Part 2 : Alice

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Hi everyone! The first part of this will be decided to Alice. Time to get to know your favorite alpha.:)
Alice's pic

Two weeks ago:
Alice's POV

I've been at this for a year now. I'm sitting in a tree watching a shady looking building, high enough not to be spotted. You may be wondering why. Let me give you a bit of in sight. I like to call myself a hired hand.
Others call me an assassin.
Weird yes I know. "Your a werewolf why not just stick with that?"
Well it was not my choice. My mom and dad where advised to get me into the field, by my uncle. Mike Allen. We are not blood family but nevertheless I consider him my uncle. I've been training with him since I was 5.
Me be coming a hired hand was supposed to be a trump card. To be an assassin you need to be level headed, smart, and quite. That is to get the job done. Pair that with a werewolves natural ability and you have something extremely dangerous and capable. Making me more than able to protect and defend my pack from a group of 20 rogue wolfs. By myself.
But protecting the pack was not the end game in me becoming a assassin. We could have done that regardless.
It was to help the king. Yes wolfs have a king. I will get into that later.

To make it simple all kings need protection and I'm one on his Knights.
Making sure nothing bad happens to the supernatural community.

I hear a conversation going on below me. I focus in.
" Man! How in the fuck did we get stuck guarding?!"
"Quite! And Because the boss said so."
" Why? No ones coming after him?!"
I hold in a chuckle. Boy they were in for it.
" You don't know that. We are messing with the supernatural world. One of the Kings may send a knight."
" Ha! Like I'm afraid of those halloween characters."
*chuckling* " True plus the king to act may be the fairly king"
(The supernatural community has many kings like the wolf, vampire ect. They all work together to keep piece between everyone. Tho things like conflict between two of the same kind of species is not handled by them.)
" Have you heard?"
" What?"
" The wolves apparently got a new knight."
" So?"
" So!?! Apparently They showed up on about about a year ago and they're ruthless."
" Ruthless how?"
" Well when they show up at least half the people there end up dead including the boss of the operation. Then some are left alive just to tell others about it."
" Damn who is he? And how do you know there a wolf?"
"The story is it's a she. On the hood is a paw print and she wears a pin. I think the symbol of the smiling wolf pack. Apparently she's still a kid."
" What do they call her?"
" The Boogeyman."
Loud laughter erupted from the man.
"Why!, that's sooo stupid!!!!"
"Because she's who you send to kill the boogeyman."
I smiled to myself. I didn't pick the name but I have to admit it was growing on me. I was getting restless so I stud up on the tree branch I was previously sitting on. Then dusted of my uniform.
Uncle Mike gave it to me. Midnight black pants. White button up shirt that I never fully bottomed with a midnight black blazer. Then on my waist is a navy blue sash. A special gift form my dad. The blazer had a large hood attached on the inside with a black paw print on the front. ( the print was barley visible) I lifted the hood from inside my jacket and put it on. It just covered my eyes. I adjusted my packs pin on my right side, then checked my weapons.
A retractable steel staff on the in side of my jacket pocket, a small pistol loaded regular bullets( I don't like the silver ones if you can guess why.) Then a hidden knife. It's a part of my belt buckle. Last but not least are my baby's.
Duel retractable hidden wrist knives.
Any way time to get started. The mission is kill a man named Max Young. His crime is trying to organize a gang to kill high ranking supernaturals.
I let my wolf take over a little too heighten my senses.
I took a deep breath. It feels like about 30 guards yet most are positioned out side. Good it just makes this a hell of a lot easier. Time to have some fun.
I pick a leaf from a branch and dropped it.
As it drifted down one of the two guards looked up.
" Weird it's not windy."
I smiled, jumped down on top of him and broke his neck in one swift motion.
The guard next to him turned to see in horror, and looked as if to scream. Not afraid of Halloween characters huh?
Using my wolfs speed I covered his mouth and slit his throat with my retractable wrist blade.
I glanced around and took cover next to crates. Two more guards walking around. One spotted the body's.
" Holy shit!"
They both ran to the scene. With there backs turned I creep behind the both of them. I rest my arms casually on there shoulders and said "Hi!"
Then quickly moved my wrist blades across there throats. Do you see why I love them now so much?
Next I moved up a tree to get a good scope. It looks like I cleared a good portion so I have a way to escape. I moved to a tree close to the building then leaped on to side. Checking around I see a window. Pushing on it shows that is open. Looks like I get dinner early.
I jump in side a move behind a corner . I hear foot steps moving to me then they stop short. I whistle. He turns and looks around to see where the sound came coming from. He continues to move to me and when he's about to turn to corner I pop out, cover him mouth, and use my wolf strength to snap in neck. I move down to hall to a locked door. I stop to hear the conversation going on inside.
" So what's are next move Max?"
"We kill Vlad that's what."
Wait Vlad Stone? He's a pretty big leader of a clan of vampires in New York. But he's a nice guy he visits my family sometimes.
I'm done waiting I lock picked the door. I pushed it open walked in and locked the door behind me.
Two men where sitting at a table.
" Max Young?" A man looked up and I pulled out my gun and shot him before he could react.
" Shit!" Shouted the other man.
I pointed the gun at him.
" Don't move." I simply stated.
He held his hands up in surrender.
I moved to the now dead Max and picked up some interesting looking papers.
" I'm going to leave you alive, but tell you friends what happened here." I moved to exit the room.
I turned.
"What's your name?"
" The boogeyman."
I left the room.

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