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Justin had opened the passenger door for his sister to joyously climb in. He chuckled as he closed the door and went around to the driver's seat.

He looked up to see Ciara wave goodbye at him. He lifted his hand and waved back as he saw he enter her sleek black 2005 BMW 5.

When he entered his car, he could see (from the corner of his eye) his sister smiling widely at him.

He chuckled as he looked at her. "What?"

Justianny took his helmet and put it on her head. "Nothing, Justin."

He raised an eyebrow questioningly but shook it off and turned his car on.

As he drove, he put on the radio. Justianny's CD with all of her favorite songs started to play and he couldn't help but tap to the beat of Sia's Elastic Heart.

During the end of the third song, Justin could still see Justianny's wide smile. He looked over at her for half a second, then looked back at the road. Only twenty minutes, and we're there. Justin thought to himself.

"Justianny?" He asked in an offering tone. Justin was never hard on his sister, he loved her more than anything in the world. Unless it had to do with boys, then he'd have to put on his big brother voice -- but, never did he raise his voice at her.

Justianny was just too innocent for him to do it -- which is why he didn't want her to talk to anybody. She was too nice. Girl's that are too nice sometimes get mistreated and are taken advantage of, and Justin was never one for a problem, but if that was to ever happen, he would fight more than just sense into somebody.

"Wait, wait, wait. Let this song play and then I'll tell you." Justianny said, then took of Justin's helmet and lightly hit him on the shoulder with it.

The song that she had been listening to was Earned It by The Weeknd. However, the lyrics coming out of Justianny were not the same lyrics that The Weeknd was singing.

You've got a crush on Ciara, oh oh.
But you'll deny to me so it's fine, fine, fine.
But don't live in a lie!
Yeah, yeah! I already know that she's your type!
She came into your life unexpected.
And you like it cause the moment's not expected!
You gon' care for her, her, her!
And she gon' care for you, you, you, you!
Cause she's perfect! (To you)
And she's worth it! (To you)
And you deserve it! (She's yours)
The way she work it.
Cause she's beau-u-u-u-tiful!
And she could be your-your-your-your-your

Justin chuckled at his little sister as she smiled up at him, turned the radio down, then leaned over to him.

"So?" She started, as she blinked her eyes slowly. "Are you going to deny it?"

Justin shook his head and Justianny almost squealed in delight until he said, "I'm not going to say anything."

Justianny frowned at him. "Come on, Justin. I think you really like her, I think you two look really cute together."

Justin looked down at his sister for a short while, then looked back at the road.

"Justianny, you know why that can't happen." He didn't even care about who the hell Martin was, Martin was the least of his worries. It was something else. The reason why Justianny frowned at the road and snuggled closer to her older brother.

"She's not like us, Justianny." Justin continued as he kept his eyes on the road. Justianny squeezed him a little tighter. "She won't understand anything."

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