Part 3 : Loving school?!

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Nick's POV:
Present day,

"Morning already?"
I rolled over to see the time. 6:25. Wonderful. Getting up early is for the birds.
I shifted out of bed, taking a long stretch. I poked my head out of my room to see a empty hallway. Yet there was the sound of distant conversation, down the stairs. People are probably making breakfast. I looked to the room at the end of the hall. Wonderland's room. I let my wolf take over a little and lessened in a little bit.
Not a sound. Weird she's usually up by now. Oh well she will wake up in a bit.

A closed back my door and waked to my bathroom. I stripped down to my birthday suit and turned on the water.
I stepped into the lukewarm water and picked up my special mixed soap. It's spice and ocean scented. Alice had gotten it for me when we were younger and I just never stopped using it out for habit.
All clean I stepped out of my shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom and into my closest. My black vans, black shorts and red Obey t-shirt will have to do. Putting that on I moved to my mirror and parted my short blonde hair to the side. I look like a blonde Archer, well minus the suit. Lol that's a funny ass show.
I glanced at the clock.6:55. Cool. I grabbed my keys, wallet and backpack then exited my room. I have to be at school by 7:30. No problem. I walk down the hall to Alice's room. I knock then enter.
I'm surprised to see her in bed. Curled up to a pillow lightly breathing. She is a extremely pretty girl, about 5'5 green eyes long black hair and always tan because she's 1/4 black. Though you never would be able to tell. But there's no time for that. Quickly remembering we have school I yelled,
She jolted out of bed at the sound of my voice. Then growled out,
"Why the fuck are you yelling?!?!?!?"
"Because it 6:58, and we have school today."
The look of shock set in on her face. I had to hold in my laughter. She looked absolutely comical. With her hair sticking up and everything. I continued,
" Why were you not awake sooner?"
" Because a smashed my god damn alarm clock yesterday."
" Don't be pissy with me, get ready."
" Whatever get out."
I gave her a big smile and she flipped me of. Her way for saying I love you. I exited to let her get ready.
I walked down stairs and waited 10 minutes.
Not wanting to be late I used the pack link.
- Are you ready yet?-
-No! 5 more minutes!-
She sounds happy even tho she got a bad start this morning.
-Okay I will be in the car.-
I moved to Alice's blue and white beetle(VW) Got in and started it up. I didn't really feel like taking my car today. Well using the gas. Lol.
She really kept it clean, tan leather seats and you can put the top down. She says it's her kid sometimes.
One minute later she's in the passenger seat, bouncing up and down.
" What got into you?" I asked.
Her body relaxed. " Nothing, tells go."
She said a little to excited.
I pulled off. Be Easy by Alice Smith came on. She started humming along. She was wearing black short shorts, black vans and a red t-shirt that said "do more, think less." Her hair down a and parted to the side. She look stunning.
I started to joke with her." Are you trying to match with me?"
" No, because I wear it better." She returned with a grin on her face.
I held my chest to fake hurt. She just laughed. After a couple minutes we got to school.
Alice's POV:
After a hectic morning Nick and I finally arrived at school.
I heard I'm wolf howl with pleasure. { Go inside and look around!!!}
I can't remember the last time I heard her so excited, but then again I could barely stay in my seat for the car ride.
"Are you ready?" Nick asked.
"Yep." We got out and walk inside. There were barely any people. I guess we still got here early. We walked to our lockers ( they are next to each other.) and started putting in books.
" That's the bell." Nick said and closed his locker.
" Yeah, we still have time tho, what do you want to do for lunch?" I said still putting things in my locker. No response.
"Nick?" I look you at him and his eyes were emerald green. The color of his wolfs eyes, and they were fixed on something.
A girl. About 5'3 with brown hair. She was really pretty. She was wearing a blue sun dress that matched her eyes.
Nick looked lost at the sight of her beauty. She saw his staring and give him a big smile.
He then gave back his best smile. Awe she blushed. She and what I assume  are her friends walked past us.
When she was out of sight he turned to me. " That's my mate!" He looked about ready to explode with excitement.
" I could tell."
He gave he the "how"look.
" Your eyes they changed color."
" Oh shit really?!"
" Ya, come on class is about to start."
First class of the day, English. Yay.
I glanced at Nick. Well at least he was happy. Lol. And I can guess why. His mate was sitting in the back reading. She didn't notice us walk in. Nick mind linked with me.
- Can we sit next to her?!!!!-
-Yes. Lol, but take if slow she's human and doesn't know what mates are.-
He's like a puppy that just found a new bone.
We moved next to her. He took his backpack of and sat next to her. She turned to she him then smiled. He did the same.
" Hi my name is Nick."
"June, it's a pleasure." It sounds like she has a slight English ascent.
" No, the pleasures all mine." That's right Nick lay on the charm. She let out a small giggle.
" Can I see your schedule?" Nick asked sweetly.
"Sure, one sec." She pulled a piece of paper out of her bag, then handed it to him.
" Awe, we one have one class together." He took his eyes of the paper and looked at her, then continued. " I guess you will only be lighting up my world once a day."
She was red as a tomato.
" Well um we could um get lunch sometime." She just barely stuttered out.
" That sounds lovely."
I tuned out of there conversation to give them some privacy. I turned my attention out side looking at the sky.
It looked like a panting.
Before I knew lunch rolled around, Nick said he was going to get something first. So he was gonna meet me outside.
On my way out I see June. She waves to me so I go over to her. She's at her locker alone.
" Hi sorry I didn't get your name earlier."
" It's Alice, um I don't know if this is to soon but" it wrote down Nicks locker number and handed it to her. " he should be there now, you two should get lunch to gather."
" OMG THANK YOU!" She all but screams. Then gives me a bear hug.
"No problem, go get him." She gives me a big smile and runs of.
I continue to walk outside. Goddess its a nice day for a walk. A minute later Nick mind linked me.
- Omg! Thank you for sending her to me wonderland!-
- No problem, have fun-
There's a little forest be hide the school so I decided that would be a good place to take a stroll.
I take a few step into the trees and I smell to most wonderful thing in the world.
Cotton candy and vanilla. The smell enveloped me.
My wolf lost it.
{Our mate!!!!!! It's our mate!!!!}
I started running to the smell.

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