Chapter Three - Redone

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Chapter Three

I have one very important question for you she-wolf. I growled because there are so many emotions running through me right now. Anger, hate, loathing, pity, horror, love, and a bunch more. Mostly to my dead father and my mother, but also to myself and to this young girl.

“What’s your question Tony?” She asked

“Who are you and why did you really tell me this story?” Tony asked Sarah


“What’s your question Tony?” Sarah asked.

Knowing that she had to lie but that she also wanted to tell him the truth. Why she had no idea. It didn’t really matter that he was our protector but she felt like I had to tell him.

“Who are you and why did you really tell me this story?” Tony growled at m

She closed her eyes wondering if she should tell him, wanting to know if it was finally safe enough to stop running. She looked at him straight in the eyes hoping what she am about to say doesn’t get both herself and Lizzy killed.

“I am very important to the werewolf’s. So important that many would kill me first before letting any other pack have me. I am the last known royal wolf alive. And you have the proof of it on your chest. As for why I told you this story of our past I actually wasn’t planning on telling you until that bitch showed her face.” Sarah growled

She snarls at his mother to let everyone in the room know who she was talking about. It took every single ounce of restraint not to kill that woman.

“Trust me you have no idea how much restraint its taking me not to get off this bed and go kill the one person in this room who made our life a living hell for the last five years.” Sarah said angrily

She could feel Lizzy starting to stir and she was starting to freak out. If she took over then she would know the truth and she wasn’t sure if Lizzy was ready yet. But before she could do anything she felt Lizzy’s anger and knew we were screwed because now Lizzy knew everything and she had to hope that they were strong enough to stop Lizzy before she killed Lucy, Tony and Terri’s mother.

She may have hated her and wanted to kill her but Lizzy’s temperament was a lot worse because she had to deal with everything and wouldn’t let me take over. So in the end all she could do is watch as Lizzy’s life slowly became worse.


I had been in the darkness for what seemed like forever but when I heard Sarah start to talk about what had happened five years ago I listened in. I knew it was wrong but I had been wondering if there was anything Sarah had been hiding from me and by god if she was finally talking I wasn’t going stop her.

When she finally stopped with her story all I could hear was this stupid buzzing sound. This meant I was finally waking up. This meant I could kill that fucking bitch finally I had a reason on why my life was so horrible. When I was finally back in control of my body my eyes snapped open. Before anyone could stop me I had my hands around Lucy’s throat and I had her slammed up against the wall.

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