Chapter Five - Redone

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Hey Guys. 

I just wanted to let you know yes this is mostly what you read before but starting now and into the next chapters there might be some small changes to some big ones so you will need to read all them to see what new things I added and I promise it will be better than before. So please read, vote and comment and tell me what you think.


Chapter Five 

2 years later…

It had been a long road since I left my pack and my other mate when I ran away. I still hadn’t told everyone everything but I knew Michael was getting restless. He had been trying to convince me to go back home now for the last three months and I just couldn’t do it. There was still so much pain inside of me and I was afraid that if I went back that pain and the darkness that I could feel inside would over whelm me. I was sitting in the alphas office when I heard a knock at the door.

 “Come in” I called out.

 Tony my alpha and my protector walked in and gave me the evil eye since I was sitting in his chair. I tired doing the whole innocence act but it never worked.

“Move out of my seat or I will sick Michael on you now” he said with a growl but knew that he was giving me a hard time.

       Fine ill move” I said with such heavy sarcasm that we both just ended up laughing.

I got up from the chair and grabbed the paper work I now had to do since he had made Michael and I his betas. As I was moving I noticed that there were worry lines on Tony’s face and knew something was wrong. Before I could speak up though, Sarah spoke first.

“You need to listen to him Lizzy. Before you make any judgment’s promise me” Sarah spoke in my head.

Which meant something bad was going to happen and it usually meant me getting pissed off. I gave Tony the cold look that I had perfected and it also let him know I wasn’t too happy with him keeping secrets from me.

“Tell me now before I get even more pissed off Tony.” I said through gritted teeth.

I knew that my temper was getting worse and I knew why too. As long as I didn’t have Luke around me it would get worse. The only saving grace was Michael. I loved him more each and every day that we were together. And the things that he could do with his mouth and fingers should be considered illegal. I felt Sarah smack me inside my head and I growled a little bit but then I paid attention to what Tony was saying.

“I’m sorry Anna I know how you feel about them but they need our help. They asked me for sanctuary and I had to give it to them.” Tony spoke quickly

“I’m confused, Tony who asked for our help and why?” I spoke truly confused.

“Weren’t you paying attention damn it Anna don’t make me repeat it please.” He said with a very pained look on his face.

That’s when everything clicked inside my head. I could feel so many emotions rushing through me. Hatred being the top one, but I could also feel sadness, and a little bit of happiness as well.

I closed my eyes and counted to 50 twice before I could speak. It wasn’t Tony’s fault that my past was finally coming back to bite me in the ass. I guess fate had decided that since I wasn’t going to the mountain that she would move the mountain to me.

“Are they coming to us or are we going to them?” I asked and was a little bit surprised that my voice came out strong.

Tony must have had the same thought because his head came up so fast I thought the boy would have had whip lash.

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