Part 37: Ally

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Jane's POV:

I rolled over to see Alice sleeping next to me. Her hair was messy and she smelled like the forest. My beautiful mate.I can't believe just a few days ago she wasn't here. My dad... I can't help but feel guilty about what happened to her. It's my fault.
Maybe I should just tell her the whole story. I mean she can't be that mad with me right?
Well she was yesterday but she's still next to me. I really don't want her mad at me.
Her chest raised and fell in perfect rhythm. I couldn't help but to snuggle into her for warmth.
"Alice?" I said softly. She didn't budge.
"Alice?" I said it a little bit louder. No response. Weird she usually moves a bit the second time. I decided to straddle her instead. I moved my face down so our faces were inches apart.
I kissed her cheek and her eyes shot open.
I got startled and jumped back a bit.
Why are her eyes blue? There a emerald green not and electric blue.
"Alice?" I said one more time. She smiled.
"Nope, the names Rin honey." What?
"Did you hit your head Alice?" I pressed my hand on her head checking for a fever. I heard a small whine come from her.
"No my names Rin. I'm Alice's wolf. Ugh. I knew I should have introduced myself earlier."
"Oh, what happened to Alice?"
"She's resting right now. That's really the only reason I'm talking to you freely. She never lets me have control."
"You want to talk to me?"
"Of course I do! Your my mate. It's a little early to be up. Did you want to talk to us?"
"Um no."
"I can tell when your lying." She wrapped her arms around me.
"Um it's just, about my dad. I'm sor-"
"Don't you dare say your sorry." I gave her a questioning look. "It's not your fault. I'm gonna get stronger and no ones ever gonna hurt you again. I promise." There was a burning passion in her eyes. I nodded feeling reassured.
"So your the one that likes tummy rubs, right?" She had a light blush on her face. I gave her another kiss and she blushed harder. Awe my puppy's so cute!
"I'm kinda hungry."
"Want me to make you something to eat? You like blueberry pancakes, right?"
"Um I want to eat something else..." She ran her hand up my leg to my thigh.
Jordan's POV:

"King! It's good to see you. I give up!" I saw one of my best x Knights standing if front of me. Sebastian Steel.
God can I get no rest?
"Have you expected your fate and come to face your death. Because if you have I'm grateful. You saved me some time and trouble. In return I will send you to see our goddess very soon."
He burst out laughing. That's my thing.
"You don't want me dead. I mean unless you ever want to see your mate again."
"What the hell are you talking about. My mates dead."
"Well no not yet at least." I growled and walked closer to him. I saw him waver in confidence. How is this peace of shit related to Alice?
"You better start making some sense or my fist will be the last thing you see."
"Well for me to talk you need to do something for me." I punched him and he hit the ground hard. I grabbed him by the hair and dragged him in the house.
"You are in no position to try and bargain with me." I kept dragging him to my basement. I opened a silver cell and throw him in. I locked it then sat in a seat across from him. I grit my teeth.
"If you don't start talking I'm gonna call Alice over here. And trust me, she would love to see you right around now." He looked petrified.
"She's alive. Now what are you gonna do to see her again?" I got up and left the room.

She's alive.

The words keep echoing in my head. Where is she then?! All of these years with out her. Ally...
"Dad are you okay? You look a little sick." Sophia approached me.
"You look so much like your mother... I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." Her expression shifted from worried to sad.
"You never talk about her... Come on I think you should lay down."
She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my room. Then she laid me down and opened a window.
"Just relax okay." She left after that.
I have to find her.

