Turnabout Wilds, Part 6 (Yuri)

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//June 23, 2028. Morix Law Offices, 12:38 PM//

"Hey, guys!" Lily announced as she and Chrysalis walked into the agency.

I stood up from my seat on the couch. "You guys sure did take a while after the trial! And I can't believe you guys accused Ms. Ree!"

Lily shifted uncomfortably. Great going, Yuri! "Mr. Sparrow insists that she's innocent, so we're going to defend her."

"That's absolutely crazy," I commented.

"I know it is. That's why we did it," Chrysalis smiled. I knew what she meant. Nothing at our agency shouts anything but 'crazy' or 'even crazier than that.'

"So, why are you guys back here? Shouldn't you be at the crime scene?" I asked.

"We came to talk to Mr. Morix about the case. Hear his thoughts on the case up to this point," Lily answered.

"Where's big bro?" Chrysalis questioned, looking around the agency.

"Back room," I answered.

But Chrysalis didn't seem to be listening.

"Chrys?" Lily asked, looking at her partner curiously.

Chrysalis ran over to the table in the kitchen area of the agency. She seized a paper that sat on the desk and gripped it like it was her most precious belonging. Her eyes widened. "Urk-!"

"What is it?" Lily questioned, looking over her shoulder. I went to Chrysalis' other side and read the note:

I see that you have not done anything yet. But hear my words: there is somebody untrustworthy at your agency. And I'm sure that we all know why.

Oh, and you can't keep your little secret forever. You can't protect your sister. 

Because the spy already knows.

Because we do.

"Oh my gosh...." I whispered, eyes wide.

"What does this mean?!" Lily exclaimed. "There's a spy at our agency working for some other people!?"

Chrysalis gulped and nodded. "Yeah. Cotoli, Sora, and I got a letter like this yesterday. Shortly after we went to investigate the case, Cotoli and Sora got a letter, most likely from the same sender. I have no idea who it is...but I intend on finding out."

"Who do you think it is?" Lily asked.

Quick pause: this spy person is NOT me. This the point in time where reader senpais get suspicious of us characters because one of us is evil. And you need somebody to trust, and that one is me. Okay? Okay.

"I don't know. But...I'm confused. I thought I could trust everybody here," Chrysalis answered. I could tell that she was lying on that last part. She doesn't trust somebody here at the agency. I wonder who?

"Oh! You guys are here?"

We all turned to the back room's entrance to see Mr. Morix walking in. "Yuri, Lily, Chrysalis."

"Hey, Mr, Morix!" Lily exclaimed. "Chrysalis and I wanted to talk to you about the case."

"Alright. Fire away," Mr Morix said.

"First of all, Chrysalis and I have taken up the defense of Ms. Ree at Mr. Sparrow's request. We don't think that she did it now," Lily started. "So, I was wondering who you think the killer is."

"If you continue to believe in your client's innocence, then somebody else is most certainly the killer. I don't know the case as well, so you guys will have to fill me in on those involved," Mr. Morix answered.

"Most people were brought up in the trial today. But there is one more that Mr. Sparrow told us about afterwards," Chrysalis replied. "A man with yellow hair named Shiram Lion."

"Then wouldn't he be the most likely candidate?" Mr. Morix asked.

Lily nodded. "We agree. Which is why Chrysalis and I are going to talk with him after we're done here."

"And I have one more question," I cut in. "Before you two leave."

"What's up?" Chrysalis asked, gripping the threat note in her fingers.

"That note," I answered, pointing to the paper that Chrysalis held. "What do you know about it?"

Chrysalis handed Mr. Morix the note. He read it silently. "I don't know anything about it."

"Liar," Chrysalis whispered. "Hiding secrets like the one you kept from me."

"What was that?" Lily asked, eying Chrysalis suspiciously.

"Nothing!" Chrysalis exclaimed quickly. She was lying. I could already tell. It didn't take somebody with truth identifying powers to figure that out. Lily, who locked eyes with me, seemed to agree.

"Look who's keeping secrets about that case now," Mr. Morix muttered.

Conclusion: heck went down between my boss and his ship happy sister.

"What about this section with 'your sister?'" Lily asked, pointing to a part of the note.

"Nothing's up! Just go and investigate now. That would be better for us all," Mr. Morix answered darkly. He was lying. All that this did was provide evidence to my conclusion.

I met eyes with Lily. She was rubbing her Magatama. "Black Psyche-Locks," she whispered.

"What's that now?!" Chrysalis yelled.

"Nothing," Lily muttered. She shook her head. "Let's just go and investigate now."

I could already tell that this case was going to mess up the agency.

//June 23, 2028. Employee Room, 1:28 PM//

Lily and Chrysalis arrived at the bird cages a short while later. "Ms. Shield! Ms. Starr!" Mr. Sparrow was holding a white parrot with yellow feathers atop its head on his finger. Its eyes were black and seemed to be childish.

"Mr. Sparrow!" Chrysalis exclaimed, running towards her former client. She gasped when she looked at the bird. "Is this Perla?"

Mr. Sparrow nodded. "Meet Perla. She's the bird I was taking care of the day of the crime. It seems that she's all better now."

"That is the most kawaii bird I've ever seen!" Chrysalis smiled. "Its blonde hair even reminds me of my kawaii boyfriend!"

"Since when did you get a boyfriend?" Lily asked, turning to her partner.

"Anton? Cinnamon bun? Sweetest teenage boy you'll ever meet in the history of ever?" Chrysalis questioned.

"Boyfriends aside, I'm just going to take Perla back to her cage so that she can rest," Mr. Sparrow said. "I'll be back in a minute." He walked out of the room.

Lily turned to Chrysalis seriously. "I need you to tell me the truth behind the note. I know that you know something about it."

"Please, just leave this alone. That stupid note has done enough to me as it is," Chrysalis answered dryly.

Lily rubbed her Magatama and looked behind the Psyche-Locks. Instead of seeing the plain old Chrysalis, she saw a little something different.

Locks as dark as the night.

The representation of a deep dark secret.


Oh yay double updates.


I feel like I should type something decent here, but instead I will just say that this book is filled with plot twists.

And yes, one of the people at the agency is secretly evil.

I love doing that to you.



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