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Justianny ran a hand through her waist-length hair as she searched through her mind on what she thought was the worst problem in the world - that was what her global teacher asked her for.

She really wanted to write that she didn't know, but that wasn't going to happen.

"You know what could be a real problem?" She overheard the girl behind her - she should have already known her name, it's been a full week since she's been here - announce to the girl next to her.

"What, Candice?" The girl next to her asked. Maybe Justianny could use the idea that Candice was going to voice out.

"The break-up between. . ." Candice  started, but Justianny zoned out. She frowned and looked back at her notebook. So much for using an idea.

"Candice, they broke up two weeks ago!" Another new voice announced behind them. These girls reminded her of the softball players at the school, they sure liked to talk about other people's lives. "That's, like, old news."

Maybe I could write about world hunger? Justianny thought, then shook her head. Everybody will write about world hunger, I need to pick another one.

"Nancy, Emma. You don't understand. . ." Candice squealed out. "Everything's only starting to unfold. Did you know that Ciara kissed Michael?"

Justianny's ears perked up at the name. She hadn't been paying much attention to the girls until they said it. Michael? No, it could be another Michael, right?

"What? Michael the senior?" One of the girls asked.

"The nerd? With the blonde hair? Seriously?"

"Yes!" Candice hissed out in anticipation. "Shocker right? And he's been hiding away from Martin!"

Justianny's eyes widened. So, that was the reason why Michael was sitting by himself?

"Candice! Nancy! Emma!" Ms. Torres, the global teacher, exclaimed in an annoyed tone. "Unless you're talking about your idea of what is the worst problem in the world right now, I don't want to hear your voices."

"OK, Ms. Torres." The girls said in sync and that caused Justianny to get a great idea on what she thought the world's worst problem was.

The fact that a lot of people from first-world countries were too focused on first-world problems to care about the ones who were suffering around them.


Justianny was the first one from the softball team at the football field - the sprinklers had gone off unexpectedly on the softball field and no matter how many times Paulin, the field's custodian, tried to turn off the sprinklers, it just wouldn't work.

So now, the football field was being shared between the football guys and the softballs girls. The cheerleaders were in their own little corner being supervised by what seemed like their captain.

It'd been a full on week since she's been doing this - getting out of school earlier, rushing to the field so she won't be late for practice, then finding out that she was the first one there.

She couldn't even see Michael during lunch because of all the work she missed when it came down to last period - she missed him a lot, even if they only talked for one day.

Especially now that she partially knew the reason why he sat alone in the lunchroom. She frowned. Why couldn't everybody just be friends?

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