Turnabout Betrayal, Part 20 (Polly) FINAL

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//September 1, 2028. Hospital Room 808, 2:20 PM//

Chrysalis ran into the room, her shoes sliding on the tile. "Sorry I'm late!" she yelled, almost tripping and falling forwards.

"You're back," Anton sighed from the bed, half the tension in his body releasing at seeing his girlfriend. "I was getting worried. You haven't come since yesterday afternoon and-"

"I had a few things to take care of," Chrysalis explained, cutting Anton off before he could go on a talking spree. "I ended up getting locked in the agency at one point and there was a trial this morning I had to help with. But I'm here now with a little something."

"What is it?" Anton asked.

Chrysalis pulled out a small white teddy bear from behind her back as she took a seat next to Anton on the hospital bed. I also walked across the room and took a seat as well. "Do you know what this is?" Chrysalis questioned.

Anton shook his head. "All I know is that it's in that picture." He pointed to a picture sitting on the table next to the bed.

"This bear," Chrysalis began, a small, bitter sweet smile spreading on her lips. She then turned to me. "Hey, Polly. Do you have Anton's bear from the carnival a few years ago?"

I nodded and reached into my bag. I pulled out a white teddy bear, about one foot tall, and handed it to Chrysalis. "Here."

Chrysalis handed Anton his bear and squeezed her own close to her chest. "This bear... You gave it to me a long time ago," she whispered.

"Huh?" Anton questioned, a confused look on his adorable face. "I did?"

Chrysalis nodded. "Yeah. It was about four years ago when we were in eighth grade at the school carnival. Do you remember anything about that?"

Anton shook his head. "No," he said, disappointment evident in his expression and voice.

"Well, the night of the carnival, a group of bullies started pushing me around. I started to cry and ran away from the scene. When I was hiding behind the school, still crying, you heard me and walked over. You sat down and we started talking," Chrysalis explained. Her eyes were glassy, as if she were in a reminiscent daze. She closed her eyes, a few happy tears slipping down her face as she smiled.

"What did we talk about?" Anton asked. I was curious, as well. But now that I think about it, I remember Anton telling me that he'd met a nice girl that night or somewhere around then. Was it really Chrysalis?

"You cheered me up and said that things would get better. You gave me this bear, as you had won two at one of the games. You said that the two white bears would be our little treasures. Proof that we cared for one another and would always watch out for each other. I've kept mine close ever since, and judging by the fact that Polly found it and knew it was important to you, so important that she brought it, you hold it close, too," Chrysalis continued. "I thought that maybe all of this might make you remember your past life."

Anton stared at us for a few seconds, blinking madly. He held his bear closer to his chest. "C-Chrysalis? Polly?" he stuttered.

The room was covered in stunned silence. I felt a few tears form in my eyes. "D-do you remember?" I asked, both wanting the answer more than anything and fearing it at the same time.

Anton smiled, a few tears slipping from his eyes. "I d-do," he answered.

Chrysalis was openly sobbing as Anton wrapped his arms around me, the white teddy bear still in his pale fingers. "I thought I'd lost you-!" I whispered as we cried together.

"I did, too," Chrysalis agreed, rubbing her eyes and smearing her glasses from nearby.

"Y-you can't get r-rid of me t-that easily," Anton told us, his face turning red, which I found adorable.

"Maybe when I'm not focused on my brother being in love with prosecutors, I do come up with good ideas," Chrysalis grinned. She squeezed her teddy bear to her chest so that it was right over her heart. 

Anton and I released our embrace. We met eyes, tears still streaking down our faces openly. "I love y-you," Anton whispered.

"I do, too," I agreed.

"We can all be one happy family together!" Chrysalis exclaimed, popping up between us. She wrapped one arm around my shoulders and one arm around Anton's.

I bet that we looked ridiculous to anybody passing in the hallway. It's not every day that you see three people sobbing with teddy bears and 'cinnamon buns' in a hospital. Most are crying for other reasons.

"Who's up for some victory frozen yogurt?" Chrysalis suggested.

"I know I am," I smiled, rubbing my face to get rid of all the remaining tears.

"I c-could go f-for it," Anton agreed, a blush rising on his face as Chrysalis' eyes met his.

"You are too cute!" Chrysalis exclaimed. She held her arms out in front of her, slightly bent at the elbows. Anton smiled, catching on, and got into his girlfriend's arms so she was carrying him bridal style. We all knew that he liked that before he lost his memory, and now as well since he had recalled all from before the incident.

"I missed all of this," Anton admitted as he snuggled into Chrysalis' arms.

"I did, too," I grinned. Now that all the pain was over, I felt about ten times better about life. All of life's issues would be solved if Ghastly would just start doing his work.

"Now, off to the local Yogurtini!" Chrysalis exclaimed, getting to her feet, Anton still in her arms.

I stood as well. "Let's do it."

With that said, we all left the hospital, happy for this mess to finally be over. I was smiling so much my cheeks ached.

And Chrysalis was still carrying Anton bridal style the whole way out, and even to the frozen yogurt place.

It looked like there were finally no more secrets beneath secrets. Took long enough, if you ask me.


You don't even know how much I smiled while typing this.

So much smile.

I love it.

Now, onto the epilogue!


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