Part 26: Jokes.

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Alice's POV:

I swept his leg and knocked him of balance. I pinned him down and wrapped my hand around his neck. Then pulled out my gun and put it to his head. Got you.
I heard the cocking of a gun. It wasn't mine.
"I'm king for a reason."
Jane's POV:
-At the same time.-

Goddess! Alice just stormed out of the apartment in a fit of rage. I can just bet with the intention to kill.
"Allen, Jacob, you don't have to stay."
"Oh yes we do. We just got direct orders to protect you." Allen replied. He was sitting on the couch with his mate cuddled under a blanket. I guess they plan on staying for a while.
"Don't think of it as a bad thing, it just means we get to spend time together."
I signed. I just want this to be over and Alice in my arms.
"Is everything okay Luna?"
"No everything's not okay!!! And I'm not your God damn Luna!!!!"
I angrily walked to my bedroom and slammed the door.
I really shouldn't have snapped like that. I mean me a Luna? It's so much pressure.. Plus if Alice is not by my side I can't function let alone lead.
I plopped on the bed and held Alice's pillow close to my chest.
-Alice, come home please?-
I asked through the pack link. There was no response.

It's night time now and I calmed down a bit. Alice is still MIA and I really can't help but worry.
She's never gone this long without letting me know she's okay. What if something happened to her?!
I peeked out of my door to the living room. Allen and Jacob are asleep. I can probably seek out and try to find Alice.
I grabbed my jacket and headed for the door.
Allen and Jacob shot out of their nap and looked at me. They'd tied a small bell to the door. Sneeky bastards!
"Jane you have to stay here."
Jacob spoke with a yawn.
"But Alice hasn't come home yet!"
"That's why you have to stay."
"I can't just sit around and do nothing! I'm not helpless you know!"
"Take it eas-"
"No I'm going and you can't stop me!"
I opened the door and walked out. I immediately bumped into a large man.
"I'm sorry." I said and quickly tried to keep going so Allen and Jacob couldn't stop me.
"Wait miss, don't go." I turned to see him. Black hair and ice blue eyes, it looks like he's just been in a fight.
"Can I help you?"
"Yes, do you happen to know a girl named Alice?"
My heart beat picked up.
"Yes why?" He grinned devilishly.
"You wouldn't happen to be Jane would you?"
"Jane! Get away from him! It's the wolf king!!!" Allen called to me. I turned and ran before I felt myself being lifted off the ground.
"Hey now, calm down it was just a question."
"Put me down!" I hopelessly struggled to get away from him.
"Well I can't do that now can I? Your just gonna try and run away."
Wait didn't Alice go to his house to do god knows what?
"Where's Alice?!"
He chuckles softly. "She's di-"
There was two loud growls behind us.
Allen and Jacob where in their wolf forms ready to attack.
"Hey pups. Run along now." He said the last part in his alpha tone. It would make most wolfs cower but they stood unmoved.
"Now dogs!" Jacob laid down clearly scared, I can understand. He's not really a fighter. Allen growled louder.
The wolf king sighed.
"Look I'm not going to hurt her, and your not going to stop me. Attack and I will kill you." He turned and walked away carrying me with him.
-I'm sorry Luna-
I was sobbing. He put me in his car and was driving to god knows where.
And Alice?
Well I can only pray she's not....
He putted into the parking lot of a nice dinner. He turned to me.
"Want to get some food?"
"Go to hell."
"So yes?"
"No I don't want anything from you. Actually no, I do want something. Information, what did you do with Alice?!"
"Can we eat and talk about it? Really kid I'm starving."
We both got out and I followed him inside. He walked to the counter and waited to be served.
"Just go still over there." He pointed to a table. A girl with black hair and a baseball cap was eating what seems like a huge amount of food. (At that table.)
"Someone's sitting their."
He waved me off.
"My friend. Go please."
Ugh! I walked to the table distracted. I mean just because he's the wolf king doesn't give him the right to be an ass hole. I angrily sat down at the table paying no attention to the girl that was stuffing her face. Tho I could feel her staring at me.
"Hey beautiful, why the long face?"
I heard the sweetest voice speak. I turned to see my puppy! She had cuts and bruises on her face and arms but she was here!!!
All my problems seemed to melt away.
"Please don't cry, I'm sorry I know I look a mess but I-"
"I thought you were dead..."
She gave me a face. A loud laugh erupted from behind me.
Non other than the asshole king himself holding a lot of food.
"You fell for it!!!!"
Alice's POV:

"Fell for what exactly?" I asked confused and a little upset my mates sobbing across from me.
"Okay stick with me here." He sat next to me with he's tray.
"So I go to your house after we had our little fight. To tell your mate everything's okay but then I remembered she slapped my daughter. So I thought I would scare her a little bit." He stopped to laugh. "I told Allen and Jacob to play a long."
"You know Allen and Jacob?" Jane asked as she started to collect herself. I hopped over to her and wrapped my arm around her.
"It's my job to know them!"
"That was wrong Jordan. You really scared her."
"Calm down. She with you now isn't she?"
I sighed and turned to Jane.
"I'm really sorry about him." I gently kissed her cheek. She turned to me with anger in her eyes.
"Your not of the hook missy! Your punishment is still going on! Plus not answering me when I tried to check on you. I was worried sick." Ugh. Not this again. Jordan started laughing again we both turned to him curious.
"You realize she fought me for your safety? I'm the god damn wolf king. She didn't even hesitate. Do you see where I'm going with this? If that's not love I don't know what is." He started to eat.
"Wait, the cuts are from fighting him?! I thought he meant a verbal fight! Puppy... I'm sorry... You didn't have to.. I'm such a idiot."
"No-" She shut both of us up with a loving kiss. I really can't get enough of her lips. There soft and plum ugh! They drive me crazy... She lightly grabbed me shirt to pull me closer.
I ran my hand through her hair. This is why I fight...
"Hey you two break it up! We are still in public." We both reluctantly lessoned.
"I'm sorry puppy, your not on punishment any more." She said blushing. I gently intertwined our fingers letting her know all was good.
Jordan smiled wide.
"You two are a pair. I see why you fight Alice. In fact can you help me with something?"
Heyyyyy I know.
"You said soon, this is not soon!"
But lol I have a life, but I still love you guys so I'm back basically.;)
Sorry for any spelling!
Until next time love!!!!!

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