Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

Looking at myself and seeing all that had changed, not only in appearance but also mentally was different. I still felt the hunger more now then beforehand, the rage was still there growing slowly where all I had to do was reach within and grasp it to use it. I had her memories from when I was asleep, and sadly some shocked me where others made me shake with so many emotions that I couldn't describe just one.

Part of me felt like I had just lost a dear friend like when Sarah had left me for good yet the other part knew that even though her voice was gone her spirit or soul as some would call it was still there. Yet what amazed me the most was the fact that Hegel was not only alive but now had found his mate within my blood family. I was happy for Luna since she had found her mate but thoroughly disgusted by who it was.

Yet even though I felt at peace for once in my sad and pathetic life there was still all the emotions from the main reason that I sent myself to sleep as it were. Some would call it running once again from my problems when it reality I still had that hurt deep inside of me due to my mates and what they had done.

Could I go back to the real world one last time and fight for my right to feel love and be loved or did I stay here where no one could hurt me mentally or emotionally again. I knew all the parts of me were tired of being rejected either by my mates or by my packs, could I survive the heart ache of being alone? That was the important question of the day. I felt something in me snap and give way like a rubber band being used up one to many times. I was done with the pain, I was done with the rejection, and since I was now whole I could face my biggest fear, the future.

I took one last cursory glance on the room that had been made up in my mind before looking at the door. The door that if I walked out of would wake me up and I would be with a man who made my life hell since before I was even born and a woman who shared the same blood as I did. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then turned the knob that would let me escape the prison I had put myself in.

Slowly the world went dark and once again I felt like I was swimming through the darkness just to get through to the light. I first felt the tingles hit my eyes, then throughout my face and down my neck to the rest of my body. Once the tingles left was when I hear quite voices like the people in the room were trying to whisper for fear of waking me. I tried to focus on those voices, see if they were a threat and if they were how quickly I needed to take them out.

"Shes not waking up Heyel!" One voice whispered angrily

"Look I did as you asked and as she asked of me now it's up to them!" The other voice whispered sounding defeated

It took me a few moments to remember who was there and why I was there but remember I did. It was nice to know that Luna had kept her word and had my back even if meant killing her mate to protect me. Was I happy that she was willing to kill Heyel, choose me over her soul mate? Sadly there was a very big part of me that took eminence glee over it for everything in me still wanted Heyel dead and was severely pissed that the little weasel was still breathing the same air as me. The only reason he still lived was due to Luna.

Quietly so as not to disturb their little whisper yelling match at one another I opened my eyes and once again was shocked. My eyes sight had gotten better than before. I could littlerly see the cracks in the paint even though there was barely any light yet my eyesight made it seem like the entire world was covered in light so I could see everything. I swung my legs off the bed and sat up with my hands on my knees taking in huge amounts of air even though I no longer needed too.

"Are you done arguing yet?" I asked so quiet that a mouse could have heard from the other side of the house

I knew the moment they heard me when suddenly they stopped talking and taking a sniff of the air I could detect a brief sent of fear. It was nice knowing that Heyel feared me, he had very good reasons too fear me. I was still trying to figure out if I should kill the little weasel when Luna spoke.

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