Part 29: Jane's Love

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King of the sea above.

Alice's POV:
One minute before the announcement,

I ran to the stage after Jordan called me.
"What do you want!?" I yelled at him.
"Keep your voice down. I just have a little announcement. I want you next to me when I say it so you don't disappear."
"No Jordan, what ever it is no."
"It won't be easy to say that after I say this!"
"Don't we can handle it in privat-"Jordan grabbed the microphone.
"Hello everyone! As you may have heard this is the lovely Alice Steel! She is the best and brightest pup our packs have to offer." He looked at me and grinned. "It would be an honor for me to offer you my position as Wolf King."
There where gasps and whispers in the crowd.
I looked over to Jane and she was equally as dumbfounded as everyone else.
Jordan once again spoke.
"Now everyone, this will not be happening over night. I will take her under my wing and teach her every thing I know. And when I deem her worthy she will take over. That is if she expects?"
I felt the eyes of everyone shift to me. Okay as an assassin this is the most uncomfortable thing in the world. I'm supposed to be in the shadows not seen!
Ugh!!! Wait I have a smoke bomb in my pocket, I can still escape.
{Don't you dare.}
{No buts. Gather your self. Except.}
I fixed my scarf and took a deep breath.
"I expect. I will become the Wolf King."
Jordan grinned.
The crowd erupted in cheers.
He grabbed the microphone one last time.
"Now everyone gave a good time! I know you want to congratulate this pup but I need to show her a few things first. Later!"
He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the crowd.
Jane's POV:

I really don't even know what to think or say other than wow.
"Can I have a dance?"I turned to see Sophia Love standing behind me.
I would say she looked good if I didn't hate her guts. Also if she didn't have that smug grin plastered on her face.
"Turning down the wolf kings daughter? That's not a good look."
"Fine." I spat. We started slow dancing.
"So how do you like the party?" I let out a low growl.
"Cut the crap. What do you want?" She chuckled.
"Your so aggravated. I don't want anything. I just came to tell you that I'm going to claim Alice soon."
I felt my chest tighten.
"Stay away from her!" I whisper yelled.
"Haha, after I'm done she's going to pick me over you."
"Your a stupid bitch. Alice loves me. She would never leave me for you."
"Don't be so confident, we are going to be spending a lot of time together, after all my dad will be training her."
-Jane baby are you there?-
It's Alice!!!
-Ya! Where'd you go?-
-Oh Jordan is giving me a speech, don't worry I will be back soon. Be sure to try and make friends.-
I sighed.
-I'm going to see you in a bit, later!-
-Wait! Puppy, you love me right? And you won't leave me?-
-Oh Jane, of course I love you. Where's all the doubt coming from?-
-It's nothing.-
-I don't like it when you lie to me. Never the less your my everything. Before I met you there was a unmissable whole in my life. Sure I had friends but I didn't have my mate. The one and only special person who I can share everything with. Even if it's bad, they still love and expect me for me. Plus they give me the most beautiful smile and say "I love you puppy." I could never walk way from that. I could never walk away from you. I love you.-
As she spoke her words calmed me and filled me with the warmth and comfort of her love. Goddess this girl!!!
-I love you so much.-
-See you in a bit.-
"Well I think I'm going to take my leave."
"Sounds good, kiss Alice good night for me." She had that sickening grin on her face. Lucky I didn't smack her again.
I walked away and sat at a table by myself.
"Hi there!" A guy around Alice's age sat next to me. He had short blonde hair and light blue eyes. He was not bulky at all but you could tell he was no weakling.
"Hi." I shook his out stretched hand.
"My names Luke, King of the sea."
"Oh wow, my names Jane, I have no title."
"Haha yes you do! Aren't you the mate of the next King? I mean wolf queen."
"Ya how did you know?"
"I saw you two dancing earlier, congratulations."
I felt myself blushing a bit.
"Thanks, are you here by yourself or is your girlfriend here?"
He sat back in his chair folded his arms and let out a Humf.
"He should be around here somewhere. That man, one second he's by my side the next he's up and disappeared."
"Oh you have a boyfriend? I'm sorry for assuming."
"It's fine sweetie. I know you mean well."
I felt a sudden gust of wind. I saw a Carmel colored man with short curly hair sitting next to the king of the sea. He eyes where an unnaturally beautiful blue green color. He looks about Allen's age and strong. Again just like Allen.
"Hey guppy!" He leaned over to give Luke a kiss on the cheek but was promptly stopped by a hand.
"Don't you dare guppy me! You just up and disappear for 2 hours and think that's okay?!"
"I'm head of security for the night, somethings came up that I had to handle." Luke gave him an understanding look.
"Just tell me next time then."
"I know, you right. I'm sorry Lucky."
Luke blushed.
"I thought we agreed you wouldn't call me that in public."
"What? No ones around." He gave him a devilish grin.
Luke embarrassedly motioned to me. The man then looked at me. I think he didn't notice I was here till now.
His bright eyes hardened and he stood.
He quickly fixed his suit jacket and cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry ms. I had no idea you were here." He stuck his hand out. "Alex, head of the seas royal guard."
I shook his hand.
"Jane no title." I gave him a warm smile. He raised his eyebrow at me, then let out a deep chuckle.
"No, no. You are the legendary Jane Summers. Legendary in your grace and beauty that is. Not only that but your mate is future king of the wolves." He bowed at the end of his small speech.
"Alex stop it our embarrassing her."
"What? She's a top priority guest."
"I don't think she used to all the attention, just look at her she's red as a strawberry." He shrugged and sat down.
"Oh! Jane would you like to hang out sometime?" Did I just make a friend?
"I would love to."

