The Falsified Turnabout, Part 10 (Sora/Tora) FINAL

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~Sora's POV~

//July 16, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 7, 9:57 AM//

"So, you ready?" Niamh asked Ms. Galle, who nodded. 

"You sure that the killer is...." Her voice trailed off, her mind unwilling to finish the sentence."

Niamh nodded. "Yes. But we're going to need to prove it by poking holes in Mr. Doyle's testimony first."

"You're sure we can do this?" Yuri asked. 

"When haven't we been able to?" Niamh questioned in return, which earned her a bubbly nod from Yuri's direction. 

"Defense! Defendant! Please proceed to the courtroom!" a bailiff yelled. 

All three of them nodded at one another before walking into the courtroom. 

I myself was just about to enter, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I turned to see Chrysalis standing behind me. "Chrysalis? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be-"

"Don't go in there. Please," Chrysalis told me. 

"Why not?" I asked, not too excited about secrets being kept from me. 

"If you go in there, Tora might come out. I don't think that her coming out is going to help anybody," Chrysalis answered. 

"What kind of thing will trigger her?" I questioned. 

"Assassins yesnomaybeprobably," Chrysalis replied. "Please just trust me on this one."

I nodded with a sigh. "Alright."

And with that, my little sis smiled at me before dashing off to who knows where. 

//July 16, 2028. Courtroom No. 7, 10:00//

"Court is back in session for the trial of Kira Galle," the judge announced after banging his gavel down on the desk. 

"The defense is ready," Niamh said. 

"As is the prosecution," Polly continued (I get to call her by her first name since we work together and she's dating my brother so-).

"Very good," the judge nodded. "We left off yesterday to figure out who was blackmailing the witness, Erin Anderson. I trust both the defense and prosecution have gotten results?"

Polly shook her head. "The prosecution has found nothing."

"The defense does not know either," Niamh told the court. She was lying, because as formerly stated, Bal Gam is evil blackmailer meanie man. 

"In light of all of this, the prosecution wishes to call a witness to the crime to the stand," Polly announced. 

The judge nodded again. "Very well then."

"I wish to call Matt Doyle to the witness stand!" she announced, finger pointing at the unoccupied witness stand. 

//July 16, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 7, 10:15 AM//

Since Chrysalis didn't think it was a good idea to go into the courtroom, I've been sitting around here, waiting for the trial to be over. 

Growing bored, I stood up from my perch on the couch and walked for the door. If I shouldn't go in there at risk of my bratty alter ego coming out, why am I even still here?

I walked out of the defendant lobby and went through the hallway that led to the grand exit doors. But on the way, I passed the prosecution lobby, and the door was open. I had never roamed the courthouse while trials were all going on, so I didn't know if it was unusual for the door to be open. 

Ultimately, curiosity took over. I walked in the open prosecution lobby doors. Weird, weren't there supposed to be bailiffs here?

As soon as I walked in, I wished I hadn't. 

On the ground was a corpse. A brown haired man (no clue who he is) was on the ground, a knife lodged in his chest. Blood surrounded the lifeless body.

I gripped the sides of my head with my hands and fell to my knees. "No...this can't be happening...!" A scream escaped my lips in panic as all too familiar memories flooded my mind.

I felt my consciousness slip into nothing as a cackle I knew all too well echoed through my mind.


My alter ego.

~Tora's POV~

"Sora's pathetic," I muttered as I stood, brushing dirt from my leg. I took down my ponytails and tossed my head to the side, making my bangs reposition themselves. I shook my hair out and tied it up so that my pink hair streaks made a braided crown around my head. The remainder of pink hair flowed down, still braided. 

A bailiff ran into the room. She had pink hair in two low ponytails that reached her mid upper arms. "What's wrong?!" She gasped upon seeing the corpse. The girl then looked to me in confusion. "Tora...!"

"Starr. Please," I smirked. "What's so unnerving about a corpse? It's just a lifeless body."

The bailiff ran out of the room and I rolled my eyes. Even if she's a girl, that's no excuse for not manning up. 

I turned back to the body and laughed. I hadn't seen one of these in years. Since that one case where Sora was attacked and carried by her knight in a shining Prosecutor's Badge. Bespoke, if I recall correctly. 

A crowd of bailiffs stormed in, led by Starr. They grabbed my arms and attempted to move me away from the body. I tugged my arms away and walked towards the corpse with a small smirk. "This sure is a pretty sight."

A much more forceful bailiff grabbed me and pulled me away. I groaned. Pathetic. 

I smirked as the handcuffs were snapped around my wrist. Good luck getting out of this one, Sora.

~Sora's POV~

When I woke up, I gasped. I could only fight through Tora when there was a near death situation for me, Ghastly, or somebody else I cared about. 

The first thing I saw were handcuffs around my wrist. I gasped and tried not to cry. "I hope they can get me out of this one.... Tora...! Of all the things you could have done upon finding a corpse, why did you choose to get me arrested?!

//July 16, 2028. Courtroom No. 7, 10:30 AM//

"The witness should be here by now," Polly muttered. 

The pink haired bailiff Tora saw (I know her as Skyla Rain) ran into the courtroom. "I'm afraid the witness won't be showing up to testify."

"And why not?" the judge asked seriously. "You should know not to interrupt trials unless it's very serious."

"It is. Matt Doyle...has been murdered," Skyla announced.


Yeah. The witness is dead. 

And I know this is pretty confusing and sugar since this story had two POVs. Long story short: Sora has a really bratty and annoying alter ego named Tora who takes over every time they see something that reminds them of an emotionally scarring case. It will be explained more fully later. 

I feel like I've been making my plot twists too obvious with my foreshadowing oops~

Well, I'm out!


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