The Falsified Turnabout, Part 8 (H.T.)

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//July 15, 2028. Morix Law Office, 3:39 PM//

Chrysalis ran into the agency and jumped onto the couch. "If Niamh or Yuri asks, I've been here for a while!"

"Where did you come from?" I questioned, shooting her a confused glance.

"Long story, no time, they'll be here any-"

"We're back!" Yuri sang as she and Niamh walked into the agency. She noticed Chrysalis sitting on the couch and myself standing nearby. "H.T.! Chrysalis! When did you two get back?"

"I swear to gosh if she thinks we were on a date-" Chrysalis began.

"You'd finally know how the whole 'shipped with somebody you don't like like' goes for the people being shipped!" I interrupted.

"I didn't think you were together. Both of you just left or were gone while Niamh and I were here," Yuri cut in, probably seeing that there was going to be a fight if she didn't stop us. 

"Oh," Chrysalis said shortly. "And I got back a while ago." She shot me a wink. Man, that girl is about as convincing as a brick is soft.

Yuri stared at her in disbelief. "Uh-huh." It was clear she didn't believe her at all. That whole 'I can tell if you're lying or telling the truth' thing must come in handy.

"I got back a little while before Chrysalis," I told her. At least one of us was being convincing, and oh yeah! Truthful!

"Do you two want to investigate the case with us?" Niamh asked.

I nodded. "I'm in. Chrysalis?"

Chrysalis shook her head. "Sorry, guys. I have plans with Anton."

"Somebody's in loooooooooooooooove!" Yuri squealed.

"Anton and I have been dating for a year. You'd think she'd be over it by now," Chrysalis told Niamh, gesturing to Yuri, who was starting to look like an anime girl with that fangirling expression. Oh wait....

"I just can't believe my little baby's all grown up and going on a date!" Yuri smiled.

"First of all, I'm three years older than you. Second, I've been on dates before. But you've never been able to tell because they're all with relationship status is not the point of this conversation!" Chrysalis suddenly exclaimed. Yuri and I laughed as the former put her hands on Chrysalis' shoulder while shooting her a wink. Chrysalis took a step back, face white as a sheep. "...Why did you just say my face was as white as a sheep?" she asked, turning to face me slowly, ignoring the (probably) snarky/flirting Yuri beside her.

"You heard that?" I questioned. Did I say that out loud by accident? I don't think I did....

"I picked it up from a certain somebody's paradox twin," she answered, shooting a glance at Niamh, who just looked away in silence.

"How did the subject become the case where I met Ms. Wood?" Niamh questioned.

"How do I still deal with all of you and your confusing choice of words?" I asked, rather perplexed by this conversation. "Paradox twins, loooooooooooooooove, relationship statuses.... Wow, this agency is confusing!"

"Author senpai describes as a rowdy bunch," Chrysalis said.

"Again, I'm confused," I told her, shaking my head. Couldn't at least one of these people speak English?! Or English that makes sense?

"Well, Mr. Annasc," Niamh began. "It's high time we went down to the prison to continue our investigation."

I nodded in agreement. "Let's get going."

//July 15, 2028. Morix Law Office, 4:23 PM//

"Have you gotten any more threat letters?"

"Yeah. One more, but that's all."

"Could I drop by the agency to pick it up later?"

"Better now, honestly. I told Niamh, Yuri, and H.T. I had plans with Anton so I could be here to cover for your coming."

"Thanks for that. And for helping me out this much in my investigation. It really means a lot to me."

"You're welcome. I'll see you soon...Lily."

//July 15, 2028. Local Prison, 4:23 PM//

"I wonder if we could talk with Ms. Anderson," I commented. 

"Niamh and I already did. And she told us who was blackmailing her," Yuri told me. Niamh elbowed her in the arm. "What? He's helping out with the case, so we should tell him."

"Who is it?" I asked, intrigued by where this short conversation had gone. 

"You're never going to believe this," Yuri started, most likely for dramatic effect. 

"Just tell me," I sighed. Yuri's build up would take forever if I didn't stop her now. 

"Drum roll please!" she announced before taking out her phone and playing a drum roll on it. She pressed a button on her phone and the drum roll stopped. "Bal Gam." Yuri pressed another button, and the sound effect of a crowd gasping could be heard. 

"See what I have to deal with?" Niamh asked, gesturing to Yuri, who was toying with her phone still, probably looking for another sound effect. 

"Bal Gam?!" I exclaimed. "You mean, the culprit from that school murder a while back?!"

Yuri nodded. "Yep! He escaped prison and is now blackmailing teenage 'criminals!' Man, what does he do with his life?!"

I shrugged. "Who knows what most people do with their life?" Niamh laughed dryly at this comment, probably catching on to who I was talking about *cough* Yuri *cough*. 

"You're actually kind of funny," she commented. I felt myself blushing. 

Yuri hit Niamh on the arm lightly (and by that I mean not so lightly at all). "Niamh! No doing anything that could be perceived as romantic with other guys! You have your thing with Vito!" she exclaimed. 

"Vito?" I asked, curious once again. 

"A prosecutor Niamh's in looooooooooooooove with!" Yuri grinned. 

Niamh turned away, but I could see that her face turned red. "Y-Yuri-! This isn't the time!"

"Anytime is the time for romance, Niamh," Yuri told her, a smirk developing on her lips. 

"Okay. It's official. The people at your agency are insane or at least mentally unstable," I muttered. 

"If you can't take me, you should see Mr. Morix when it comes to Chrysalis! Not kidding, he hid in the back room for two days," Yuri said. 

"I don't think we should be talking about the poisoning case right now, Yuri," Niamh hissed. 

People at this agency are weird.


*casually updates while jamming out to Cascada Nightcore music*

It's not weird. 

I swear. 

But, just:

Ace Attorney lawyers before a trial: Okay, gotta get ready for court. 

Troupe Croo lawyers before a trial: Let's pester people about their romantic lives *cough* socially awkward and nerdy lawyer Cotoli child *cough*

I'll just leave you with this while I go and type more since I don't really have a life.


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