Chapter Forty-Three

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Hello everyone,

Sorry about not updating in a very long time. I started this story with a goal in mind and over time it became harder and harder to find the inspiration to continue going with it. But I decided to take another look at it meaning rereading everything to see if I could get the writer juices flowing again. I tried to write another chapter over and over again. I finally got something written down so hopefully, you will like it. I do plan on writing more just not sure when. Sorry it's short but hopefully, you will like it, so without further delays, her is your next chapter.



Watching and waiting was never one of my strong suits I had to admit. Waiting for these six people who had somehow become so important to my life and a part of my life almost made me sick. Knowing that even giving them another chance at breaking me, breaking me to the point of no return almost had me moving from my spot. But I swore that I wouldn't run away from my problems.

Alaric and Ethan were the first to begin to stir. Since they were my true mates and they had marked me meant that they were able to come back faster and wake up sooner than the others. Soon it would be Tony, then Cali, then Damien and lastly Shaun. If they expected the old me and a warm welcome then they were bigger fools than I originally thought. I meant what I thought earlier, all they would get would be the monster they accused me of being for they no longer had my trust, my acceptance, or my love. Each one would have to earn it all back.


I was coming to and I could see Ethan coming to as well. As much pain as I had gone through due to my father and others I never once thought there would be someone who felt so much more than I ever did. Quickly looking around for my mate, for my Elizabeth, thinking that maybe she had left us once more I finally noticed her some distance away leaning against a rock on the mountain. I tried to open my mouth to speak but my throat was raw from what I could only think were from my screams.

I looked at her and noticed that any hope I had was quickly going out the door. She may have shared her pain with the rest of us and the world, but I could see a huge difference in her attitude, how she held herself. For once in my life I didn't know how to react, my wolf Gabriel started to stir within me as well as another presence in my mind and both were scared. I could feel the fear seeping through me and the anger. It was like both had equal feelings for both emotions and I knew that we had truly fucked up and the Elizabeth we knew was gone and I had no idea if we could ever get her back.


Coming back into myself and trying to separate everything from her and myself was hard, I wasn't going to ignore what she shared but I did need to wrap my head around everything I learned. I needed to see if I could fix what I had broken inside of her and currently, I was having a hard time finding away. I looked at Alaric to see if he had seen away but all I could see from him was fear. I knew that feeling all too well. I tried to see if I could connect to her through our mate bond, but she had me shut out completely.

I wanted to scream at her, but I knew it was the fear I was feeling and for once I was going to keep my mouth shut. It seemed every time I opened my mouth around her lately it all came out wrong. I either said something completely stupid like accusing her of letting my daughter die or making assumptions about how she acted or what she was going to do. Like accusing her of running away again.

I knew she was still here as I could see her out of the corner of my eye but there was something off about her that hadn't been there before. It was like I was in the presence of something I instinctively knew was dangerous and if I made the wrong move it could kill me.


Both Tony and Cali were moving now that their body and mind didn't feel like it was being set on fire and then thrown in a meat grinder just for fun. Looking around they notice both Alaric and Ethan slowly moving about and standing up looking towards Elizabeth but not moving. You could see the fear, the pain of not knowing if their mate would ever truly accept them fully.

Both looking at each other and feeling a heavy atmosphere of pain and rage all around them down to their souls. Elizabeth was still looking away from us, but we knew we had fucked up in more ways than one.

Cali not sure if she should be looking at her mate the one who rejected her for the one she was supposed to protect. Wondering if there was any chance at forgiveness from her queen and in a very small part of her mind wondering if her mate would ever accept her.

Tony was looking at Cali just to make sure she was ok even if she had rejected her. He knew it was wrong on so many levels, but he had been in love with Elizabeth for so long and when he met Cali all he wanted was to ignore her and hope she went away. But turning his head towards Elizabeth he knew without a doubt that any closeness he had with her was out and he didn't know if they would ever get it back. He had screwed up big time as her friend, as her protector, he had truly failed his Queen and didn't know how he could ever fix it.


Damien and Shaun were the last to stir and both felt like roadkill. Both had felt like they had been ripped apart and then put together wrong, and neither had a clue on how to fix this situation. Where Damien hadn't known Elizabeth long he knew just as the others he had screwed up big time, where Shaun knew without a doubt he would never be forgiven.

Shaun looked at his mate and knew he wanted to be with him, wanted the chance to know what it would feel like to have that love that never ends. Yet he also knew he didn't deserve Damien after everything he had done in his past and now his present. It was one of the huge reasons he never confronted his mate. Looking away from Damien and looking at Elizabeth he could tell there was something not right. His wolf felt true fear and was hiding away and trying to get as far away from her as he could, but also demanding him to go to her and protect her like he should have always done not only as a brother but now as her protector.

Damien didn't know how to feel about everything. His wolf wanted to go to his mate and make sure he was alright, but he also wanted to go check on Elizabeth and protect her from the world. Yet also knowing he may have just lost that right as well. It seemed nothing was going the way he wanted it to. He still wasn't sure about what to do about his MALE mate and now Elizabeth, no, his Queen needed him but now seemed like she needed no one, nor did she want anyone.


After all of them were back to standing and seemed to be alright she turned her gaze to them. She let them see the monster in her eyes and when she smelt the fear from all of them she smiled. But the way she smiled made the fear even worse because there was a part of her that wanted to see them bleed for everything they had done and said. She knew it wasn't right at least a part of her did, the old her. But they helped kill that and she had no idea if she even wanted the old her back anymore.

She could feel the new power racing through her veins, it was stronger than before. She had finally accepted her rightful place as Queen just like they all wanted her to, but she knew that she would make them regret it. If they couldn't give her what she wanted and that was love in its truest form, well then she would take the fear.

"As of now you will only speak to me if I ask you a question, otherwise you will be seen and not heard that will be your new role as my protectors," I spoke harshly

"As for your mates, I have decided that the only use I have for you is to wear your mark which thanks to you I have already on my neck," I growled with my new queen voice

"I am done with all of you, If it wasn't for the fact you are all tied to me by fate I would have either killed you all or left you and trust me when I say you would never get near me again," I said with a raised voice

I knew I was being cruel for it was written all over their face. Their fear of me, their sadness when speaking about killing them, my mates also had anger in their eyes but said nothing. I was going to be setting ground rules. Rules I knew these people tied to me weren't going to like, the rest of the world were not going to like but I didn't care. New me had no problem killing anyone who went against me and that included blood ties, mate bonds, and protectors and strangers. All would receive the same fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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