The Doubled Turnabout, Part 2 (Erin)

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//July 16, 2028. Prosecution Lobby No. 7, 12:17 PM//

I heard the doors to the lobby open, so I looked up to see who was intruding this time. So many curious people had wandered in claiming to be lost. I had only replied with rolling my eyes and before telling them to move along. I witness another murder two days after the last one and look at what happens!

Well...I heard if if you want a little more accuracy. 

"Who's...." Words left my mouth as Lucas and Averl walked in. They hadn't noticed my yet. Maybe I could use that to my advantage. 

"I feel bad for forcing Chrysalis to go back to the agency," Averl said. 

"I think that it would be better if we kept her out of this case," Lucas told her. 

I gulped. Chrysalis? The Oracle of the Law's true identity? If I recall correctly, these were some of her coworkers. Lucas was a helper in the master scheme. The master plan that everybody now knows about because of Bal Gam and my weakness for old friends. But I couldn't risk Anton getting hurt because I didn't spill basic details about a plan that nobody outside could ever figure out!

"Oh!" Averl exclaimed, snapping me from my thoughts. I jumped slightly, realizing that one of the two newcomers had noticed me. "I had no idea you were here."

"A-and you two are...?" I asked, heart thumping in my chest. I couldn't have them knowing I knew who they were through the Oracle of the Law project. 

"My name is Lucas Red and this is Averl Jones. We are the defense team for the murder of Matt Doyle," Lucas replied. "Who might you be?"

"I'm Erin Anderson. I was a witness for the Harry Galle case, and now this one," I answered, looking at the ground. Seeing one person drop dead is horrifying enough (for a life time), but twice in three days is just insane. 

"You were a witness to the crime?" Lucas asked, clearly intrigued. 

I nodded. "Yeah. I didn't see anything, but I heard the whole incident."

"Would you mind telling us what you witnessed?" Averl questioned. 

I nodded slowly. "Sure. Well, I was supposed to be on hold just in case I had to testify for the court again. I was wandering the courthouse when I heard some arguing in the prosecution lobby. I eavesdropped from outside until I heard Matt scream. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I ran off to tell somebody. I found bailiff Skyla Rain, and she told the court while I got more bailiffs to the crime scene."

"That's all?" Lucas asked. 

"Yeah. I only heard the argument, and since the prosecution lobby was locked, I don't think anybody actually saw the crime," I answered. "If anybody was in there, I didn't hear them. I only heard the killer and the victim."

"So, you recognized the victim's voice?" Averl questioned. I nodded. "Then, did you hear the killer's?" 

I sighed. "The voice was female. It didn't sound like Sora or Tora's though. But I don't know who it was."

Lucas eyed me suspiciously. "How do you know what Sora and Tora sound like?"

"Sora is a helper in the Oracle of the Law project. During a case we were investigating, the victim was stabbed and she lost it," I replied. 

"I thought you worked in the prison, not outside," Lucas said, glaring me down. 

"Harry works in the prison full time, but I get a chance to leave every once in a while. Happy?" I asked. His suspicions were starting to get on my nerves. 

"If you'll excuse me...."

I turned to the doorway to see Hana, holding her red fabric piece in one hand loosely. "Ms. Anderson. I have a few questions to ask you."

I sighed and walked towards her, happy to be away from Lucas' pestering questions. "Alright. Let's do it."

Even if questioning would be boring, I couldn't help but want to get away from his interrogation.

//July 16, 2028. Prosecution Lobby No. 7, 12:45 PM//

"Let's keep investigating," Averl suggested. 

Lucas nodded. "Agreed. 

The duo walked over to the body. It was spread out on the floor, knife deep within Matt's chest. Lucas gulped at the sight. See? The scene was so gory that a grown man flinched. 

"I bet that Ms. Lin's fingerprints were found on the knife," Averl said. "And what is...?!" 

Lucas and Averl stared at a short word written in blood. 'Lin,' it read. "If I had to guess, I'd say that the real killer falsified this. Judging by the wound, I'd say that the victim died instantly," Lucas deduced. "And why would Tora point to herself as the killer? This leads only the real killer as the culprit."

"Yeah...." Averl whispered, lost in thought. 

"What is it?" Lucas asked. 

"If Skyla Rain is Prosecutor Lin's little sister, does that mean Chrysalis is...?" she started. "And if she is, how does that make any sense?"

"I wonder if that has anything to do with the case," Lucas whispered. Gosh, I hope not! But then again, when does the universe listen to me? (The answer is they Nevada...I mean, never! I've been spending too much time flipping universes....)

"If it does, things are going to get really complicated really fast," Averl sighed. 

"Great. One hour on this case and we're already confused," Lucas muttered sarcastically. "Absolutely perfect." 

//July 16, 2028. Detention Center, 1:15 PM//

"I promise you, I'll help to get you a not guilty, Sora!"

"Sora...that's cute, Starr."

"Oh no...! Why did the alter ego have to come out...?!"

"No. This is the real Tora Yin. And I'm not afraid to hurt you, should you get in my way."

"You mean...!?"

"Of course I do. Remember, this will do nothing to me. I'm dead."

//July 16, 2028. Morix Law Office, 1:39 PM//

As soon as Lucas and Averl walked into the agency and were standing in the middle area, a flash of gray and caramel darted by them. "C-Cotoli!" 

Cotoli walked out of the back room. "I already know about Sora-"

"No!" Chrysalis shouted, gaze fearful. "It's Tora...the real Tora. Yin. From six years ago! She's here!"


Have I confused you guys yet?

I've certainly confused myself, though I know exactly what happens. 

I says nothing : )

And yes, a duck is watching you somehow, somewhere. 

Sorry, inside jokes. 


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