Part 42: Home

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Jane's POV:

"Was that Alice?" Jacob said as he put the noddles in the water.
"No it was Rin, Alice's wolf."
"Oh really? Allen's wolf isn't that talkative, well he likes to show up once in a while but that's when my wolf or I get upset. He's a big teddy bear."
"Just like Allen?" He smiled to himself.
I wonder what Alice is doing right now.
Alice's POV:

Ugh. Why are we not home yet?! Allen drives like an old man that's why.
"Pull over let me drive."
"No we are making good time. Just enjoy the ride." I don't want to enjoy the fucking ride I want to be home with Jane.
I slumped in my seat. Glancing in the rear view mirror I saw Jordan and Ally being lovey in the back seat. Ugh. Allen and I come all the way out here to help him get his mate and we don't even get a thank you.
Leaving us to deal with all the rouges.
{You are just grumpy about not being with Jane}
Ya I want her and my bed. Not sitting in this god forsaken car.
{Go to sleep when you wake up we will be home.}
Okay. I closed my eyes and let my mind wonder.
"Alice get your ass up we are home!" I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to see our apartment building.
"Finally." I yawned. Turning I saw Jordan and Ally still in the back of the car.
"You guys didn't want to go home?"
"They are sticking around for a free meal." Allen spoke up for them.
"Not exactly. I have yet to met your mates. Might as well get it out of the way now."
We all hopped out of the car and piled into the elevator. Looks like that alone time with Jane is gonna have to wait.
{No, they get to stay an hour or two but after that they all have to get out.}
Well someone's eager. As soon as the elevator let us out on the top floor my favorite scent hit me. Cotton candy and vanilla!!!!
I couldn't hold in my excitement any longer. Rushing to the door I unlocked it and saw home sweet home. Jacob tried to greet me but I  rushed past him as Janes scent got stronger.
I finally saw her in the kitchen wearing her apron finishing cooking. As she turned to say hi I used my wolf speed to pick her up and kiss her before she could.
Sparks come as we kiss making up lost time together. She tightens her grip on me and deepens the kiss. After what feels like only seconds lost in her passion I break the kiss for air.
"I missed you too puppy." She gave me one last kiss and I got the signal to put her down for now.
"Thank god I thought we would have to get the stick to pull you two apart." I growled at Allen. He should be talking. Draped over Jacob like that.
"Ya Jane you shouldn't be doing that around the food." Jacob added in. Jane just blushed and hid behind me.
"Let's just eat I'm starving."
I looked around the table to see happy faces. Jordan and Ally reunited after so long. Allen and Jacob with a pup on the way. Me with the love of my life by my side. I stopped eating to take a deep breath. Then sighed out. I felt a hand hold mine.
-Every thing okay puppy?-
-Ya I'm just enjoying the moment.-
She kissed my cheek and continued to make conversation.
We all have our problems but this moment couldn't be more perfect.
{It would be with her under us.}
I smiled to myself. You have a point there...
The Kings Kids: Book Two Preview.
Building off the original plot we follow Alice and Jane in the future. With a few more characters. Enjoy.

Juliana's POV:

