The Doubled Turnabout, Part 5 (Sora/Tora)

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~Tora's POV~

"Any idiots in here?" I asked, walking into the courtroom slowly. 

"T-Tora...!" the witness stammered, eyes wide. "Urk! What are you...!?"

"This is my trial, remember?" I answered, tossing some of my hair over my shoulder. "I should be asking what you're doing here testifying against me-"

"That's enough!" Anderson interrupted. "Just shut it already!"

"It's not nice to tempt with evil spirits, s-" I started. 

"Shut. Up!!" Anderson yelled. "You need to leave Sora alone already!" 

"You mean my host? No thank you," I grinned. "You act like you rule over my actions, yet you're just another pawn of mine. You should know that by now. And you can stop being so stupid and annoying already. You can't stop me. You never have been able to and you never will be able to."

"SHUT UP!!!" Anderson screamed. "You may act all powerful, but you couldn't even live through one murder case! You're so sad! You know that, Tora?!"

"If you two are done," Granny Much Beard cut in. "Will the defendant please explain why she is late?"

"My host was pathetically weak and let me take over, at the expense of her falling unconscious," I smirked. "Sora's really just a weakling. You should know that by now. After all, aren't you her-"

"Shut your face!!" Anderson yelled. "Will somebody please take this irritable woman away already?! I know she isn't guilty, but ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!"

"Somebody's secretly a pirate," Red muttered to that Jones fellow, who nodded in reply. 

"This is the most irritating woman I've ever met," Bullgard muttered. 

"The prosecution has something to say to me? Like maybe an apology?!" I exclaimed. 

"Urk!" Bullgard groaned. "I-I'm sorry-"

"Say it like you mean it!" I yelled. 

"Please. Your Honor, I'm begging you. Take this woman to the detention center already so that she can't be so rude to anybody else," Anderson pleaded. 

Granny Much Beard nodded. "I hereby adjourn court for one more day due to the defendant's rude behavior!"

//July 17, 2028. Detention Center, 12:23 PM//

I rolled my eyes once I was back in the detention center. Man, I hate being arrested! Why did my stupid little host have to channel me instead of run from the crime scene?! Stupid! But at least I got to stretch my legs a little bit. I don't get to often since I'm always locked up in the afterlife. 

I heard the door open, so I groaned. If Anderson was coming to see me, I would probably cuss her off. Morix would probably pay who Starr calls 'author senpais' to censor it. 

But surprisingly, it wasn't Anderson. 

It was Bespoke and Wood. 

Wood had her strawberry blonde hair covering her left eye. She had a purple jacket draped over her shoulders over a checkerboard pattern shirt. Wood had sneakers on with black jeans and a glinting silver locket around her neck. I rolled my eyes. Why did she have to show up? Messing with her confidence was almost too easy. 

Bespoke's eyes widened as he walked in behind Wood. "Tora...what are you doing here?!"

"I'm here to ruin your life," I smiled. I liked looking sweet while delivering death threats. It was fun. 

Wood tossed her hair back so her left eye, scarred by a knife, was shown. Nevada Wood. "Argh! You're so lucky that there's glass between us. Or else, I'd seriously use Pops' knife to bring back Ma."

"It's not going to work," I smirked. "You should know it takes a little more to bring her back."

"Really?" Bespoke said, disbelieving. I guess a whole new side of him comes out when I can't strangle anybody. the guard in here? Nope. I guess no killing today.

Bespoke took his knife out of his pocket and held it up. My eyes widened. "You wouldn't...."

"This is the only way to bring her back," he told me, dead serious. 

And that's when I slipped away.

~Sora's POV~

"Ghastly! My gosh! If you do that, I'll have nothing to live for and Niamh won't have a dad!" I exclaimed once Tora had left me alone (it probably won't last long, but a little time time with them is better than none).

"Ma!" Nevada exclaimed.

Ghastly lowered the knife and grinned, placing the small blade in its holder. "I'm glad you're back, Sora."

"I am too," I agreed, pulling my hair back up into its typical two ponytails. "Thanks for coming, you two. You're some of the only ones who can get rid of that annoying spirit."

"Aw, shucks," Nevada smiled. "Don't make me blush!" Her face reddened as she continued to grin.

"If Chrysalis were here, she'd probably be taking tons of pictures of you blushing," I laughed.

"Who's to say I'm not here?"

I looked into the doorway of the area to see Skyla Rain walking in, a small smile on her lips. "It's nice to see you back, Sora."

"Uh...." Nevada shot Skyla one of those 'eh what the fudge are you and why did Ma call you Chrysalis wat' glances.

"Oh. Long story," Skyla told Nevada, patting the younger teen on the head. "If you want the shortened version, I'm kind of the Oracle of the Law really long story there."

"Yeah. And I've never killed anybody," Nevada laughed. "Hwahwahwahwahwa~!

"Yeah, let's go with that," Skyla nodded, a small grin on her lips.

"So, what brings you here?" Ghastly asked, having understood what had just happened.

"I came to check up on Sora. You know, make sure the alter ego or evil spirit hadn't killed anybody," Skyla replied.

"Well, everything is fine. Sort of. I get the feeling that Tora was a total jerk while I was out since the guards are frowning at me and giving me the evil eye," I said.

"It took Anderson screaming at her multiple times before she shut her trap," Nevada told me.

"Much screaming," Skyla nodded.

"I've never seen ol' Beardy so angry! I guess his ears of steal broke!" Nevada laughed.

"I suppose that we should leave Sora alone now. She probably has questioning soon since she's back to normal and all," Ghastly suggested.

I nodded. "I'll see you soon!"

Ghastly and Nevada walked out as Skyla approached the glass. "This's about to get really ugly," she whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"...I get the feeling that the blackmailer of the witness isn't about to let up," Skyla replied.

And then I saw them.

Five Black Psyche-Locks.

"My gosh...." I muttered.

I got the feeling my little sister was right.


I'm just going to kind of drop this off and run away.

My laptop is going to die soon so....

Opposite of salutations!


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