Turnabout Betrayal, Part 13 (Lily)

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"You're really accusing me?" H.T. questioned in shock. "I don't think that's possible. Besides, where's your evidence?"

"My evidence, well, two pieces of evidence that come together to make you guilty," I answered.

"These two pieces of evidence being...?" H.T. asked.

"The fingerprint data on the letter to Anton Burke and the fingerprint data on this pair of gloves," I replied. "They share your fingerprints. Both objects have one other set of prints, but they do not match."

"Who's prints are on each object?" H.T. questioned.

"On the letter, we have Anton Burke's prints, and the gloves have Chrysalis' prints. But I'm sure that there's a logical explanation for that," I told him. "Chrysalis?"

"Those are the gloves I use for my Erin Anderson alias. I use them to cover up my scar, as the wrist piece would give me as I have recently been told." Chrysalis stared at me before focusing her gaze onto Lucas, who whistled awkwardly.

"But if your prints are on both objects, then that must mean one thing," I announced. "You typed up a letter to Anton Burke and handled it with gloves, but the fabric on one of your gloves' fingers was torn off, and your prints got on the paper. The gloves just happened to belong to one of your scapegoats, and that worked out to your advantage."

"There's no getting out of this one, is there?" H.T. muttered. He started laughing, quietly at first, but it steadily grew in volume. Within moments, he was cackling so loud the Chinese alpacas heard him. "Fine! You caught me! The true traitor of Morix Law Office!"

"I should have known, H.T.!" Chrysalis yelled suddenly. "Or should I say, Bal Gam!"

Lucas gasped. "The culprit of that murder case a few months ago...is him?!"

Chrysalis nodded. "He's also the one who blackmailed me with Anton's safety when I was under my Erin Anderson alias!"

"It's true," H.T., or Mr. Gam, laughed. "You all are incredibly slow, just now figuring all of this out."

"You take that back!" Lucas shouted.

With a grunt from her general direction, Sora charged at Mr. Gam. She kneed him in the stomach. The man crumpled to the ground. "What was that for?!" he asked.

"Everything! All that you've been doing to us!" Sora screamed. "Now, I expect an explanation, or I'll do it again!"

Mr. Gam nodded. "Alright. I found out about the Oracle of the Law through my accomplices, the Under Cover Assassin. They told me to get rid of her for good, so I killed Teach and framed that girl over there for the murder." Mr. Gam pointed to Chrysalis, who was holding onto Mr. Morix's arm tightly. Fear was obvious in her eyes. "I failed, thanks to Red over there. Of course, I couldn't get defeated that easy. So I broke out of jail and came here. I came in under an alias, and luckily nobody made the connection. Quite funny. Starr ran away from me under one alias but never established that fear."

Mr. Gam started laughing. Sora yanked him to his feet, holding his shirt collar tightly in her fist. "You'll finish this story or things are going to get ugly," she growled.

"I began leaving threat notes to get all of you to hate each other. It worked. You suspected just who I knew you would. But then came the juicy details involving the zoo murder. I told Shiram Lion to accuse Starr of being the Oracle of the Law in court to truly unsettle all of you. But, sadly, some of you already knew. That was bad for my plans. Though things went perfect anyways." Mr. Gam started laughing again, which caused Sora to ball a fist threateningly.

"Back to the point, he did as instructed. At this point, I had to unsettle the target further. Our goal was to tear you all apart for good. The best way of doing that was through the one who would keep you guys together: the head of the beast. I told assassin Lassie Sinn to kill Harry Galle, accomplice to the Oracle of the Law project. She did, but then we ran into a roadblock: Matt Doyle had seen the crime in its entirety. Lassie told me her plan to kill him, and I found it fine, though I told her to frame Sora Lin for the crime to rip you apart further," Mr. Gam explained.

"How did you know that we were all related, though?" Mr. Morix asked.

"Through the UCA. They had it all figured out and just relayed the message to me. But now, I believe that I have to go," Mr. Gam told us.

Sora ran across the room and tackled him to the ground. Her voice was deep and scratchy when she spoke. "Both of your helpers are dead. Did you kill them?"

Mr. Gam nodded. "Yup. But I had a helper. Wonder why you couldn't channel Tora the night of the crime? She was helping me commit murder."

"You got Tora to help you?!" Sora exclaimed.

"Yeah. It was quite easy. She said that you never let her kill anybody. So I let her shoot that bullet at Lion," Mr. Gam smirked. "Why don't you let her do these things? Really. It's good for her. You should have seen the look on her face when she pulled the trigger."

"This means that.... You're the one who stabbed Ms. Sinn?!" Averl exclaimed.

Mr. Gam nodded. "The killer in the flesh."

"I'm calling the police," Lucas whispered to Averl.

That was a mistake.

Mr. Gam pulled out a piece of fabric and shoved it at Sora's face. The girl gasped and tossed the fabric off of her face before collapsing.

"Sora!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

Mr. Gam grabbed the fabric and wiped it on Lucas and Averl's faces. The two fell over in sync.

"The thing's drugged!" I realized. Mr. Gam proceeded to use the cloth to get all of my coworkers to fall unconscious.

Mr. Gam finally cornered me with a smirk. "Good night."

And with that, the world gave into blackness.


The places I take my phone to bring you updates.

I'm in a Mexican restaurant eating tortilla right now. My baby cousin is running into glass.

Send me help.


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