Part 6 : Blitz

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Omg guys!85 views your the best! Keep it up and tell me if you like the story! Up top is Alice's training music! Then a pic of Uncle Allen.

Alice's POV:
I'm currently in the kitchen making my goddess something to eat. But I don't know what to make her.
{ Oh! Make her elk soup!}
That is a good idea. That will nip her cold in the butt.
{ To your left.}
I turned and saw Nick peaking in the room. I pretended not to see him.
He started creeping up behind me.
" Trying to sneak up on a young girl isn't a good look."
"What's with you and calling me a pervert?!"
" I didn't call you a pervert."
" Inferred, whatever."
He wrapped his arm around me.
"So what are you doing?"
I smiled.
" I'm making elk soap for my mate."
" He's here!!!! Let me see him! I need to give him my talk/ my approval."
{You forgot to tell him our mates a girl.}
" Um, Nick."
" Yes wonderland?"
I took a deep breath in.
" My mates a girl."
His smile never faded.
" I'm sorry for assuming. But I still what to meet her."
I gave him a big hug.
"Your the best!!!"
"I love and respect you. Nothing will change that."
"You can meet her later she has a cold right now. How's your mate? June right?"
At the mention on her name he looked to be in a happy daze.
I snapped my fingers in front of him.
"Oh what happened?"
" I asked you about June."
" She's amazing, more than I could ever ask for. Speaking of that I need your help."
" With what?"
" I want to take her out but I don't know where to start..."
{ Awe he's blushing, let's help him out.}
Ya, I want him to be happy. Okay let's do it.
" I have an idea. Tell her your taking her out to a nice restaurant in two days. I will make the reservations. You buy a nice tuxedo."
" Thanks wonderland! And it looks like your soup is done."
" Oh ya! Okay when you get your tux use the pack link and I will help you get ready."
I put the soup in a bowl then on in a tray. I grabbed a spoon, a glass of water and a napkin then put it on the tray also.
"Okay, I will see you later."
" Oh wait!"
Nick grabbed a rose and a small vase. Then put it on my tray. He leaned down and kisses my forehead.
" Go get her tiger."
" Thanks"
I happily skipped out of the room, tray in hand.
I arrived at my room. But I couldn't bring myself to open the door.
{What are you waiting for? I want to see my mate!}
What if she doesn't like me?
{Are you really doubting your self Alice? You didn't even break a sweat when you went up against that dragon.}
I don't know. She's to good for me.
{Stop that. Our moon goddess made her for us. She will love you. Now go the soups gonna get cold.}
I took a deep inhale in. Then opened the door. And I was greeted with a beautiful sight and smell. Jane sitting on my bed playing with her blond hair. It was down and parted to the side. She was wearing my black shirt and shorts. The shirt was a tad to big for her tho.
{I love her in our clothes.}
My wolf said overexcited.
My room now smells a bit like her and I love it. She was giving me a dashing smile.
" Hey Jane. I made you a little something." I said walking to her and placing the tray on her lap.
" Awe thanks puppy. What is it?"
She patted a spot next to her on the bed. I hopped on the spot.
" It's elk soup, for your cold."
I said while getting comfortable next to her. She started digging in.
" This is so tasty!! I didn't think you could cook this well!"
" I'm glad you like it. But I just noticed something. Why do you keep calling me puppy?"
She finished the soup and kissed my cheek. Goddess I will never get tired of that.
" It fits you. Your kind, loving and loyal not to mention cute just like a puppy. What you don't like it?" She said giving me a questioning look.
"No Hun I love it."
I then noticed how close we where, just inches a part. She started leaning towards me. I fallowed suit. She lips looked so soft...
{Really the fuck door right now?!?!?}
My wolf said royalty pissed off.
Jane backed away blushing.
I let out a pissed of sigh.
"Come in" I shouted.
Then entered my uncle. Mike Allen. Or just Allen for short but never Al.
He's a tall wiry man with gray hair and dominating gray eyes. He's very handsome but I've never seen a girlfriend of his before. He spoke.
"I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" He was grinning at the blush still on Jane's face.
"Yes you are." I said in a angry tone.
"Well I just came to remind you training is in 5. For every minute your later is 20 extra of an excuse."
He turned to Jane.
" I hope to see more of you later lovely." Then exited the room.
" He was nice." Jane said shrugging.
" He killed the mood."
" Don't worry puppy," she got close to me and said in the most sexy voice I've ever heard." There's always tonight."
I could feel myself turning a deep shade of red and my wolf doing back flips in my tummy.
" Oh." I said stripped of my words.
She let out a light giggle.
" Your so cute!"
"Thanks baby, I should go tho. Do you want to come?"
"No I will stay here."
"Um okay, heres the remote to the TV, the kitchen is down stairs but if your gonna have trouble getting there use the pack link and I will get something for you. Last Nick will be here to check on you later."
"Who's Nick?"
"My beta, don't worry he's nice. See you later?"
" Okay later puppy."
I turned to leave the room.
"Wait!" I heard her scream a bit. I turned back to her. She was next to me. Wait what? She was just on the bed, she's fast.
She placed a wet, loving kiss on my cheek.
"Okay, now you can go."
I couldn't stop myself from blushing.
" Later Hun."
The training room. I've spent countless hours in here perfecting moves. It's a wide open room with wood floors and white walls. When you first walk in it's pretty plain but that's just a show. There's a panel on the side of the room that changes the room to whatever training you could be put to.
At the end as usually blank room is uncle Allen. Sitting in a wooden chair, legs crossed and sipping tea.
"Hey there wonderland! Sorry again for interrupting you and your lady friend." He said still sipping on he's tea. "But we have a lot to cover to day so it had to be done."
"One day off wouldn't hurt."
He started laughing. It's always slightly sinister.
"Well you know the deal, if you beat me in a sparing match you can go free. Want to try your luck?" He was grinning.
I've never won against him ever. Every time I'm close he knocks me of guard. I've had to go to the pack doctor so many times after one of our little matches.
But I've never been fighting to see my mate before. I gathered myself up and said
"Tells tango."
" Pick your weapon."
I went in one of the hidden closets and picked up the training dual retractable wrist knives. There training because instead of real metal it's wood. So no one gets that hurt.
He never uses a weapon. Just his bear fists. He walked over to the stereo and turned on music. It's called "Blitz". He moved to the center on the room. Then took his stance.
I did the same.
He made the first move.
"Mercy!" I shouted in pain. He then let me go from the chokehold he had me in.
" I'm impressed wonderland!" He picked up his tea. "That was the closest you have ever gotten to beating me."
He took a sip. "But still no dice. So your still training. You can rest a minute."
I collapsed to the ground and started panting.
I wiped my face of sweat and noticed a semi deep cut on my cheek. I looked to Allen to see the damage he had taken. A pretty good amount of cuts and bruises.
"Today we will be working on a new move. I'm not sure what to call it but it's strong. It's for when your stripped of weapons. Your not leaving until you get it right so let's begin!"
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