The Falsified Turnabout, Part 4 (Erin)

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"If you all are done," I began, "we have a trial to get on with."

The people in the gallery stopped talking to look at me expectantly. "Witness, please testify about what you saw on the day of the crime," Polly told me.

I nodded. "I can do that." Polly shot me a look that said something like, 'well no duh, Sherlock.' I can see the memes now....


-The day of the crime, I was absent for a majority of the morning. 

-When I returned, around nine o'clock, Harry was having tea with Kira, Matt, and Lassie.

-Shortly after they left, I'd say about five minutes, Harry started screaming about his throat being on fire.

-About two minutes later, he collapsed, dead. 

"That's all that happened that day," I finished. 

"Ms. Tenniswood. Begin your cross-examination, if you please," the judge said. 


-The day of the crime, I was absent for a majority of the morning.


I flinched when Niamh slammed her hands on the desk. "Where were you that morning, exactly?"

I could feel my heart racing in my chest. Play my cards wrong, and I'd get accused of murder just like when I was 'convicted!' But then again, I couldn't say where I really was.... Not with that person watching me! If I messed this up, I could get arrested for killing Harry. And this time, my idol wouldn't be there to save me. 

I could see it now:

"This court finds the defendant...guilty."

"If I could have one of those, this story would be ten times more believable," I whispered. 

"What was that?" Niamh asked. 

I shook my head quickly. "Nothing!" Now, back to my alibi.... 

"Where were you on the morning of the crime?" Polly questioned, getting impatient. 

"I questioning...!" I answered quickly, hoping that they would leave me alone now. "Said questioning has nothing to do with the crime."

"Continue with your testimony," Polly said.

-When I returned, around nine o'clock, Harry was having tea with Kira, Matt, and Lassie.

-Shortly after they left, I'd say about five minutes, Harry started screaming about his throat being on fire.

-About two minutes later, he collapsed, dead.


Niamh smirked from behind the defense bench. "And that's where you're wrong."

"W-wrong?" I asked, confused. "But that's what I saw...."

"You see, the poison that is the murder weapon, atroquinine, takes at least fifteen minutes to settle in," Niamh said. "And if we add up what you said in your testimony, we have seven minutes. This time discrepancy must be explained before the trial moves on!"

The gossipy people in the gallery began talking. I tried not to show my distress at the situation. Sure, I was off the hook so Niamh wouldn't suspect me, but Kira was in just as much trouble as before! Dang it, Anderson!

"Order in the court!" the judge demanded.

Polly smirked on the other side of the court. "You have no idea what you just did, do you?" she asked.

I gulped. Some lawyers just LOVE harming their own defense, don't they?!

Niamh shook her head. "No. Please elaborate."

"You just proved that your client could have committed the crime! Eight minutes before the witness showed up, the defendant had the chance to kill, which would align with the prosecution's case perfectly!" Polly answered, pointing at Niamh with a smirk.

"Urk!" Niamh growled, flinching in shock.

People in the crowd started chattering. The noise just got louder with every gossip session. "JUST SHUT IT ALREADY!" I yelled, slamming my hands on the witness stand.

The people quieted as soon as my voice echoed throughout the courtroom. "Witness!" the judge began.

"Listen, I just want what's best for Kira over there," I whispered before Judge Santa Claus presiding on this case could tell me off in front of everybody. I'd get busted if he said anything more. "And what she needs is for everybody to quiet down so that the trial can go on."

"You and the defendant seem to be close," Niamh commented. "Why would you want to testify against her?"

I looked around the crowd and locked eyes with him. That man...he was glaring me down. He knows...! Why was I even trying anymore?! It's like I hear about his power and suddenly I can't take it anymore! And if he knows, he could tell them...and it would all be over.

"Fine!" I yelled, hands flying to my head. I shook violently, trying to calm myself down. "The defendant and I are close! But our relation isn't important to this case!"

"Judging by your reaction, your relation to the defendant seems rather important," Polly said, staring me down.

"If I told you...he would be mad...! He would go bipolar and it would all be my fault! Tora would come out and when she does, only disaster comes!" I shouted, failing to calm my nerves. "They only try to protect me and I just...!"

"Just what?!" Niamh asked forcefully.

"All I do is bring despair upon them!" I yelled. My elbow brushed against my chest and I could feel them. I leaned onto the witness stand for support, legs aching out of nowhere.

"I-I propose that court a-adjourns for a b-brief recess!"

I looked up to see everybody staring at Anton, who was hiding behind Polly. "The witness c-clearly is unnerved, s-so court should adjourn u-until she feels b-better," Anton continued, locking eyes with me.

"You're really sweet," I whispered, feeling a small smile creep onto my face.

The judge nodded. "Court will adjourn for a ten minute recess!"

//July 14, 2028. Prosecution Lobby No. 7, 11:07 AM//

"You're o-okay?"

"I will be."

"B-by the way, I know."


"D-did you think I wouldn't n-notice?"

"I should have known."

//July 14, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 7, 11:07 AM//

"Ms. Anderson was acting really weird in there," Yuri commented.

"I agree," Niamh nodded. "It's like there's some sort of mastermind behind this case manipulating it all from the shadows."

"But, if that's true, then who would it be?" Yuri asked.

"I don't know," Niamh answered. "But whoever it is, they did something to make Ms. Anderson act this way."

"You have no idea...and it's probably better that way."


Ooh yay I made a reference to brentalfloss here and it's really funny. Sort of.

I foreshadowed so much here it's not even funny. This case is where things get real. The next case isn't as big, but case 5 will make everybody flip over tables and trash Ghastly's office.

For reasons involving cinnamon and walls.

Okay, enough talking about my entirely planned out story! I want to go type more!


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