The Falsified Turnabout, Part 1 (Yuri)

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"This court finds the defendant...guilty."

"If I could have one of those, this story would be ten times more believable."

"Hey! Wait! Come back!"

"Can't let them know.... For Sora.... For everybody involved in GC-9!"

"What's wrong with you?!"


"What is this place?"

"It's the Oracle of the Law evidence room."

"And who are you supposed to be?"

"...A criminal with deeply rooted ties to this room."

"VY-3...evidence was forged?!"

"This tape could tell us who the real one is!"

"GC-9...I hope telling them won't come back and bite me in the bad wrist...."

//July 14, 2028. Morix Law Offices, 9:45 AM//

It's been just a few weeks since Lily left, though it's felt like much longer. I still can't stop thinking about it. Every single morning, I expect her to walk in only to remember. The office is really dark without her, believe it or not....

"Yuri! I'm glad you're here."

I looked up at the door to see Niamh walking into the agency. She tossed me a rolled up newspaper. I caught it and took off the rubber band before unrolling it. "We have a case," Niamh said. "Read this."

"'Murder by poisoning at local prison. Victim Harry Galle's sister, Kira Galle, has been arrested for the crime. Cell mate of the victim, Erin Anderson, refuses to say anything about the murder,'" I read aloud. "Aw. Too bad the victim wasn't the UCA."

Niamh laughed dryly. "Sad, but true."

I stood. "Do you want to go see if we can wrestle anything out of the witness?"

"We should go to the detention center first," Niamh told me. "We aren't on the case officially quite yet."

I nodded. "Alright. Let's get going."

//July 14, 2028. Detention Center, 10:17 AM//

Niamh and I walked into the detention center silently. "Ms. Galle?" Niamh asked, approaching the glass. 

On the other side was a girl with long brown hair. Her eyes were dark and covered by her bangs. She wore a dark blue hoodie with sleeves that fell over her hands. She wore darkly colored jeans. 

"A-are you guys lawyers?" she stammered. 

Niamh nodded. "Yes. My name is Niamh Tenniswood, and this is Yuri Rinko, my assistant.

The girl's eyes widened. "R-Rinko?! Okay! You guys can be my lawyers! Ask me anything!"

I turned to Niamh, confused about the girl's sudden change of heart. I faced the girl before sighing. "Okay. First of all, what's your name?"

The girl nodded. "My name is Kira Galle."

"Tell us a little bit about yourself, Ms. Galle," Niamh told her. 

"I'm unemployed as of right now. My big brother was the victim. He was convicted a few years ago," Ms. Galle whispered, looking down. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I knew a thing or two about losing a sibling...or two of them, if you want accuracy. 

"I'll be fine!" Ms. Galle exclaimed, but Niamh and I could both tell that she was lying. It was just a tad bit obvious (and by that, I mean VERY OBVIOUS. As obvious as the person looking over your shoulder...made you look!). 

"So, who was at the scene of the crime when it took place?" I asked, remembering the newspaper.

"Two of my friends, Matt Doyle and Lassie Sinn. And then there was my brother's cell mate, Erin Anderson. As far as I've heard, she's been giving the police more than a little bit of trouble," Ms. Galle answered. "She can be pretty stubborn, but underneath all that, she's really nice."

"A nice criminal?" I questioned. "I never thought I'd see the day."

Niamh stood and gestured for me to do the same. "Yuri and I are going to investigate the scene of the crime, if that's okay with you."

Ms. Galle nodded. "Go right ahead."

"We'll see you later, Ms. Galle," I called as Niamh and I walked out of the detention center. 

//July 14, 2028. Cell No. 202, 10:37 AM//

As soon as Niamh and I walked into the cell, we could see police crowded around someone or something. But oddly enough, it wasn't the body that they were looking at. The body of a dark haired man was on the ground, deserted. 

"I already told you! I can't tell you anything about Harry!" 

The police backed away from the person they had been crowding. It was a girl with brown hair in a pixie cut. Her eyes were brown and showed nothing but anger. She wore a black body suit with shorts and a crop top sweater with short sleeves over it. She wore knee high black boots. If you want my opinion, she looks really goth.

The police looked at one another before walking out, sighing in annoyance. Niamh and I waited before we were alone with the girl before approaching her. "Excuse me?" Niamh asked.

The girl's back was to us when she spoke. "I don't want to talk."

"Are you Erin Anderson by any chance?" I questioned. With her unwilling attitude, this seemed like a logical possibility. 

The girl groaned. "Who wants to know?"

"We're the lawyers on the case," Niamh told her. She put her hand on the girl's shoulder. 

"I already told you! Leave me alone!" The girl whirled around in anger to face Niamh and I. Her eyes looked like they were ready to catch on fire. She gasped when she faced us, though. Silence hung over us for a few seconds while she just stared at us. 

"Is something wrong?" Niamh asked. 

The girl's head dropped. "Sorry for the way I behaved. My name is Erin Anderson. Ask me anything you need to."

Okay, this whole 'change of heart' thing is weirding me out. 

"So, you were the cell mate of the witness?" I asked, still slightly cautious. 

Ms. Anderson nodded. "Yeah. Harry and I got along really well." 

I heard a quiet 'meow' coming from somewhere nearby. I looked around in confusion until my eyes locked on a cat. "Oh! A kitty!" I exclaimed, picking up the cat. 

"Th-Thea!" Ms. Anderson stuttered, taking the cat from me. "At the prison, everybody has an animal. Mine is Thea."

Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I swear I've seen that cat before.




I know that was a weird ending to the chapter, but oh well. 

And this turnabout is very great because it includes many plot twists. 



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