Turnabout Betrayal, Part 10 (Anton)

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//August 31, 2028. Hospital Room No. 808, 12:59 PM//

I opened my eyes slowly to see the outlines of two heads, one on either side of me. It sounded like one gasped, but I couldn't tell. They sounded so far away, like they were at one end of a tunnel and I was at the other end.

"Anton...are you okay?" the right figure, a girl with dark hair, asked.

"Who are you...?" I whispered, unable to remember anything. My mind was a blur, no memory clear. My vision was starting to return, but my memory was not anywhere near the same state.

The left figure, one with honey blonde hair, gasped. "N-no...." she murmured. "This can't.... This c-can't be happening...!" Her voice shook as she turned to the darker haired figure. "P-Polly...please tell me this isn't happening...!"

The dark haired girl sighed and shook her head. I saw a tear roll down her cheek. "I wish I could...."

"You really don't remember us?" the honey blonde asked.

I sat up and shook my head. I had no idea where I was. Not even the fuzziest or faintest clue. "No...am I supposed to?"

"We should probably introduce ourselves again," the dark haired girl suggested.

The honey blonde girl nodded. "Yeah. My name is Chrysalis."

"And I'm Polly," the darker haired girl told me. "Do you remember who you are?"

I shook my head again. "No...." A faint memory of people bullying me came to mind. I was happy none of those rude people were here. As a matter of fact, I think that the people who came to help me...were these two....

"I can't believe that this is happening," Chrysalis sighed. She rubbed her eyes sadly. I wished I could help her, but I didn't know how. I didn't even know who I was, after all.

"I hope we can get his memory back," Polly told Chrysalis. I cocked my head in confusion. I just didn't remember much.... A few fuzzed pictures came to mind, but that was all.... I didn't like this feeling. That was one thing I knew.

"Who am I?" I questioned.

Chrysalis took one of my hands and Polly took the other. "Your name is Anton," Polly replied.

"You're a very important person to us," Chrysalis told me.

"R-really?" I whispered, disbelief coming over my face. What did I mean to these people? To everybody out there I couldn't remember? "What was I like before I lost my memory?"

"You were a great person. You were shy and quiet but...a great person nonetheless," Polly replied.

"You were grate like cheese," Chrysalis grinned. She giggled slightly, which I found kind of cute. I wonder if that's related to how I knew her before losing my memory....

"How did I know you guys?" I asked.

"You were my adopted son," Polly answered. "You lived with me at the house we shared. A man named Ghastly would pop in and out. He was our good friend."

"What about you?" I questioned, turning to Chrysalis.

"You were my boyfriend. And the best one ever, at that. One time, we got into a little bit of trouble involving the police, but we were there for each other every step of the way," Chrysalis smiled.

"I-I got into trouble with the police?!" I gasped. I didn't know I was a bad person before I lost my memory! "I was a bad person?!"

"N-no!" Chrysalis exclaimed. She picked up a nearby turquoise pillow with orange sticking out of two sides opposite each other. Chrysalis slammed her face into the pillow. "D-darn it, Starr! That's not what you tell your amnesiac boyfriend!!"

"Chrysalis, face planting the platypus pillow isn't going to help any of us," Polly told Chrysalis.

Chrysalis groaned. "I know. I just like how this platypus feels on my face."

"I'm going to pretend that doesn't sound awkward," Polly sighed.

"How did I get into trouble with the police? How did you?" I asked, wanting answers.

"Well, they just thought that you did something bad six-" Chrysalis started, removing the platypus plushy from her face, though Polly cut her off.

"She means one time. No biggie. You didn't do it, and you got a not guilty verdict. You didn't do anything wrong. People just misinterpreted the situation," Polly explained.

"So I'm not a bad boy?" I questioned.

Chrysalis shook her head. "You're actually one of the sweetest kids at our school. You're widely known as the Prosecutie."

"Prosecutie...?" I asked. I wonder if I ask this many questions all the time.

"You help me out in court sometimes as my assistant. That's where the first part comes from, since you work at the Prosecutor's Office. The cutie part comes from pretty much everybody who's met you," Polly explained.

"You're so kawaii!" Chrysalis grinned. She hugged the platypus to her chest and rocked side to side.

"I remember somebody close to me saying that word a lot before I lost my memory," I commented.

"That's better than nothing," Polly shrugged, a small, fake smile playing on her lips.

"He's starting to remember...! Maybe he'll be back to normal soon!" Chrysalis grinned hopefully.

Polly shook her head. "Who's to say? I'm just afraid that...."

"Afraid that what?" I questioned. Now I'm curious.

"I'm afraid that you'll never get your memory back," Polly whispered. She hung her head and closed her eyes, clearly holding back tears.

"I won't accept that!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "He has to come back to us! He has to...."

"I'll try extra hard to get my memory back!" I said with determination. "If you guys were important to me, I want to keep you happy...!"

"That's so sweet," Polly smiled.

A knock at the door interrupted the bitter sweet moment. Chrysalis turned and stood. She walked towards the door and opened it. She began talking quietly, so quietly I couldn't hear, before turning back around. Two people, a man and a woman, were behind her. "I'll be right back." She walked out of the room with the brown haired woman and the turquoise, pink, and yellow haired man.

"Do you think I'll get my memory back?" I asked Polly.

"I'm not sure, Anton. I'm not sure," she replied.


I can officially type 1000 words in 30 minutes. Sweet.

So uh I don't have much to say here other than I go back to school in two days so updates won't be as frequent. Sad face.


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