Turnabout Wilds, Part 8 (Cotoli)

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//June 23, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 3, 9:41 AM//

I walked into the courthouse silently. "You ready?" I asked Lily.

She nodded. "Chrysalis and I think we know who the killer is and the motive for murder. Sweet way to go into a trial, right?"

"You guys sure are confident," I commented.

"Sorry I'm late!!"

Chrysalis ran into the defendant lobby, hair messy and her breath heavy. "S-sorry...for being late.... I was talking...to Shiram Lion...at the last minute."

"Why were you talking to him?" I asked innocently, trying not to let on that I knew exactly why she was talking to him. Her not-so-secret project. I'm pretty sure half of humanity knew about it by now. And it was that stupid secret that had driven that even more stupid wedge between us....

"I finally cracked him! The motive we figured out is watertight!" Chrysalis grinned.

"How did you manage to crack him?" Lily questioned.

"I just managed to break him down with my words. That's all. Nothing else," Chrysalis answered. Again, that stupid secret was getting on my last nerve! That secret...that she was the Oracle of the Law...it had done many things. In this instance, it was good. But most of the time...she didn't see what went down over that secret.

"Ms. Shield...Ms. Starr...."

Ms. Ree walked up to us silently. "You guys ready for the trial?" Even if she wasn't saying it, I could tell that the thought of 'will they win the trial for me?' was echoing in her mind. What can I say? Even without Niamh's psychology advantage, some people were just transparent. 

Lily nodded. "Most definitely! We'll win this trial for you!"

Ms. Ree relaxed, but not much. The stress of your future being in the hands of others is something I know all too well. "Y-you sure?"

Chrysalis nodded with a grin. "Of course we're sure! You'll be out of that stupid detention center in no time!"

"Detention center...you've kept a few secrets from me about that place," I muttered.

"Could you give us a minute?" Chrysalis asked, turning to Lily and Ms. Ree. Both nodded and walked away together, most likely to talk about the case. 

Chrysalis met my eyes, anger flaring in her gaze. "What is your deal?! I know I kept a secret from you, but that's no reason to act all crazy like this!"

"Can I help it if I'm worried?! You could have been given the death penalty!!" I exclaimed. "Is it bad that I'm concerned for the well being of a girl who our parents trusted me with the life of?!"

"You kept just as many secrets from me! Sora?! I think you know where I'm going with this!" Chrysalis shouted.

"The trial will resume soon! Defense, please proceed to the courtroom!" a bailiff announced.

"We can talk about this later," I muttered, walking for the courtroom doors.

"I'm sorry, big bro," Chrysalis whispered. "Really. I didn't mean to hurt you. I thought that not telling you would make you happier. But all I ended up doing was hurting you."

I sighed. "I'm sorry, too. I didn't know up until she told me. I swear that if I ever find out something like that again, I'll tell you. Promise."

"Chrysalis!" Lily exclaimed, dashing up to us. "It's time to go on into the courtroom."

Chrysalis nodded. "Let's go. We have a trial to win!"

"Good luck, sis," I whispered, making my way towards the gallery.

//June 23, 2028. Courtroom No. 3, 10:00 AM//

"Court is now in session for the trial of Cana Ree," the judge announced. "Are the defense and prosecution ready?"

Lily nodded. "My shield of justice is ready, My Lord!"

"Prosecution's ready, too," Prosecutor Moody said. I guess that most things from the trial yesterday carried over, with the small/large exception of the defendant.

"Very well, then," the judge nodded.

"The defense wishes to call a witness to this crime to the stand," Lily continued.

"Are there any objections from the prosecution?" the judge asked, turning to face Prosecutor Moody.

"Go on, Ms. Shield," Prosecutor Moody answered. "I don't really care."

Lily nodded. "I wish to call Mr. Shiram Lion to the stand to testify about the day of the crime!"

"This is it! Time to close this case like a book!" Chrysalis smiled. She clapped a few times in happiness.

"Let's hope that our deductions will help us now...." Lily whispered.

Mr. Lion walked up to the stand, hands in pockets. His gaze was cool and collected and a smirk was painted on his lips. I feel like somebody smirking all the time is rather familiar.... And a gut feeling says they knew who the killer was.... Okay, I'm catching the deja vu fever from Chrysalis.

"Witness, please state your name and occupation for the court," Prosecutor Moody demanded.

"Shiram Lion. Tour guide at the nearby zoo. I worked alongside the victim for years and we were good friends," Mr. Lion answered.

"Okay. I don't see why you two would call this guy to the stand, if you want the truth," Prosecutor Moody said, a frown obvious on her features.

"This man is rather important to the crime," Lily smirked.

"And how is that? Your stalling and bluffing will get you nowhere in court!" Prosecutor Moody roared. Her hair streaks were red. That seemed to happen a lot.... Her temper must be shorter than a fireworks fuse.

"I know a couple of people who could beg to differ," Lily whispered, which earned her a small giggle from Chrysalis.

"What do you want the witness to testify about?" the judge asked.

"I don't wish for the witness to testify," Lily smirked. "I wish to talk to him about the murder."

"You should have done all your interrogating in your investigation!" Prosecutor Moody shouted. That girl is louder than Lily....

"Remember when I accused Cana Ree of being the culprit yesterday on the basis of yellow hair?" Lily asked. "Well, this witness also has yellow hair, as you all can see."

"You mean to...!?" Prosecutor Moody whispered, eyes wide.

"Yes! I do!" Lily exclaimed, slamming her hands on the bench before finger pointing at Mr. Lion. "I wish to accuse this man for killing the victim of this case!"


I made a reference in this chapter to a case where a certain lawyer with like four hair colors gets his emotions ripped apart. : )

And I already understand that nobody will understand it.


Have you guys figured out who the people in the opener of this case are? I think that this chapter makes it semi-obvious. Teeheehee~

T E E H E E H E E ~


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