Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hi guys sorry for th wait I havn't been feeling all like myself latly and well yeah.....anyhow on to other matters like the story I added some new people and well I hope you like it. This is the chpater I have been waiting for which was why it was so hard to write. PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT


Chapter Twenty-Eight

For the first time in my entire life when I passed out I wasn't sent to that god awe-full place where that stupid demon Heyel trapped me and I had no wish to ever be back there once again.

But when I woke up this time all there was, was light, so much light that it was hurting my eyes. I wondered if I could be in heaven but automatically rejected that idea since I was mostly demon if not by choice and everyone knew demons were never allowed to enter the gates of heaven.

"Your right you're not in heaven my child, you in what we call limbo." A woman's voice spoke and the next thing I knew a woman who was slightly older that me appeared out of no where.

She was slightly taller than me standing at about five foot ten and looked skinny but not the unhealthy skinny you saw in most women now days. But what really caught my eye was her eyes. One was green and the other blue just like mine.

"Are you my birth mother?" I whispered afraid of getting the answers I so desperately needed but also afraid of of the hatred that I had bottled up inside of me towards this woman who had given birth to me and than ran off just because she was afraid of her destiny.

"Yes I am and unfortunately we don't have much time here. You are going to be sent back. The moon goddess is giving me permission to talk to you but only for a very short time."

"You realize I hate you right." I spoke a little louder and with a growl this time.

"I know and I expected nothing less. I made so many mistakes. I guess the saying was right the sins of the parent fall on the child." She spoke sadly

"You have so much hate inside of you my child that eventually it will not only kill you but kill everyone around you that love you as well." She spoke firmly

It told me to basically to shut up, sit down, and listen to what she had to say or she was going to make me. I may not like her and in fact if I could I would have probably re-killed her myself. Harsh but true. She made so many choices on the fly without ever one thinking of the consequences which was why I was so angry at not only at her but at my birth father as well.

"Did you ever think that in all those choices you supposedly chose for me, did you ever once think of what the consequences of those choices would be." I nearly shouted at her.

"Honestly I already knew I was going to die that night. Even if I had picked myself Heyel still would have chose to heal you instead of me and left me for for dead." She spoke with such authority it nearly had me on my knees bowing to her power.

But I swore I would never bow to anyone ever again after what Luke and Michael had done to me and I was not going to start now by a woman who the only thing she did was give birth to me. She may have claimed to be my mother but she never was. My true mother was long gone from my life as well as the man I called my father and this lady standing in front of me would never change that.

"You think that is the only reason I hate you?" I asked her enraged

I knew getting angry wouldn't solve my problems and I also knew that it was time for me to stop blaming mommy and daddy for all my problems but it was so hard. She was right in one aspect though I was completely filled with anger, so much in fact that I didn't know if there was room for any other emotions other than revenge, and hate.

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