Turnabout Wilds, Part 7 (Chrysalis)

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Lily gasped. I cocked my head in confusion. "Is something wrong?"

Lily shook her head. "Nothing. Don't worry about it."

I eyed her suspiciously. Psyche-Locks. Did she see something or something similar?

"Okay. Do you want me to introduce you guys to Shiram?" Sean asked, walking in. Perla was no longer with him.

I nodded. "Yeah." I hoped desperately that I didn't slip up and say something about my secret. I haven't fully worked on a case with her ever. And when people could see through your every lie, things were bound to get more than a little difficult.

Sean gestured for Lily and I to follow him. We walked down many hallways most only imagine until we arrived in the bird cages.

//June 23, 2028. Bird Cages, 1:59 PM//

"Ah~! I see you're back at the zoo, Sean!"

As soon as we walked into the bird cages, I could hear the voice of a man. My eyes immediately locked on a person, most likely the one who had yelled.

It was a man with orange tinted yellow hair that was styled so wildly you'd think he was a lion (his last name makes sense now). He wore a uniform similar to Sean and Cana's. His eyes were brown and narrowed. A smirk was plastered on his face. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"Shiram!" Sean exclaimed. I suppose that this was the man we were supposed to be meeting with. "The lawyers that defended me-and now Cana-want to talk to you."

'Shiram' nodded. "Okay." He walked up to Lily and kissed her hand. I like romance and all, but this is gross. Kill me now. Shiram approached me after leaving Lily the color of a tomato. He went to pick up my left wrist to kiss it.

Shiram began to push down my white wrist piece, but I ripped my hand away. "No," I whispered sternly, tugging my wrist piece back into position. Speaking of wrist pieces, I looked to his wrist to find black gloves.

Shiram held his hands up defensively, his previous smirk gone. "A feisty maiden!"

He was worse than James (a boy that Anton, Yuri, another, shorter, much more bipolar Niamh, and I hang out with) and that guy has called me 'fair maiden' more times than I can find natural. 

Than anybody can find natural.

"Excuse her," Lily cut in. "I'm Lily Shield, attorney at law. And this is my partner, Chrysalis Starr."

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Shiram said, bowing. "Shiram Lion, zoo tour guide. I worked alongside Raven."

"You worked with the victim?" Lily asked.

Shiram nodded. "Yes. Her death is very unfortunate."

"What was your relationship with her in more detail?" I questioned, glaring at him. Time to lay on the pressure for a cough-up. I didn't have time to help out with the case undercover yesterday, so now was the time to get information.

Note to self: interrogate this guy as Jo Jade later today.

"Raven and I worked together for years. She was recently promoted, though, so we don't work together as much nowadays," Shiram answered.

"Tell us more about this promotion!" I blurted out. I think this case was starting to become a little more clear....

"Uh, alright," Shiram agreed, his smirk returning. "The owner of the zoo was going to give either Raven or myself a promotion. He ended up selecting Raven to give more tours at the zoo and also receive more money."

"Your financial state?" I asked. Lily looked really confused. I'll explain it to her later.

"Why would I tell you that?! You're just a stubborn girl who somehow is able to resist my charms!" Shiram shouted. With a clang, three Psyche-Locks appeared. That was all I needed to know.

"Okay, we're done here," Lily said, seizing my hand in her fingers. "Come on, Chrysalis."

"Leaving so soon?" Sean questioned. I forgot he was here, truthfully.

"We have to go down to the detention center," I told him. "You want to come with?"

Sean nodded. "I'm in!"

//June 23, 2028. Detention Center, 2:47 PM//

Cana sat on the other side of the glass silently. "You," she snarled. I imagine that she's still mad from Lily's accusing her earlier.

"I'm really sorry for accusing you earlier! Really!" Lily exclaimed. "Would you allow me to be your lawyer to get you away from these charges?"

Cana hesitated. "As sweet as that is, I already have my lawyer." She sure did seem to like that idea. Maybe Cana was less angry than I thought she would be.

As if on cue, H.T. walked into the room. "Ah! Lily! Chrysalis! Fancy seeing you here!"

I knew I was just imagining things, but I felt this deep sense of familiarity. Like something about H.T. was familiar. It was almost as if I'd met him before. And sure, I have, but this was deeper than that.... Weird, right?

"H.T.!" Lily gasped. "You're defending Ms. Ree in court tomorrow?"

H.T. nodded. "Yes. Why are you two speaking with her? You two aren't defending her."

"Would it be possible for us to be the lawyers instead?" I asked, eyes pleading in H.T.'s direction.

"You sure that this is what you want?" H.T. questioned, flicking his bleach blonde hair to the side. "Ms. Ree?"

"I think that they should. As you saw in court, they're really good at what they do," Sean cut in. Something tells me that he doesn't talk as much as the average person. And by 'something' I mean 'I  legitimately keep forgetting about him and how else would I do that.'

Ms. Ree nodded. "I'm perfectly fine with the lawyer switch. Mr. Annasc?"

H.T. nodded. "The job's all yours, Lily. But don't accuse an innocent person in court tomorrow, okay?" He laughed and walked out of the detention center.

"I can't be the only one who's met that guy before," I muttered. But how would that make any sense?

"Huh? What's that, Chrys?" Lily asked.

I shook my head. "Never mind."

"So, who does everybody think that the killer is?" Lily questioned.

I smirked. "Those questions I was asking Shiram all lead to one common conclusion: he's the culprit and his motive is water tight."




I totally did not reference James and Wood from RK/TOJ what.

What are you talking about?

What am I talking about?!

I'll just leave now before I make more jokes about them.


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