The Doubled Turnabout, Part 10 (Sora) FINAL

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When Tora had finally released her grip on me, I pulled the towel from my mouth (how Tora resisted the urge to do something awful with it is something I'll never understand). I stared at the witness stand until my vision focused. I could see the outline of Ms. Sinn. It was blurry for a few seconds before clearing to show Ms. Sinn (as I suspected) standing at the witness stand, knife in hand. Her expression was one of flat out insanity. I gasped, clapping my hands over my mouth.

"Are you really.... You can't be...." Lucas looked down, eyes on the defense bench. He suddenly looked up in anger. I swear I saw fire come out of his ears and eyes in rage. "An assassin?!"

My eyes widened. "You mean.... Your target...." Memories clouded my head. I couldn't think clearly as they flooded my mind. Memories of what happened three years ago.... That murder case where Ghastly was arrested.... What was it called again? GC-9? I forget. It's probably better that way anyways.

"Well no duh, Sherlock Red!" Ms. Sinn roared. Her voice had brought me out of the 'Painful Memories For Sora Festival.' It's not like outside the festival was much better though.... "I was sent in by a certain treacherous person to kill Harry Galle. If you can't tell, I succeeded. Next, I overheard that Matt Doyle had seen me commit the crime. I had to get rid of him before he sold me out. I told my requester about this, and they told me to frame a certain prosecutor with an alter ego for the crime."

"Somebody...wants me gone...." I whispered, feeling fearful tears coming on. "Why...?"

"They have some business with you and...well, need I say another thing?" Ms. Sinn smiled in one of those freaky as heck ways that you know will haunt your nightmares. Your worst nightmares. Don't try and tell me you don't know what I'm talking about.

"We need you to say another thing!" the judge yelled. For once, please, don't say anything for my sake even if you hate me, Sinn-

An arrow went flying from the gallery and pinned down Ms. Sinn's arm to the witness stand. The assassin groaned and looked up with rage to see H.T. standing and staring her down. "Your evil deeds end now, Sinn. If that's even you're real name," he said.

Bailiffs swarmed around Ms. Sinn and put handcuffs around her wrists. The tightness I hadn't even realized existed in my shoulders vanished as I watched the killer in my trial get taken away. I sighed, feeling breath return to my lungs. I guess I'd been keeping air inside in stress.

"Who is the one who stopped Ms. Sinn?" the judge asked.

"It was I, Your Honor," H.T. announced, still standing in the gallery.

"Thank you for that," the judge nodded.

"I had to stop her before she hurt any more innocent people," H.T. told him simply. "That is all."

"Thanks," I whispered, staring at my hands. I still couldn't believe all that had happened recently was real.

"In that case, I suppose that it's high time I deliver my verdict," the judge said. "This court hereby finds the defendant, Sora Lin, not guilty. Court is adjourned!" He slammed down his gavel, and this madness ended.

At least, that's what I thought.

//July 18, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 5, 12:09 PM//

As soon as I entered the defendant lobby, I was greeted by Nevada and Ghastly. Nevada practically tossed herself at me, wrapping her arms around my body. "I'm glad you're okay, Ma!"

I smiled. "It's sweet that you care, Nevada."

Noticing people were staring, Nevada let go of me, still giddy. She cleared her throat. "Don't say a thing about that to anybody. I have a reputation to uphold," she told me.

I laughed. "Normally, I'd give you trouble about it, but I think I'm going to just go with it today. Too happy to be out of that cruddy detention center."

"I'm happy you're okay, Sora," Ghastly grinned. I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend, jumping into his grip.

I stayed there until I heard the sound of a camera clicking from behind me. I hopped out of Ghastly's arms to face Chrysalis, Lucas, and Averl. Chrysalis held her phone up in front of her face. "That's going on my blog."

"Did you see...?" Nevada began. Chrysalis cocked her head in confusion, which resulted in Nevada sighing in relief.

"I'm confused, but I won't question it. All that ever happens is Niamh exploding," Chrysalis said, shaking her head.

"Now you know how we feel," Averl commented.

I turned to Ghastly and Nevada. My stomach growled at me. I blushed sheepishly, hoping no other people noticed. "You up for lunch? The food at the detention center is less than satisfying."

Ghastly gestured for me to follow him. "It's on me."

And so Nevada, Ghastly, and I left the courthouse, hoping to leave that whole ordeal behind for good.

But then again...when do things ever go my way?

Answer: never. About .00000000000000000000000001. So let's just round that to never.

Anyways, back to good cliff hanger:

Things never go my way, even slightly.

And this time was no exception, as expected.

//July 18, 2028. ???, ???//

"I assume you have succeeded in this plot."

"Of course. I was hoping that they'd all know...but if they don't, I can work with that as well."

"And you've been doing perfectly. You got him killed and I think that one more blow should send the target flying down. They'll never bother us again!"

"See? Hiring a newbie did work out in your favor. I can't believe you almost chose Sinn over me."

"About Sinn.... Could you do us a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Her and Lion.... We need something from them. And you can give it to us."

"Whatever it is, I can do it. I've come this far, after all."

"We need them dead. They might spill about all that's happened. We can't have that, nor can we have anything like a hint getting out."

"It would be my pleasure."


Yay cryptic endings.

It's really late here and I know I should go and sleep now. My gosh. My eyes hurt so much-

I feel like I've made what happens in this case just a little too obvious. I've changed it from the original thing quite a bit, and there are so many feelz in this case, most of them being ships and the such.

And I still ship Nevada x Towel.

Good night from Digital! *falls asleep*


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