Part 44: Vacation

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Jane's POV:

She popped her head up when she was done licking her lips.
I don't have any words so I jumped on her and kissed her with all the passion she gave me. I cuddled into her and before I knew it I was asleep.
Alice's POV:

Mmmmm. So warm. I snuggled into the warmth. I felt soft kisses being placed all over my face and neck as well as warm sunlight. Ugh sunlight. All I want is a lazy morning.
{We can't. We have to train for at least 2 hours then paperwork from two rival packs to work out then a meeting with vampir-}
Please stop. Let me just enjoy my time with Jane. I felt her grip on me get tighter as she gave me a small massage. I melted into her arms. She really knows how to rub me the right way...
*beeeep beeeeep*
"Ugh." Jane sighed as she hit her alarm.
"Puppy are you awake?" I nodded no and settled into her even more. She gave out a sweet laugh.
"Oh goddess that's too bad. I guess I'm making pancakes and eggs for one."
"Okay okay I'm up." I peeled myself off her and sat up next to her. She kissed my cheek.
"You have work today?"
"Ya that's why I set the alarm. Are you gonna be home for dinner?"
"I don't know."
"Don't sound so excited! Come on let's go get our day started." Fuck.
"Alice! Pay attention!!!" I sat down tired from the three miles Jordan just made me run.
"I'm paying attention, Christ."
"If you can't handle a bit of exercise then you shouldn't be king." He folded his arms and looked down at me.
"I've been training since I was a pup. I can handle it trust me." I just don't want to be here.
"I can read your mind you know."
"Well it's the truth." I can't wait to go on vacation.
"What vacation?"
"Stop reading my mind." I gave a warning tone.
"Who said you can go on vacation?"
"I don't need your permission."
"Um yes you do. You can't just up and leave whenever you feel like it."
"I'm not just up and leaving it's a break from all of the madness. I will be back in a week."
"You can't go."
"Yes I can go you don't get a say in my life."
"I won't let you go then."
"Excuse me?!"
"You heard me, you need to buckle down and focus-"
"Don't say another word. You aren't gonna get in the way of me spending time with my mate when I see fit. End of story. I've put the both of us through to much. Let's not forget I took a fucking bullet for your daughter. And helped you rescue your mate. So I'm going." I quickly left the room in anger.
Who the fuck does he think he is?! If he thinks I'm gonna roll over for everything he wants he's wrong. I don't care about my rank or his. Jane comes first.
Speaking of which I have yet to tell her about our vacation...
After I stormed out I went home and decided to cook up a nice lunch for Jane after she gets home from working at the coffee shop.
Maybe some nice potato soup or fish and chips? She's not that picky so fish and chips it is. She should be home soon so I want to be done making it.
So potatoes, fish, flower, spices...
Jane's POV:

Work was so busy! But it's fine since tips where amazing. I walked into the apartment building and hopped on the elevator. So first I have to change out of these clothes, take a shower then eat something. Then I should make sure I have enough gauze and ointment for Alice just incase she comes home with a new cut. Which is more likely than anything. I learned from Jacob how to treat basic wounds because Alice refuses to take care of herself. Then I should make dinner...
I got of the elevator and opened the apartment door. It smells so good in here! I walked into the kitchen to see Alice taking fish out of the frier.
"Someone is home early, I thought you weren't gonna be here."
"Change of plans, I wanted to come home and cook for my baby." She put down the plate of food and gave me a hug and kisses.
"Mhmm. Nothing happened today?" She held me close but made slightly uneasy eye contact.
"Nope." I can read this girl like a book.
"I know when you're lying." She took a deep breath and smiled lightly.
"I know but can you just eat with me?" I nodded and kissed her cheek. She served me and we sat at the table.
"So do you want to tell me what happened?"
"It's nothing really, Jordan was being a dick."
"First she was riding me during training then he said we couldn't go on vacation." She took angry bites of fish, she's so cute. Like a frustrated puppy.
"Vacation? What vacation?" She blushed.
"I booked us a vacation to the islands."
"You did what?!"
"I thought it would be nice. We never get away." Omg this girl. She just does the sweetest things.
"When are we going?"
"6 days."
After Alice told me the news and we ate, we spent the rest of the day together. Mostly cleaning and packing. She did some paper work but I made sure she didn't stay up to long because there is nothing worse than a grumpy puppy in the morning.
Right now I'm laying on her chest on my phone looking up different things about the islands. It looks so pretty. I can't believe she's taking me there.
She had a soft snore going on. Mmmm. She's so pretty when she's asleep. I make it a point not to not be to clingy for multiple reasons. One I don't want be that mate, two if I was I doubt she'd let me out of bed.
Speaking of...
I dipped my hand into her pants and gently rubbed her clit. I never got to thank her for yesterday. She moaned softly but stayed asleep.
I could start to smell her arousal and I kissed my mark on her. I wonder what she's dreaming about right now...
I lifted her shirt and gently started to suck on her nipples. Her moans got louder but she was still sleeping.
I kissed my way down to her sweet spot. I licked her lips and she woke up immediately.
"Shit baby!" The second she made eye contact with me I started to eat her out.
"Fuck." She groaned out. I gave her my best bedroom eyes and she pushed me in closer.
I sucked eagerly on her clit and she arched her back. She moaned curses and I knew she had came in my mouth. I licked her clean and she roughly pulled me close in her arms and marked my neck.
I felt myself cum as her fangs where in me. She licked clean my blood until the small wound closed. We shared a well deserved kiss.
"Morning puppy."

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