"Baby wake up." No. No. Fuck just five more minutes. No. Hours. Ya hours.
"You can't sleep for five more hours so get your lazy ass up." I squinted my eyes open too see Olive. Naked. Shit. Don't tell me we did that again.
"You sound disappointed you fucked me love."
I growled as I woke up. I didn't mean it like that.
"I'm sorry. It's just you know." She kissed my forehead.
"I know it's okay I'm just teasing. But you really need to get up. Your alarm is going crazy."
I can't remember why I set it. Do I have a mission today? I sat up hoping to wake up more. More yawns came instead.
Yogi are you up?
Do you remember why I set the alarm?
{Yes but I don't remember why you keep sleeping with this girl.}
Oh goddess not this again. Just look at her. I watched as Olive got out of bed and started picking up discarded clothes. As she bent over she exposed my favorite parts of her. A nostalgic feeling of lust came rushing back.
{No not again. Earth too Juliana. She's not our mate.}
You know I didn't hear these complaints last night.
{God you're a dog}
Me? I know what you think about too you know. So back to the real subject. Why did I set the alarm?
{I wanted to wait for our mate.}
I sighed. I know wolfy. But I'm 22 and she's no were to be found. And Olive is sweet so it's better than being alone. Now the alarm?
{The job interview for the King is too day.}
Oh shit right!!!!!!!!!
"Everything okay?" Olive spoke as she slowly got dressed.
"Ya I just remembered what I set the alarm for. The king of the wolves has an opening for a high ranking job and the interview is today."
"Aren't you already an assassin for the king? Why do you want the job?"
"It pays more for one and honestly all the bounties these days are slowing up. I don't want to sleep in the woods."
"So what is she gonna have you do?"
"I don't know it didn't say."
Olive straddled me.
"Well what ever it is I hope you get it." She gave me a deep kiss and I happily returned the passion. I gently started pulling at her top wanting to get closer to her.
She quickly broke the kiss.
"You really think you have time?"
"I always have time for that." I gave her a wink. She giggled and got off of me.
"You are such an idiot. Get out of bed or I'm dragging you out."
"Ugh okay mom."
"It's mommy too you." She gave me a sexy wink reminding me of last night. My body started to heat up.
"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath. I got out of bed and headed to the shower.
I wonder if the job is as a guard...
No probably not. The king is apparently really powerful taking out a hundred enemies by herself. I don't know if I buy that story tho. Even though she gives me jobs I've never met her before. People say she just likes to stay home with her mate and only goes out went there is a big fight that's she's needed in.
Well I guess I will find out more later.
I grabbed my soap and started to wash away evidence of my previous activities. I hate to met the king smelling like heat.
When I washed off and got out and started getting dressed.
I looked in the mirror. Long loose curly hair. Carmel skin and orange eyes. I grabbed a causal suit and put it on.
Is that buttermilk?
I ran to the kitchen to see Olive making my favorite breakfast!
Eggs and waffles!!!!!!!!
I hugged her from behind and gave her kiss.
"You are gonna spoil me!!!!!"
"It sounds like a big day so I don't want you going hungry. You forget to take care of yourself sometimes."
"Thank you so much!" I took my seat as she served the both of us.
"What time are you gonna be home? I don't want to wait up all night for you if I don't have to." Lier, she has countless times even when I told her not to. Well we do share this apartment. We have separate rooms but only end up in mine.
"I don't know but I will mind link you of something happens."
So this is the Kings house? It looks kinda normal. I was expecting a mansion. I mean other than it being in the middle of nowhere it's really nothing special.
{There are a lot of cars around.}
Probably the other applicants.
I hustled up the stairs and knocked on the door. A man with gray hair opened it and smiled. What is this feeling I'm getting from him?
{It's his aura. Christ I can smell his strength.}
"Are you here for the job?"
"Yes sir my name is Juliana Drake."
"Good good come in. My name is Mike Allen." Something on him smells really good. Maybe a perfume or something.
"No! Get the fuck out!!!!" A booming voice rang out though out the house. I couldn't help but jump. People ran past Mike Allen and I.
"Geez... Alice is at it again." He turned to me.
"You didn't run?"
"Well I kinda really want that job." He smiled. He started walking further into the house and I followed.
It looks like we arrived at an office. He knocked.
"Come in!" A sweet voice answered. I stayed close to Allen when we entered. I saw a beautiful woman sitting at a desk centered in the room. Blonde hair and loving blue eyes. And that's stronger on her. Warm Chocolate and vanilla. My favorite.
"Where is Alice?"
"I made her take a little nap after yelling at all those poor people."
"I don't know how she expects to find a protecter when her standards are so high."
"It's her little girl she won't stand for... Wait I'm sorry. Hello there little one! Allen who is this?!"
"Oh um... What is your name again?"
"Juliana Drake mam."
"Aren't you just the cutest thing?" She walked up to me and gave me a hug. I could tell she was genuine. I hugged her back.
"You are here for the job too?"
"Well let's get started."
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