She's alive.
Jane's POV:

"Puppy!" Rin came running full speed at me but stopped just short of hitting me. Her tail thumping on the floor excited.
"Did you want to go out to eat?" She nodded her head yes.
"Does that include me?!" Nick popped up out of nowhere. Rin jumped in front of me puffed herself up and growled at Nick. He quickly held his hands out in submission.
"Hey Rin, long time no see..." Rin started staking forward.
"Oh come on do we have to do this every time we see each other?" Rin finally pounced on him and he shifted into his wolf form. They started to wrestle on the living floor. Rin clearly had him beat from the get go but they kept rolling around in a furry ball. I pushed the couch back a little bit giving them more space and I sat down.
"Honey be carful not to break anything." She howled in agreement and continued to man handle Nick.
-Don't encourage her behavior! Call her off!!!- Nick mind linked me frantic.
-Maybe but how did you get in our apartment. I made sure to lock the door.-
-I picked the lock! Please help!!!- I chuckled to myself.
"Puppy I think he's had enough. Can you come over here and give me kisses?" My black wolf froze in place then hoped of Nick and walked over to me. I pat the spot next to me and she climbed on the couch and licked my check with her ruff tongue. I rubbed her head in thanks and she laid down a cross my lap showing her protection of me.
Nicks wolf sat up tired. He flattened his ears in submission.
-Can you do that sooner next time?-
"Can you not brake into people's houses next time?"
-I wanted to say hi!-
"You can knock and do that." He fell on his belly.
-I'm sorry.-
"You know for next time." I kept running my hand through Rin's thick soft fur.
-Are we still going for dinner? I could eat a house around now.-
"It was supposed to be a dinner date."
"Oh come on, I'm a great third wheel! Plus I will pay." Rin's ears perked up.
-Baby Alice is waking up.- Her ears flattened.
"Every thing okay?" She shook her head no.
-I wanted to spend more time with you. She's not gonna let me have control.-
"It's okay, I love you. And when I spend time with her I will think of you too." I gave her one of my best smiles and she licked my face all over.
-I love you too!-
She stopped and her eye color slowly shifted.
"I had a great time with your wolf."
-You met my wolf?! She didn't try anything on you did she?- I started to blush.
"Um... Want to get dinner?"
Jordan's POV:

Goddess please help... I want to see her.
"Dad? Come on its dinner time. Sit up, eat something."
"Not right now. I'm not hungry."
"It's not your fault."
"You don't know that."
"Neither do you. She wouldn't want to see you like this."
I covered my face with my pillow. I don't want Sophia to see me so weak.
"Need a hug?"
"Maybe later."
"Okay I'm gonna leave dinner right here. I'm gonna go out for a little bit okay?"
"Be safe."
Alice's POV:

I got back from dinner with Jane and Nick. It's much less romantic with him telling stories from when we're kids. Plus Rin won't shut up about how much she loves Jane and all the things she wants to do to her.
{Her smile is as bright as the sun!!!}
I know you've been saying that all night.
"And I swear to god she went flying!"
Jane and Nick were in tears laughing.
"Is that true puppy?" She said in between laughter.
"Ya, it was a huge hill."
*Ding dong*
Jane walked to the door and opened it. Sophia love was standing there. She looked upset.
"Can I help you?" Jane said coldly.
She didn't say anything to Jane and walked straight to me.
"I need your help." She grabbed my hand. I heard Jane growling.
"With what?"
"Jordan, he needs someone to talk to someone other than me."
"Um okay, right now?"
"Ya." I turned to Jane to gage her reaction. Her eyes were locked on Sophia.
"Don't worry Jane I will bring her back.
Jane rolled her eyes.
"Ya, keep doing that. Maybe you'll find a brain back there."
"Maybe you should eat your makeup, it might make you prettier on the inside, bitch."
God not again.
"You know what, I don't see what Alice likes in you. I mean maybe your cute, 15 miles away, at midnight, behind a wall, with a bag over your head, in a pit, on fire."
"Your mom should have swallowed."
"Don't talk about my mom you stupid whore!"
"Okay guys! Come on Sophia. I love you Jane, I will be back soon!" I pushed Sophia out of the door and stole a kiss from Jane. They can never be in the same room together without fighting.
I climbed in the car with Sophia. Something looked like it was bothering her.
"Um you okay? Jane didn't mean it."
She looked out the window quietly. I rested my hand on her thigh.
"You want to talk about it?"
"My mom was a good- no amazing woman. And... I love her..."
Hey! I haven't gotten any questions for the QandA.
So comment!!! Until next time.

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