Part 5 : Well lets just get to know each other?

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Alice's POV:
She backed away from me slightly so we where making eye contact. I couldn't wait any longer, I needed to know my goddess name.
" So can I have your name?"
She spoke and it sounded like silk on my ears.
" Jane, Jane Summers"
" Alice Steel, do to your lack of surprise, I take it your a werewolf?"
" Yes I am."
"Wonderful, what pack do you belong to?"
She broke eye contact with me. Okay noted. Her pack is a touchy subject. Let's try again.
"Um, sooo why are you out here?"
She quickly glanced at me then away. The rocks on the ground are more interesting I guess.
{Why are you so awful at talking to her?}
Hey! Don't start with me!
{Well she clearly doesn't feel well. Let her get comfortable before you push questions at her.}
I took a deep breath in.
" I'm sorry Jane, you don't have to answer me until your comfortable." I added my best smile.
She gave me a small one in return.
"So let's head out?"
She gave me a nod.
We started walking towards the school it has to be around 4:00 now. I looked over at Jane. She was wobbly. Probably weak from exhaustion.
So I stopped and kneeled down in front of her. She gave me a look. Like the 'the fuck are you doing' look.
" Come on, hop on. You look tired." She opened her mouth to object. I cut her of before she could start.
" I don't bite."
"But I do." Feisty I like it. But she got on my back anyway. I stud up and continued walking now giving her a piggy back ride.
{ Grab the clothes we can't go in public with our native gear on.}
True. I continued to the edge of the woods where I instructed Nick to leave my stuff. It was there.
" I'm gonna have to put you down so I can change."
"Okay." Blunt.
I set her down next to a tree, grabbed my things and ran away so I can change. One minute later returned to her deep in thought.
I sat in front of her.
" What are you thinking about hun?"
She looked at me with cold eyes.
" What do you want from me?"
"Excuse me?" I said a little surprised at her tone.
" Everyone always wants something from me."
"Trust me, I want nothing from you."
"Then why are you being so nice?!!! Keeping me warm, offering to take me in, and a piggy back ride?!"
Tears where starting to from in her eyes. It broke my heart. What in goddess name has she been through?! Well what ever it is the buck stops here.
I grabbed her hand and felt the electricity. I looked her dead in the eyes.
" I never want to hurt you or see you get hurt. All I want to do is protect, love and care for you. Please tell me do that."
She started balling out crying. Oh no shit what did I do wrong? She pulled me into a hug. Then when her crying slowed down she pulled way.
"Don't worry puppy they where happy tears." I must have looked worried.
"So do you want to come with me?"
She gave me the brightest smile I've ever seen and said,
" Yes!"
We arrived at the pack house 30 minutes later.
I looked at her and she looked amazed.
" Your house is really big."
" We have a lot of members."
I walked in the front door and I'm instantly tackled. Before I hit the ground I moved Jane of my back and held her up. Thank goodness for wolf speed.
I then glared at my attackers. The pups.
4 of them in total. Tom Tom, Jason, Ruby and Lily.
" Hello alpha!!!!" There little voices rang out in unison.
" What have I told you all about tackling me!" I growled out. " You could have hurt Jane!"
They all bowed their heads and said sorry. Jane stood up and I sat up on the ground facing them.
" It's okay, now give me a hug!" They all at once ran at me giggling.
" Hi Miss Jane!" Jason started. " Where are you from?"
" How do you know alpha?" Lily added in.
" How old are you?" Ruby shouted.
I laughed at their interest in her.
"Hey guys, Jane over here is really tired." I said standing up and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"Awe!!" They all groaned.
" Don't worry, you will meet her later I promise. Now go play."
They said there goodbyes and ran off.
" Do you get greeted like that every day?" She was grinning.
" Only when there's pizza for dinner. Let's go to my room." I said. I kneeled down and she hoped on.
When we got to my room I set her down on my bed. Then when I started walking away to get her some things she grabbed my arm. I looked at her.
" Every thing okay?"
She beckoned me closer with her finger. So I leaned in. She kissed my cheek. And it made my life.
" Thanks for everything puppy."
We where both blushing.
" It's my pleasure really. Let me get you some stuff okay?"
She nodded.
I walked into my closet and started picking up clothes for Jane. I walked back to her.
"So here's a change of clothes, there's an extra towel and stuff it the bathroom. Take your time. I'm gonna make you something real special. Shout if you need anything." I left her in the room.
Jane's POV:
She's amazing. Everything about her is amazing. When I was little and still in a pack I was told stories of someone who loves you unconditionally. I think I found my mate!
Well she didn't say anything about the subject yet, but I see the way she looks at me. It's like I'm the only one in the world.
But it probably won't be like that for long. I'm a rogue. I got kicked out of the pack for kissing another girl. Ugh why did this have to happen to me! Alice will probably reject me the second I tell her. My sweet puppy. Please love me.

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