Part 28: The Ball

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Alice's POV:

One more day till the party. Goddess I have to find something to wear. Maybe just a normal suit? Ya, sounds good.
I have dresses but I don't really like to wear them.
I just doesn't fit me.
Jane is wearing a dress though. She won't let me see it for some unknown reason.
In fact she's been acting kinda weird ever since she went shopping with Jordan.
Hopefully he didn't say anything bad to her.
"Alice! Can you come in here?! I can't reach the bowls again!" Haha I need to get that girl a step latter.
I turned of the tv in the bedroom and started to head to her. The second I stepped out of the bedroom I noticed she was not in the kitchen but on the living room couch.
Laying very seductively on her side. In, oh my goddess, red lacy can you call that underwear?!
Why am I freaking out?!!!!
Oh ya because my sexy angel of a mate is just asking for it and I have to control myself!
I can feel myself boiling over with lust.
She gently pat the spot next to her. I happily sat next to her.
She sat up and straddled my lap.
Those deep blue eyes and those plum red lips...
"So puppy, I've been thinking lately... are you happy with our sexy life?"
I gulped, I don't want to say this wrong and get her upset.
"Well-" She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.
"Don't lie." She looked me dead in my eyes.
"Honestly it wouldn't hurt to do it more often." She nodded in agreement.
"I was thinking the same thing." She followed her statement up with a deep kiss. Making sure to suck on my bottom lip causing me to moan.
She then broke the kiss. She had a mischievous smile plastered on her face.
Quietly reaching to her side she picked up a chocolate covered strawberry and started to tease me.
Wrapping her lips perfectly around the fruit, and taking a small bite. Then with  meaning full eye contact licked the juicy end.
My wolf started to whine uncontrollably. {Why are you not on top of her all ready?!?}
I started to move to do just that, but she stopped me.
I gave her a questioning look.
"Tonight is about you puppy.." She trailed of and started giving me hickys on my neck.
I relaxed and let myself enjoy what she was doing to me. I rested my hands on supple ass and gently started to grope her.
I was rewarded with a happy moan. She started to unbutton my shirt and trailed kisses down my body aggravatingly slow.

***(You know what's going on;)

I woke up naked on the couch with Jane just as bare in arms.
God what time is it? I picked Jane up and walked into our bedroom. Then gently set her down on the bed and tucked her in.
I put on some clothes on and walked to the kitchen to make some lunch. Or dinner? Goddess what time is it?
I checked the clock. 7:27 huh?
I could make us a nice dinner then maybe a movie, some popcorn and well deserved cuddling.
I checked the freezer.
No meat. Damn I'm hungry.
{We should hunt.}
Ya that sounds good there's a smallish forest around here.
I shifted into my wolf in the middle of the forest.
As I did some quick stretches I look deep breaths trying to sniff out any big game.
Smells like a deer is around here. Making sure my foot steps where quite, I stocked my pray until it came to a stop.
I took the moment to pounce on its back and tare out its neck.
I shifted out of my wolf form and grabbed my pocket knife.
"Thanks for the meal."
I skinned it and started cutting the meat in chunks.
{What should we make?}
I don't know, maybe we should just grill it.
{Or eat it raw.}
I picked up a sliced piece and look a bite.
The flavor is indescribable! It's nice and tender, and juicy. I haven't had raw meat in a while.
Jane probably won't want it raw though. I look one last bite and continued to slice the rest.
Once I was done I put the pieces I wanted in the deer pelt.
I let out a whine to let other animals know there's a free meal here so nothing's wasted.
I arrived on foot back to the apartment.
Good thing no one was at the front desk, I have blood all over me.
I unlocked the door and walked in. I put our meal on the kitchen counter and started to cook.
I can't believe Jane isn't awake yet. I put the meat in the broiler and went to check on her.
I poked my head though the door and saw her putting on makeup.
"Hey Hun, what are you doing?"
She looked surprised to see me.
"I'm just trying something new, where were you? I don't like waking up and not seeing you."
I walked fully in the room.
"Sorry I was hunting, we ran out of meat."
"So that's why you have blood all over yourself."
She put down her makeup brush and shifted into her wolf. I've never seen it before and let me tell you it's the most magnificent thing I've ever seen.
She's gray and has sky blue eyes. She definitely smaller than my own wolf but there is still a powerful Ora to her.
-Puppy can you stop staring?-
-Oh sorry.-
She approached me and started licking my face. Her furs really soft.
-Jane you don't have to clean me, I can take a shower.-
-I want to.- Simply put, she continued licking me until I was clean. Let me just say I really couldn't be happier. What she's doing is a great sign of affection in the wolf community.
"Thanks baby."
She shifted back into her human form. Her native clothes doing her well toned body justice.
"It's no problem."
"You don't need makeup you know."
She giggled at me.
"Your a bad lier."
I swiftly picked her up and she clung to me.
"I'm not lying. Your most simply put a goddess."
I moved in for a kiss but she stopped me by placing a finger on my lips.
I gave her a questioning look.
She leaned into my neck and took a bite.
Waves of pleasure washed over me. I stumbled backward on the bed and Jane stayed latched on me and my neck.
I can't believe it!!!!!!
{She marked us!!!!!!}
After a few more moments she look her canines out of me and licked the wound she made.
"Sorry Alice, my wolf just really wanted to do that."
"It's fine." I said with a moan. What? That was amazing.
"I love you." She placed a soft kiss on my lips. I fell fully back on the bed.
"I love you too!"
I can't be happier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone's favorite alpha(Lesbian Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon