Part 18 : Stand down dog.

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Alice's POV:

I strolled down to the meeting room with Nick trailing behind me.
I felt the presence of people past the oak doors of the meeting room.
I walked in and sat at the head of the table. Nick sat by my side.
I glared at the people sitting around the table. They hate what they don't understand.
A bunch of old farts.
"How are you today Alice?"
Spoke the eritating voice of the head council man, Smith.
"Cut the crap. Why did you call me here." I let the anger in my voice be heard.
He sneered."Well something troubling has come to our attention. The uncleared woman that you are housing."
"I'm the future alpha. You should not be questioning my judgment."
He folded he's hands and leaned forward.
"What is she to you?" I felt him start to challenge me. My wolf is not taking kindly to that.
"It's none of your business. And watch your tone with me."
"Are you dogging the question?"
I felt my wolf wanting to fight.
"Her name is Jane Summers. She is special to me I don't owe you more of an explanation."
"Look I don't mind if your gay and if you have a female mate. It's just...the pack needs a leader and an heir. You can do whatever you please but if you do I advise you step down."
I felt my blood boil over. I'm done!
"Jane Summers is my mate. I love her. She will be the luna of this pack. Stand down dog or I will kill you if you treaten my family."
I said with a growl. I stood and left the room. Everyone was speechless.
Nick followed behind me.
"Call the whole pack together. We are having a meeting."
"Of course alpha."
I walked to my empty room and closed the door. And laid down. I just started a lot of shit.
-Is everything okay puppy?-
-No but we can talk about it later. Thanks for checking up on me baby.-
-Okay. I love you.-
-I love you too.-
Oh Jane I can't wait to get home and cuddle with you...
My door opened. It was Nick.
"The pack is ready."
"Thank you."
I stood at the podium. About a 100 pack members where sitting quietly talking. My parents and Nick where sitting behind me.
I cleared my throat and the pack was silent. I have to be strong. It's time to step up no more hiding.
"Good evening pack. I have important things to update you all with.
I'm gay." There where gasps.
"I have found my mate. And she will be the future Luna of this pack.
The council how ever finds this unsatisfactory. They want me to step down." More gasps came. I raised my hand to silence them.
"This will not happen. I will not back down. Anyone who wants to challenge me is welcome to. To the others there will be changes. Starting with excepting others. No one should feel unwelcome  in their own pack. That is all."
People broke out in discussion. I turned to leave the stage. My parents and Nick stopped me. They all hugged me at the same time.
"We love you sweetie." Said my dad.
"That was so brave." My mom said chocked up.
"Simply amazing." Nick sighed.
I held back my tears. "Thanks guys..."
Im driving quietly to my new apartment with Jane. I should be happy. Well I am don't get me wrong.
But happier.
Not worrying about the shit I just started.
I got out of my car when I arrived at the apartment building.
{take a deep breath. You don't want to worry Jane.}
Your right. Thanks Rin.
{no problem.}
I haven't seen the apartment yet. Jane decorated and didn't let me it before now. She even took my key to keep me out! She still doesn't understand that I'm a highly trained assassin and could easily get in if I wanted. But I brushed of the temptation because she wanted to keep it a surprise.
I knocked on the door and quickly fixed myself so I looked presentable after the day I had.
The door gently opened and standing in front of me was my mate.
She was wearing a blue t-shirt and a apron with black shorts. The color of the shirt matched her eyes perfectly. Her hair was down.
She looks... Amazing.
Beyond that even.
I was hit with the smell of cotton candy and vanilla. Also the a very enticing smell of stake and potatoes.
"Hey pup..."
I quickly cut her of by kissing her. I picked her up in my arms and gently pushed her into a wall.
She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.
Goddess I missed her!
She unwillingly broke the kiss.
"Hi and I missed you too. But can you put me down I had things planned." She gave me a mischievous grin.
I did as she asked.
"Sorry Hun I just missed you."
She intertwined your fingers.
"There's not need to be sorry, there will be plenty of time for that later..."
I took in the atmosphere. The apartment was spotless. And it was perfect. A stormy blue color covered the walls but it's not sad or depressing, like my baby's eyes. Cozy black furniture with gray accents.
The place was modern.
"The place looks amazing," I said still talking it in. Then I faced her. "You also look amazing." She blushed and looked away from me.
"Come on puppy, dinners going to get cold."
She lead me to sit at the table.
She then rushed away to the kitchen then came back with two plates. She gave me the one with more food on it. "Thanks this looks really good." I started to dig in. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started eating.
"So Jacob came over and helped me cook. He said that you and Allen are a lot alike."
"We are not!!!" I said with my mouth full. I don't torture kids and call it training!
She chuckled.
"He did the same thing."
I swallowed.
"Whatever babe."
"So how was your day?" She started to did into her meal.
"Can we talk about that later?" I said a bit to cautiously.
I'm feeling better if your were wondering!
Um okay shout out time. Wolfram 20!!! You liked,commented and made my day this update is for you hun.
Also shout out to everyone that has stuck with me!
2,000 views!!! Can you believe that?!?
Well let me get started on the next chapter!

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