around her upper head. Prosecutor Bloom and Chrysalis walked into another corner of the room. 

I gasped, starting to understand Averl's move from a few moments ago. "Did any of it drip onto the floor?" 

Ms. Sinn nodded again. "Yes." As soon as she said so, her eyes widened. She seemed to be catching on to what Averl and I were plotting. She put her hat back on her head. "I have to get going now. Bye!" The girl ran from the lobby, a string of swears escaping her lips. 

Prosecutor Bloom and Chrysalis were at the final corner of the room when I looked back at them. "Did you catch on?"

Chrysalis nodded. "Yeah. We tested every corner of this room for blood, but none had any other than the one where the victim was stabbed. I believe that we can use this as decisive evidence of Ms. Sinn's dishonesty."

Prosecutor Bloom spoke next. "The fingerprint results of the blood writing are exactly as Chrysalis told me you suspected. This means that she's the real killer, no doubts about it."

"Thanks for helping us," I told Prosecutor Bloom. 

"Welcome," she answered, walking out of the room. "I'll have the test results on paper ready by tomorrow."

"This case might actually be going our way this time," Chrysalis smiled. 


Yeah I totally am not updating not at all nope nope nope. 

I feel like the killer is so obvious at this point my gosh-

Ah well. 


Have update.


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