The Doubled Turnabout, Part 1 (Lucas)

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"Ah! It's nice to see you!"

"You have no idea how nice this will be..for me."

"What do you mean?!"

"You saw things. And because of that, I can't have you saying anything. So I must ask for your eternal silence."


"I bid you good luck...Sora. Good luck getting out of this one."

"I promise you, I'll help to get you a not guilty, Sora!"

"Sora...that's cute, Starr."

"Oh no...! Why did the alter ego have to come out...?!"

"No. This is the real Tora Yin. And I'm not afraid to hurt you, should you get in my way."

"You mean...?!"

"Of course I do. Remember, this will do nothing to me. I'm dead."

//July 16, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 7, 11:01 AM//

After the body was discovered, the gallery broke into chaos. When people wouldn't stop talking, the judge adjourned court. It sure didn't take long for things to escalate.

The pink haired bailiff from before, Ms. Rain if I recall, ran into the defendant lobby and grabbed my arm. "You're a lawyer, correct?!"

I nodded slowly, confused. "Yeah. Why?"

"Please! Defend Sora for me!!" Ms. Rain exclaimed. Her blue eyes shone from behind her thin glasses.

I placed my hands on Ms. Rain's shoulders. "Okay. Slow down. Start from the beginning."

Ms. Rain sighed. "My name is Skyla Rain. My older sister, Sora, got arrested for the crime in the prosecution lobby. I've heard you're a really good lawyer, so I was wondering if maybe you could defend her."

"Are you sure she'll be okay with it?" I questioned. One thought crossed my mind at this point: Are we talking about Prosecutor Lin? If so, she has a little sister? "And is this 'Sora' a prosecutor, by any chance?"

Ms. Rain nodded, her pink pigtails bouncing. "Yeah. How did you know?"

"She lives with the owners of my agency. That's all," I answered. "But I had no idea she had a little sister."

"We prefer to keep or relationship quiet," Ms. Rain told me. She entwined her fingers nervously and avoided my gaze. "But anyways! Would you take the case?! Please?!"

I nodded after a brief moment of hesitation. But in the end, it was the thought that an innocent person needed saving that won me over. "But like I said a moment ago, are you sure she'll be okay with it?"

Ms. Rain's eyes widened. "That's the thing. My sister...she has this alter ego...named Tora. Tora takes over whenever Sora's reminded of an emotionally scarring case for her. And this case...Tora hasn't gone away since questioning began. I don't even want to ask Sora if we can defend her since it's most likely Tora in there. Tora doesn't care about anybody's well being, only herself, so she's probably going to confess just to cause trouble."

I blinked in confusion. "Uh...." How exactly does one reply to that?

"Lucas! It's about time I found you."

I turned around to see Averl walking closer. "Who's this?" Ms. Rain asked as the purple haired girl was near us.

"My name is Averl. I'm Lucas' partner," Averl answered. "You're that bailiff, right?"

Ms. Rain nodded. "Yes. My name is Skyla Rain. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Averl."

"As to you," Averl nodded.

"Let's head on down to the detention center. We have to meet with our client sooner or later," I suggested.

Averl nodded. "You'll have to explain the situation to me on the way."

"Wait!" Ms. Rain exclaimed. "I have to warn you of something before we go. Keep your guard up and don't get insulted easily. Tora sucks the life out of anything and everything alive. Even a serial killer hates her."

"Okay. I'm scared now," I commented. I could just see my grave for angering this 'Tora' person already.

"I'm still confused," Averl said.

"It'll make more sense when you meet the bloodsucking demon," Ms. Rain told her.

"She can't be that bad," I muttered. "Right?"

She was that bad.

//July 16, 2028. Detention Center, 12:00 PM//

As soon as I walked into the detention center, I expected to see something, I mean, someone, horrifying. But on the other side of the glass was a really pretty girl.

Her hair was styled differently than Prosecutor Lin's usually was. It looked even more beautiful this way. I preferred the regular Sora's eyes, however, as the eyes of this girl stared into your soul. Angrily.. I gulped in nervousness.

"So, these are the lawyers you got, Starr?" Prosecutor Lin, or should I say, Tora, questioned with a smirk. "I doubt they'll be able to get my host off the hook."

Ms. Rain sighed. "I told you not to call me that."

"I cannot believe I did not see this coming sooner," I muttered, shaking my head. "Your cover just got blown."

Ms. Rain frowned at Tora deeply. Her grumpy expression put that angry meme cat to shame. "I never liked you."

"As to you, sugarplum," Tora said, a sickly innocent expression plastered on her face.

"What's all this about covers and things of the like?" Averl questioned.

Ms. Rain slumped and groaned. "This was supposed to be a secret! Man, I hate it when you take over!" she yelled at Tora.

"Sora hates it too, Starr," Tora told her.

"Ms. Rain's not Skyla Rain at all. Skyla Rain isn't even a real person," I sighed, turning to Averl. "She's really Chrysalis in disguise."

"I despise you," Ms. Rain, or should I say, Chrysalis, snarled at Tora.

"I want to throw you over a cliff," Tora grinned, bobbing her head.

"You're sure this girl didn't commit murder?" I asked, turning to Chrysalis.

"No. As annoying as Tora is, she could never kill. Putting anybody in a near death situation is Sora's trigger to return to normal, after all," Chrysalis replied.

"This case is very confusing," Averl commented.

"The defendant has two identities, we already found our little OOTL, and the witness for another trial is the victim. Can things get any weirder?" I sighed (by OOTL I mean Oracle of the Law if you can't tell).

But of course things can get weirder. They always do.



They always do.

And guess who shows up the entire turnabout?


If I decide to give a certain somebody a cameo, there's probably going to be much arguing and knife flashing *cough* paradox twin Niamh Wood *cough*

I'll just leave to go and suck on some pears Cruz I don't have a social life.


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