Part 36: The King's Aura

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Alice's POV:

"Jane's dad. Sebastian. They did it."
"We will hunt them down. There is no where in the world they can hide." Jordan said and rested his hand on my shoulder.
I turned to Jane.
"Why didn't you tell me it was your dad hunting you down?"
"It never seemed that important..."
"Not that important!? That changes everything! He's your blood, we need to find him now. If he's willing to kill his own daughter there's no telling what lengths he will go to to find you!" Jordan flicked me hard up against the head.
"The fuck was that for?!"
"You need to stop yelling. It's not her fault." I never said it was her fault. But I have a right to know basic key facts! I looked back at Jane.
She looked really upset... Ugh.
{This is a hard thing for her to relive. She doesn't want to talk about something that caused her so much pain. No one would. Stop being an ass.}
I'm not trying to be an ass! Ugh. I walked over to Jane and wrapped my arms around her. She tensed at my touch.
"I'm sorry. It's just I'm a little upset, not at you my love." I whispered in her ear.
She shook me of and went to our bedroom, closing the door behind her. I started after her but Jordan stopped me.
"Let her go for now."
"No. Let's eat. She just needs a little time."
We walked back to the table joining my parents and Nick. They all stood and bowed to Jordan.
"The Wolf King! It's an honor!" My dad said. I sat down and started eating again. They all started rambling about how it's so great Jordan's here.
Ugh how can they be happy?! People are out there trying to hurt us!
"Alice honey please don't bend your fork like that." My mom said as she rested her hand on my shoulder.
"Ah, looks like someone needs to blow of some steam. Let's go pup." Jordan picked me up by the back of the shirt.
"I don't want to go anywhere with you."
"Stop being a sour puss. Don't worry, I promise we will have plenty of fun." He turned to my parents. "You have raised a fine daughter, I'm grateful to you for that. Sadly we have to leave. You are welcome to call me personally any time. My land is your land."
My parents bowed.
"You honor us, thank you." Said my mom for both of them. He tucked me under his arm.
Jordan drove us to the middle of nowhere. Then we walked through the woods to a clearing.
I looked around confused.
"Why are we here? I thought you said we would have fun." He took his shirt of and started stretching.
"Trust me we are going to have fun." I gave him a blank stare.
"I'm lesbian." He rolled his eyes at me.
"Not that kind of fun. We're gonna spare."
"Oh hell no! Do you not know what just happened to me?! I'm not 100 percent."
He walked over to me and placed his hand on my head. After a moment he smiled. Then backed way and continued to stretch.
"I took a look at your memory when you where captured. You were supposed to die that night."
"You read my mind you jackass!!! You know that's illegal right?! That's an envision of privacy!"
"I know, I made the rule."
"I'm not fighting you."
"If you don't I will kill Jane." He stopped stretching. I looked in his eyes to see if he was joking. His eyes were hollow. I let out a low growl.
"If you're joking its not funny."
"I'm sorry, does it look like I'm joking? You know what... I won't kill her. I'll mate with her and she will have my pups. Then I'll kill her." He smirked. I let out a louder growl. My wolf started to pace and I could feel my rage building.
"Take it back Jordan." I let my anger be heard. His smirk turned into a sick smile.
"What are you gonna do about it, huh?"
{Kill him!!!}
"I'm gonna make her mine...oh what I'm gonna do to that pretty face."
I felt something break inside me at that very moment.
The Ora I had when I beat Sebastian and Jane's dad came rushing back. It flowed through me like lava and before I knew it I was attacking Jordan at full force.
Like our first fight he dodged all of my punches with ease. But he was sloppy, I look advantage of him letting me get to close and made him pay. I delivered a clean uppercut to his chin and his head rocked back with my blow.
This wasn't our last fight.
I'm not out classed.
I doubled back. He looked at me. His eye were blank. Then the focus returned all at once. He rubbed his chin.
"Damn I haven't been hit like that in a while."
He ran at me this time looking to land a shoot of his own. His pace at first was steady but keep getting faster making it impossible to get another chance to knock him out. Shit I'm on the defense.
Then only chance I have is to eat one of his punches and counter. Only problem with that is he hits like a wreaking ball. I can't risk losing.
Not with my mate at stake.
I felt a burst of energy. Time seamed to slow and his punches became predictable. 1-2-2-1-2-1
Time returned to normal and I ducked one of his punches stepped inside and landed a hook.
He stumbled back. I kept my hands up and stayed on my toes.
He spit blood out of his mouth.
"Twice in one day? I must be getting old."
He looked back at me and eyes where livid. Blue and orange. Like a flame ready to burn down a forest. It sent chills down my spine.
He broke out laughing.
"You look like me when I was young." He turned around and picked up his shirt pulling it back on.
Has he completely forgotten we were fighting?!
"I'm not done with you Jordan!"
"Calm down I was messing with you. I just had to see for myself."
"See what for yourself?"
"If you posted the Kings Ora. You do in spades pup. Hell you brought mine out."
"The Kings Ora. A dormant trait every wolf has.  Most never know about it because they never tap into it. Looks to me as if when you were captured you tapped into it. Then your trigger for unlocking the power is your love and dedication to Jane. Honestly I can't believe it.'' I growled at him.
''I can't believe you! Your such a jackass!"
"You got me all worked up. Then what you said about Jane." I couldn't help but keep growling.
"I'm sorry kid, I need to bring out that power." My energy started to rapidly disappear. I laid down and looked at the sky.
The stars are so pretty.
Jordan laid down next to me. "Are you mad at me?"
"Only a little bit. I mean I did get some shots in so we can call it even for now." He let out a deep chuckle. 
"Good we can work on harnessing that power later."
I closed my eyes and took in the night air. My mind drifted to other problems.
"We will find them." His voice was calm.
"We have to find them."
Jordan's POV:

Alice and I fell asleep in the woods last night. I tried to wake her up around 4:00 but she wouldn't move. So I took her back to her apartment putting her in bed next to her beloved mate. She's did remarkably well. I keep trying to mess with her and put her through training that would have broken a lesser wolf. But she's resilient. It's refreshing.
I figure she can use a break for a day or two.
I sat in my office going over documents. Something about the king of the sea wanting a meeting.
I eyes drifted to a old picture of me and my mate. Ally...
I sighed.
Goddess I miss you so much. All you wanted was peace.
"Excuse me sir? Someone is out side to see you." My maid Rachel said as she bowed to me.
"Sorry to bother you King."
"No need to be sorry. Thank you." She left and I put the picture down.
I fixed my hair a bit then headed outside.
"King! It's good to see you. I give up!" I saw one of my best x Knights standing if front of me. Sebastian Steel.
God can I get no rest?
"Have you expected your fate and come to face your death. Because if you have I'm grateful. You saved me some time and trouble. In return I will send you to see our goddess very soon."
He burst out laughing. That's my thing.
"You don't want me dead. I mean unless you ever want to see your mate again."
Hey guys! Um over the past few days we hit 25k!!!! So in celebration their will be a QandA! Please leave your questions! Thank you to all of my new readers! Sorry I know it's short but the next chapter is gonna be good so don't be mad!

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