Part 33: Love like you

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This song is what Jane hums and sings to Alice.

Jane's POV:

"Please stop yelling." Jordan said as he covered his ears.
"I can't help it, I'm worried. Where are we anyway?"
"An abandoned house. You said you felt her presence around here right?"
"Ya!" I shined my light around looking for any sign of Alice. I can fell her presence but I can't really pinpoint her exact place.
''Oh shit.'' I turned to see what Jordan was looking at. It was blood. A lot of blood.
"It looks like it goes downstairs. Stay here."
Goddess why would Alice be here of all places? And who took her? I hope she's okay...I heard Jordan come back upstairs. He was carrying what looks like a ball of bloody fur. Wait no. A wolf ... and she's really hurt. Oh my god that scent!

Its ALICE!!!!!!!!

I rushed over to her and placed my hands on her. Her fur was caked in blood. My wolf started to whine in pain. She looks so beaten. I felt tears start rolling down my face.
"I know its hard but stay strong okay? She's still kicking. Plus if you noticed all this blood isn't hers. I just contacted Jacob so we should get going so she can get some medical attention." I nodded.
I took a second to smell the scent of the other blood on Alice.
Shit... its my dad. God why can't he just leave me alone?!?! He hurt my mate, god the next time I see him I'm gonna rip out his neck!
We started walking to the car. I sat in the back and Jordan laid Alice down on me. I rubbed her head and begin to hum to her.


I placed Alice in the bath tub and started to wash her off. She's filthy, even as I'm washing her off I still can't believe it.
I mean she's barely alive.
I reached to my side and pick up my favorite lavender soap. I placed a generous dollop in my hands and worked it through Alice's fur.
She hasn't even woken up yet. God Alice, what did that jackass do to you?!
My dad... God I thought he would have given up looking for me by now. I mean it's been years. He must have heard I'm going to be the new Luna of the wolfs. He's been nothing but a demon in my life. Please Alice pull through.
I was about to begin to wash her paws but saw these burn mark scares around the wrists. I don't want to touch it because it looks like it hurts like all hell.
"Jacob? Can you come here?" He rushed in the bathroom.
"What is it? Is everything okay?"
"Can you look at this?" I pointed out the burns on her paws.
"It looks like prolonged skin contact with silver. She was most likely in chains."
I stayed quiet. I don't even know where to begin to try and sort out my feelings.
Should I be angry or sad? How about both.
"We should dry her of. Don't want her to get a cold." I was so wrapped up in my head I don't notice Allen was in the room.
"Ya okay." I got up and grabbed a towel. Allen picked Alice out of the tub and I dried her of.
We placed her on the bed.
"She should wake up soon."
"Ya, Im gonna go make some dinner. Or you and me can go out for a little bit. It should be good for you to get out for a little bit." He gave me a weak smile.
"Thanks but no. I want to stay with her, so she sees me when she wakes up."
"Okay take care, we are right out side if you need something." Allen and Jacob quietly left the room and closed the door.
I let out a sigh.
I've been nothing but trouble to Alice since the day I met her. God maybe I should just...leave. Go 'home' and give up. I mean Alice would be safe if I wasn't here.
{Don't you dare. I will not allow you to leave her}
{That's the last I want to hear about it Jane. She's our mate. It's time for us to stop running}
Your right I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, it would probably kill us to have to leave her.
{Ya. Why don't you sing to her?}
I haven't in awhile, I sound really dumb.
{Stop lying. I bet she would love to hear you.}
Why do I even listen to my wolf?
I let out another sigh. I sat up on the bed and carefully placed Alice's head on my lap. I ran my hand through her soft fur.
The first time I met her she was in her wolf form. So majestic...
I smiled to myself. Then took a deep breath.

If I could begin to be,
Half of what you think of me,
I could do about anything,
I could even learn how to love.

When I see the way you act,
Wondering when I'm coming back,
I could do about anything,
I could even learn how to love like you.

Love, like you...
Nothing Like You

I always thought, I might be bad,
Now I'm sure that it's true,
'cause I think you're so good,
And I'm nothing like you.

I felt eyes on me. Allen and Jacob were poking their nosey little snouts through the door.
I felt my face start to heat up.
"Can I get some privacy?!?!" I picked up a pillow and chucked it at them. They closed the door just in time not to get nailed.
*Thump, thump, thump*
I looked down to see Alice awake and wagging her tail, giving me that iconic wolfy grin.
-Can I hear that one more time love?-
QandA time!!!!!!!!!

This a QandA for the characters of everyone's favorite alpha. So you asked questions and they answered! (Not a part of the story line.)

Kidpanda25: Alice what's your favorite thing to eat for desert?
Alice: Jane. *winks*
*Jane punches Alice in the arm*
Jane: It's vanilla ice cream with sprinkles.

Wolfram20: Jane, what are you going to do about Sophia Love?
Jane: What am I going to do about her? Well I don't really know. I want to kill her or stuff her in a little box and ship her to the moon.
Alice: Baby please be civil.
Sophia: Don't waste your time wonderland, some dogs don't know how to behave.
Jane: *dry laugh* I would slap you, but that would be animal abuse.
Sophia: Wow! What a nice shade of ultra-bitch your wearing today!
Jane: Why don't you slip into something more comfortable?! Like a coma!
Alice: *Quietly and intimidated* Guys please not now, we have guests.
Jane: Not now puppy!
Allen: *Throughs Jane and Sophia over his shoulder, they continue to insult each other.* I think it's time of them to take a break. Thank you for the question. *Exits the room*
Alice: *Sigh*

Wolflove2010: Um Jacob, when are you going to tell Allen your pregnant?
Jacob: Shhhhhhh!!!!! *Whispers* I haven't found the right time yet, per say but soon. Definitely soon.
Alice: Your pregnant?! Congratul-!!!
Jacob: What part of shhh do you not understand?!?!
Allen: *Renters the room, looks around suspicious* Everything okay?
Jacob: *nervous* Yep!

Wolfram20: Alice what's your favorite thing to do beside being with Jane?
Alice: Well I like star gazing and video games. Oh and I like talking to Nick.
Wolfram20: What do you talk to him about?
Alice: *Grins to herself.* All the girls we have been with. Before I met Jane of course.

Ms-Robinson: Sophia, why do you like Alice so much? Where's your mate?
*no answer*
Ms-Robinson: *looks around* Where is she?
Alice: Still outside with Jane, I will go get them.*Exits*
*All return*
Sophia: Why do I like Alice? She saved my life by risking her own.
Jane: It was her JOB.
Sophia: Are you just mad because your ugly or what?!
Jane: Bitch, it looks like your face caught fire and someone tried to put it out with a hammer!
Sophia:One day I hope you choke on all the shit you talk.
Alice: Okay that's it!!!! Thanks for the questions guys! We all love you so much!
All: See you next time!!!
Special shout out to all of you that comment! Love you!!! Later!

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