The Falsified Turnabout Part 6 (Niamh)

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//July 15, 2028. Morix Law Office, 1:49 PM//

As soon as the trial was over, Yuri and I headed for the agency. I opened the door and walked in with Yuri close behind. "Anybody here?" I asked the empty air.

"Hey, guys!" Ms. Starr said, running in from the back room. "Done with the trial so soon?"

"Soon?! It's almost two in the afternoon!" Yuri exclaimed.

Ms. Starr laughed. "Why are you guys here, anyways? Shouldn't you be at the crime scene?"

"We came to talk with Mr. Morix about the case," I said. "Is he here?"

Ms. Starr shook her head. "He's out with Sora. They went...uh, I don't really know. Somewhere. They should be back soon."

Yuri walked over to the table and picked up a piece of paper. "Uh, Chrysalis?" she questioned, going pale.

"Is that another one?!" Ms. Starr exclaimed, taking the paper from Yuri. "'Don't think you can hide any longer. We already know about your little secret. And if you spill ours, the boy will get it. Playing dumb won't save you now.'"

"Is that somehow connected with the letters you got from the Amura Zoo case?" Yuri asked.

Ms. Starr nodded. "I think so. The most recent one was the one from when Lily was still here...."

"Would somebody please explain what's going on?" I questioned.

"During the case at Amura Zoo, Cotoli, Sora, and I received a letter that said we couldn't protect somebody and that somebody at the agency wasn't trustworthy. That's why Lily left," Ms. Starr answered. She suddenly looked up at the clock. "Oh! I have to get going. I'll see you guys later!" She dashed out of the agency after shooting Yuri and I a short wave.

"That was odd...." I commented.

"We should get down to the prison. We still have a little bit of investigating to do," Yuri suggested.

I nodded. "You make a good point."

//July 15, 2028. Local Prison, 2:24 PM//

As Yuri and I entered the prison, I turned to her. "Where to?" I asked.

But Yuri didn't seem to be listening.

"Yuri?" I questioned.

Yuri pointed to a person cloaked in black leaning against the wall across the room. "That person's been watching us since we got here."

The person looked up and I could see a flash of their bright blue eyes. The person turned and ran out of the room, cape swishing behind them. Yuri gave chase, her black and white hair trailing behind her. "Hey! Wait! Come back!"

"Yuri!" I shouted, running after my partner. "Wait up!"

"Can't let them know.... For Sora.... For everybody involved in GC-9...!" the hooded figure whispered.

Yuri and I chased the hooded figure throughout the prison halls, around corners and in between cells. After about two minutes of running, the hooded figure slid to a stop in front of a wall.

"Who are you!?" Yuri yelled.

The hooded figure, back to us, messed around with their hands or something, because a door opened, lifting up to reveal a narrow pathway into a room.

I dashed to get in the room, but the door shut before I could. I groaned in irritation. Couldn't just one thing be easy?!

Yuri approached the door and looked at a small section of the wall. It was a dark green and stuck out on top of all the black or really dark gray. I couldn't tell which it was.

"What is this thing?" Yuri asked, inspecting the small green patch of the wall. It was about her eye level, so she got a pretty good look at it. She closed her eyes for a second, lost in thought.

The green patch of the wall turned a lighter green color. Yuri, not noticing, didn't open her eyes. Light covered her eye-the scar eye, to be precise-before vanishing.

With a deep rumbling noise, the door to the hidden room opened once again. Yuri and I, both confused, walked inside.

//July 15, 2028. Hidden Evidence Room, 2:39 PM//

Inside the room, I locked eyes with the hooded figure. They were a dark brown color now, oddly enough. Weird....

"I see you found your way inside," the hooded figure said. That voice...! It can't be...!

"What is this place?" Yuri questioned.

"This is the Oracle of the Law evidence room," the hooded figure answered.

"And who are you supposed to be?" I asked.

"....A criminal with deeply rooted ties to this room," the hooded person replied.

"Who are you really?" I glared at the hooded person.

The hooded person's hands went to their neck and they flicked open a clip so that the hood they wore fell to the ground. And the person standing in the ring of fabric was not an unfamiliar one....

"Ms. Anderson!?" Yuri exclaimed. "You're the one who led us here?!"

Ms. Anderson nodded. "Yeah. I have a plot to overthrow that spy and this is the only way."

"But what does this room have to do with the case at hand?" Yuri asked.

"...It has to do with the threat letters arriving at your agency. That case file in particular," Ms. Anderson answered, pointing to a case file near the floor. "The first case the Oracle of the Law was involved in."

"How do you know all of this?" I questioned.

"That project I was working on with Kira and Harry was the Oracle of the Law project, obviously," Ms. Anderson replied as Yuri sat down to look through the case file.

"You know who the one is really, then?" I asked.

Ms. Anderson nodded. "Yes. But I can't say. for the case file, check the assault victims page."

Yuri shrugged in confusion but opened the case file nonetheless. She flipped through it until she found the assault victims page. "Ah! Here it is! Wait...this list...!"

"Yuri Rinko, Chrysalis Starr, Sora Lin...those are the only three I've looked over. I can never force myself into anything else...." Ms. Anderson whispered. "Now, flip to Sora's medical report."

Yuri did as she said and took out the page. "This part says who she's related way...!"

I knew what she meant instantly:

May Lin, mother

Carlton Morix, father

Cotoli Morix, older half brother

Chrysalis Starr, younger half sister


That seems like a good place to pause this story.

How did anybody not see this one coming though? XD

I feel like I kind of made it overly obvious.

Anyways, tune in next time for yet another 'oh my gosh' chapter!

And it involves some random factory object, Yuri, and amnesia so : )


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