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A couple had been making out in front of her locker and Justianny could only watch, discomfort laced in her face.

Yes, love was a beautiful thing, but she had to get to her books for her Geometry class.

"Excuse me?" She had said as she tapped on the girl's shoulder. The couple had pulled away immediately and they both looked at her with questioning looks.

"My, um, locker is here." She pointed behind the girl and the girl had blushed profusely as she looked behind and saw it.

"Damn it, Tony." She whispered out, "We're at the wrong locker." She looked at Justianny and blushed again, the boy had looked at her with slight amusement in his face.

"I'm sorry. . ." She trailed off before giving Justianny an apologetic smile and walking away while holding his hand. Justianny called out to tell her that it was OK and put in the combination to her locker.

She sighed as she placed in her advisory notebook and thought back to a certain event.

She wished sometimes that people didn't think of her as an innocent little girl. But, it was already something unwanted that was stamped onto her forehead. She couldn't really prove herself because then that'll mean doing something out of her comfort zone.

And she didn't know whether or not she should do something like that.

His eyes were still on her mind. His beautiful lips, which were probably soft, kissed her. He had told her he'd gone back on his word — that she was good enough for him.

Now, she only wished that could happen in real life. Daydreams could only take her so far.

"Oh!" She heard, then the sound of pounds and 'I'll see you later' was heard after that. A guy had come in Justianny's peripheral vision and as she took out her textbook and notebook for Geometry, she looked up.

A smile formed on her face as she came in contact with Kyle's warm eyes. "Hi, Kyle! How are you?"

He smiled back down at her as he crossed his arms and leaned against the locker. "I'm good, how about you?" He then looked around her and asked, "Have you seen Justin?"

She shook her head slowly, then closed her locker door, locking it quickly and turning the lock back to 0.

"I'm also good." She had answered, not truthfully, but it was something. "And, only when he dropped me off at school. He's probably in his elective class."

He shook his head slowly. "Nah, we share that class. He's probably in Economics right now." Then he looked back down at her again. A softer look was on his face now and his smile seemed more genuine. "Hey, so during lunch I sit with the athletes of the school. Would you like to join us?"

Justianny giggled at that and Kyle let out a short chuckle. He shook his head slowly. "I feel like I just deemed my group as the best athletes in the world and I'm trying to make you join something."

She nodded her head slowly and sobered up her giggle, then they started to walk towards her class together. "You did, but it's OK, Kyle. I knew what you meant." Her smile turned slightly apologetic and she scrunched up her eyebrows. "But, I already sit with someone during Lunch and we're always doing this thing where we bring lunch for each other."

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