Turnabout Betrayal, Part 1 (Polly)

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"W-where are you?"

"Huh? Am I supposed to be somewhere?"

"Y-yeah. You s-sent me that n-note to m-meet me at the l-local prison."

"I didn't send any notes!"

"Y-you didn-"

"H-huh?! Anton? Anton!?"

"Where are you going?"

"I'll explain it all later!"

"We have a murder to play out now."

"And the knife goes into the victim. Perfect."

"Victims. Remember, all pawns must be eliminated."

"It's time for our revenge to come to pass."

//August 29, 2028. Hospital Room No. 808, 11:11 PM//

"You in here?" I asked, opening the hospital room door slowly. Cotoli, Sora, and Ghastly were close behind.

"It's about time you four got here." I looked across the room to see Chrysalis sitting in a chair facing away from us. She was looking at somebody on the hospital bed before her.

"How did you know...?" Cotoli started.

"Some things you just know," Chrysalis replied simply. Her voice was monotone and emotionless. That's unusual....

"What's wrong?" Sora asked, cocking her head sideways.

I walked closer to Chrysalis in confusion. "Yeah. You sure are acting odd-"

I was cut off by Chrysalis whirling around to face me, her face stained red and her eyes puffy. "I-I'm sorry!" She sniffled and bit her lip, holding back tears.

"What for?" Ghastly questioned, gaze suddenly serious.

I looked past Chrysalis, who was sniffling, to see why she was tearful.

And I soon realized why.

Lying on the hospital bed Chrysalis had previously been facing....

Was Anton.

I gasped, clapping my hands over my mouth. "What happened?!" I exclaimed. I had to really speak up to hear myself above my pounding heart. I felt as if it would jump from my chest any second now.

"I-I don't know! I was o-on the phone with h-him.... And.... And...!" A few tears fell from Chrysalis' eyes. "I don't k-know what h-happened!"

Cotoli walked over to Chrysalis seriously. His sister wrapped her arms around him, sobbing much more openly now. Cotoli hugged her as well. "It'll be okay. Just start from the beginning. What happened?"

Chrysalis pulled away, wiping her eyes with her sweater sleeve. "A-alright. I'm sure you and Sora remember that phone call I got about an hour ago. It was Anton. He said something about a note telling him to meet me at the local prison tonight. T-then...the line went dead. I panicked and went to find him."

"Note?" I asked, looked at one of Anton's pockets. A piece of paper was sticking out of it. I pulled out the paper and looked at it:

Come and meet me outside the local prison on tonight.


"I never sent him a note, much less telling him to meet me there," Chrysalis said, looking at the note. "Well, next, I arrived at the prison to see police cars surrounding the area. Anton was unconscious on the ground. Nearby, a woman with blue, brown, and white hair was being pulled into a police car."

Sora gasped. "W-what?! Blue, brown, and white hair?!"

"What's wrong?" Ghastly asked, eyes full of concern.

"N-nothing," Sora whispered. She then gasped. "Wait.... That should have triggered Tora...."

"This way is probably better. Tora scares me," Cotoli told us. He blushed sheepishly while saying his second sentence.

"From what I've heard, there was a double murder. I'm not too sure of the details, though. I didn't really pay much attention to anything else after finding Anton," Chrysalis confessed.

"Do you know who the victims were?" Sora questioned.

"A Shiram Lion and Lassie Sinn," Chrysalis replied. She tugged on her sweater sleeve nervously.

All of us gasped. My eyes widened. What in the world went down at that prison...?!

"I know. It's shocking for me, too. And the defendant...is a reference," Chrysalis continued, laughing slightly at the end.

"What's this about references? You have summoned me."

I turned to the doorway to see Nevada walking closer. She saw Anton and growled. "What the heck happened?!"

"Awwwww, you care!" Sora squealed.

Nevada punched her gently in the arm. "Ma! I have a reputation to uphold!"

"Anton was attacked, as far as I can tell," Chrysalis replied, getting the two back on topic.

"I'm gonna kill whoever did this!!" Nevada yelled, holding her arms in a boxing stance. She fake punched a few invisible people.

"Get in line. I'm first," Ghastly told her.

"But, Pops-!" Nevada whined.

"Who's the defendant?" I asked, focusing once again on Chrysalis.

"Aoi Taikan. All who understand this reference get a cookie," Chrysalis replied.

"What?" Ghastly questioned.

"Don't question it, Pops. The lawyer wasn't your paradox twin. I don't even think you have a paradox twin," Nevada told him.

"Okay, I'm officially confused!" Ghastly exclaimed, pointing his finger upwards while holding it near his face.

"As am I," I agreed.

"You get used to it," Cotoli sighed. He shook his head.

"This is not the time! I have some really bad news!" Chrysalis cut in.

"Bad news?" I repeated. The sick feeling in my stomach got worse, if that's at all possible. 

"Y-yeah.... But if you don't want to hear it, I won't tell you. I don't want you guys to get mad when I tell you what happened...." Chrysalis' voice trailed off as she rubbed her eyes some more, which covered her glasses in smudges. 

"How are we supposed to tell if it's bad news if you don't tell us?" Nevada asked. 

"Never mind. Forget I said anything about it," Chrysalis said, shaking her head. 

"Sis! Focus!" Sora yelled, using her hands rather dramatically. "Just spill it already!"

"Sora! Quiet!" Ghastly exclaimed, imitating his girlfriend rather well. "This is a hospital, for crying out loud!"

"Look who's yelling now," Sora smirked, placing her finger on her lips. "Sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Ghastly shot her a 'did you really just' glance, to which Sora winked. I sighed and shook my head. Those two.

"Either way, just tell us what happened," I said to Chrysalis. 

The girl gulped. "Alright. Before you guys got here, I was told that Anton's in a coma, and he probably won't remember much when he wakes up."


Being mean to you readers is my specialty. Can you tell?

And if you guys remember my intro in the first part of this story 'THIS IS A SEQUEL' I said that this case was much different than it is now. I came up with better ideas so I changed it up quite a bit. Same goes for The Doubled Turnabout, if you all couldn't tell. 

Well, Digital is out!


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