Alice's POV:

Well the party was yesterday. It's over and done with. Except I'm now next in line to be the wolf king. Damn I'm gonna be a fucking King.
Okay deep breaths.
Im gonna be King!!!!!!!!!
Honestly I don't know where to howl for joy or hide under the bed because of the size of the task.
My mind is constantly racing. I can hear congratulations from all my pack members through the link. I don't want to let anyone down. They are all going to be trusting me with their families, their lives soon.
Heavy stuff.
But it's all good I can do it!
{That's the spirit.}
Today I have a few things to do. First of talking to Allen. He won't be training me anymore but he got me to the point where I can be the next King. I can't just let him go. I have an idea!
-Hey Allen, I'm making steak and eggs.-
Seconds later I heard a knock at the door. Haha nothing like a good meal to get a wolf to move.
I opened the door for him.
I noticed he was glaring at me.
"I don't smell food."
"I said I'm making it."
He sat down on the kitchen counter and watched me start to cook.
"So you know about me becoming wolf King?"
"Ya every wolf from here to China is barking about it."
"So you know Jordan will be training me from now on?"
He took a big sigh. "Ya, I already started looking for a new job."
"Well that's kinda want I wanted to talk to you about. Will you be my beta?"
His eyes lit up. "Are you serious?!?!? Wait why not ask Nick?"
"Honestly I don't think that would be a good fit. He would need to train day and night for a year to catch up to my level and years to catch up to yours."
He nodded in agreement.
"I would be honored to be your beta."
He bowed to me. I couldn't help but give him a big hug, I put my head in his chest just like I used to when I was a kid. "Wonderful."
He hugged me back.
"Don't get soft on me wonderland."
I couldn't help but smile.
Okay now I don't mean to complain but I hate the fucking mornings.
Like with the burning passion of a thousand suns. Hell I didn't even know there was a 6:00am till I was 16. I just thought it was a nightmarish thing people said to scare there kids.
If you were wondering why I'm having my min rant is because the asshole King himself woke me up a 4am out of my soft warm bed to be at his house at 4:30. Not to mention he lives an hour away.
So in addition to being a jackass he can't do basic math.
I approached Jordan's house panting. I had to shift and run here to save time.
He strolled out of his home in a silk robe sipping on coffee look pleased to see me. He checked his watch and started to tisk.
"Alice! Your 1 minute 20 seconds late, to bad. So looks like you only get half of breakfast." I shifted into my human form.
"What the hell?!? No! That's not fair you live an hour away! I got here in half the time!"
He laughed.
"Lesson one-"
"Don't you dare lesson one me!"
"Lesson one, timing is key. Seconds could be the difference between life and death." He paused to grin. "But in this case it's just your breakfast."
I groaned.
"Don't give me lip! I don't have to feed you at all you know."
I hate mornings.
I'm dripping sweat. 567 push-ups so far. Of course not including the full 700 sets of other shit. Just thinking about it is making me tired.
"Keep up the tempo Alice!"
God I wish I had that other half of breakfast.
"Good. This doesn't seem hard enough."
"No! This is perfectly fine the way it is!"
"Nah, Sophia! Please come here for a moment." In walks Sophia love. She's wearing, goddess she looks sexy in leggings.
Wait no!!!! Malnutrition will do some shit to you.
"Can you sit on Alice's back? She's to comfortable."
"It would be my pleasure!"
She sat my back and I all most collapsed.
"Stop and you don't get lunch." I quick picked up my speed.
"Good, now I have some paper work to do. Sophia she only has 100 more of those left. Make sure to feed her when she's done." He left the room.
Sophia made me a buffet. It smells amazing to but as hungry I am I'm more tired.
Ugh...yawn..she made.a lot....
Sophia's POV:

I can't believe Alice just fell asleep while she was eating. It was pretty cute to be honest, she's all tuckered out.
Her training did seem hard I guess.
Well the least I can do is lay her down.
But in my bed of course.
Sophia's up to it again!!!!

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