Turnabout Betrayal, Part 3 (Chrysalis)

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//August 30, 2028. Detention Center, 10:02 AM//


When Lily and I arrived at the detention center, we immediately saw a girl, probably in her late teens, on the other side of the glass. She had brown hair with light blue streaks. Her bangs were a blue so light it looked white. Her hair was in a bun with the blue sections down. The girl wore blue channeling clothes, a white ribbon, and a pink Magatama. One of her eyes was blue and the other brown.

"Are you Aoi Taikan?" I asked.

The girl nodded. "And you are...?"

"My name is Chrysalis and this is Lily," I introduced.

"Hey! You're one of the lawyers who defended Sacred Matsuzaki! Sacred Lily!" Aoi exclaimed, pointing to Lily with a gasp. "Do you think you could get me a not guilty just like you did for him?"

I nodded. "Yep! Lily here's going to help you out!" I nudged Lily with my shoulder gently.

"I will," Lily agreed, nodding as well. "So, could you tell us a little bit about the case?"

"I don't really know much.... I was channeling a spirit at the time...." Aoi frowned, her eyes wandering to the ground. She started messing with her Magatama out of nervousness. So I'm not the only one who does that!

"Who were you channeling?" I asked.

"I don't know her name. But she had hair that looks a lot like mine in colors," Aoi replied.

"Huh. Weird," Lily commented. "The victims.... Did you know them?"

Aoi shook her head. "No. I only came out to the city from the Tower since I got a note requesting that I do so. I hadn't even heard of them until the crime was committed."

"That note...." I whispered quietly. "Do you have it?"

Aoi nodded. "Yeah." She pulled a folded up paper out of her pocket and handed it to me. "I don't even know who sent it."

I unfolded the paper and read it:

Come and meet me outside the local prison tonight.

If you don't, I'll be sure to eliminate that 'friend' of yours.


The name at the bottom was too smeared for me to be able read it. I saw the swirl at the front of it, but the ink just went kaput after that. I frowned. Perfect for our case.

"Who do you think this 'friend' is?" I questioned.

Aoi started to blush in embarrassment. "I think they were talking about Sacred Matsuzaki...."

"Matsuzaki?" I asked. "Wasn't he the defendant in that case where there was a murder at the channeling tower?"

Aoi nodded. "Y-yeah. Matsuzaki is my old friend. He let me into the clan when another channeling school had rejected me. Matsuzaki is so sweet.... I would never admit it, but...."


"But what?" Lily asked, clearly not catching on.

"I k-kind of like him. He's so nice!" Aoi said, blushing.


"Awwwww...." Lily smiled. "That's really awesome."

"I hope that you can help me so I can go and see him again," Aoi grinned.

"Spirit mediums defending a spirit medium.... How could we fail?" Lily exclaimed. I tensed up slightly, not willing to tell her about what went down late last night involving Deirdre....

"You're both mediums?! That's awesome!" Aoi clapped her hands together happily, and I smiled slightly. She seemed like a sweet girl.

"I know that she isn't guilty! We have to get a not guilty! For the sake of shipping!" I told Lily, making my hands into fists.

"I agree," Lily nodded. "Now, we're going to check out the crime scene, if that's alright with you."

Aoi nodded. "Go right ahead. Thank you for defending me."

"You're welcome!" Lily sang as we walked out.

//August 30, 2028. Local Prison, 10:47 AM//

Outside the local prison, the first thing that caught my eye was the excessive amount of blood staining the grass. I gulped, trying not to throw up at the sight. Sure, I investigated murders all the time, but this was just frightening.

"Why would someone do this...?" Lily whispered, eying the first body, that of Shiram Lion. There was a bullet hole in the side of his head, blood surrounding the wound. The gun was a few inches away.

"I have no idea," I answered, shaking my head. I stood over the body of Lassie Sinn. I bit my lip upon seeing the knife thrust through her chest. "But these two...were the killers of the recent cases that we've had at the agency.... What if...?" My voice trailed off into oblivion, and I closed my lips in thought. If I came on like this, Lily would hate me. Keeping this secret from her was already killing me, and voicing my suspicions would only deepen her mistrust of me.

"What if what?" Lily asked. I regretted starting that sentence.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

"So, the cause of death is obvious," Lily said, crouching down in between the two bodies. I could tell that she wanted to pursue the subject of my unfinished sentence, but she didn't. Maybe she wouldn't hate me when I told her.... Even so, I can't risk it.

"Yeah," I agreed, nodding brainlessly.

"But...why would Ms. Taikan kill them? There isn't a motive. She said that she hadn't ever met them, or even heard of them, until the crime," Lily continued.

"She said that she was channeling a spirit at the time. What if that's related to this crime?" I asked. 

"I wonder that too...." Lily whispered.

"If so.... That spirit could have done it.... If only we knew who it was...." I frowned. Things were going nowhere at this rate. When I looked to Lily, she seemed to agree.

Lily stood silently. "I think that we should look for potential witnesses."

My eyes widened. "I...uh.... I think I'm going to call Sora down here, have her help out with the investigation."

"Why? We're doing just fine," Lily questioned, cocking her head.

"I-I...." I gulped, feeling the guilt of betrayal rush through every tidbit of my existence. "You'll understand why tomorrow."

With that, I bolted, unable to stop the guilty tears forming in my eyes. They spilled onto my cheeks as I heard Lily speak from behind me. "Chrysalis?" Her voice was filled with pain.

The pain of betrayal.


This case is filled with plot twists.

Like I'm not joking at all nobody will see one of these coming.

And the other two are just the same.

*stuffs face with towels to keep from spoiling but proceeds to remove towel*

Oh and there's a third personality to Sora. Did I mention that?

He has a hot hot voice.

I'll just stop talking now. 

*stuffs towel in mouth again*

-Dij and her towel companions

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