Part 11 : Don't you ever scare me again.

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Hey guys before I start, I just want to shout out Miragriff for being the first person to like the story. It means a lot sweet heart! Oh and thanks for still sticking with me everyone! We are almost at 500 reads!
So above is a very happy Jane to see her puppy. Let's get started!

Alice's POV:

Everything's so dark. Like a bottom less void. But it's not scary or anything, it's just empty.
I've been here for it feels like an eternity or seconds I can't tell. I don't even know why I'm here.
Everything's fuzzy.
{Well blood loss will do that to you.}
A large black wolf with a white line under its right eye appeared in front of me. She was sitting on her hind legs even though there's nothing under her.
Wait I know her.
{Yes Alice its me. It's time to wake up now.}
I am awake. We are talking aren't we?
{No your in a coma and it's time to wake up.}
A coma? What happened?
{The explanation can wait. It's time to wake up.}
Why it's it so important that I wake up?
{Jane. Your breaking her heart every minute your not with her. It's time to wake up.}
OMG! Jane!
How do I wake up?!
{I have no idea.} She stud up and walked away.
I can feel Jane. She's upset. I need to be there for her!
Wake up!
Wake up!!
Wake up!!!

Jane's POV:

It's been two heart wrenching days since my puppy's been in a coma.
The doctor said 'anytime now' but that's really not cutting it.
I haven't left her side yet.
I've been holding her hand for it seems like forever now.
Then I felt it. She squeezed my hand.
Her eyes opened and she swiftly sat up and flinched.
I guess feeling the pain of her wounds.
I jumped on her not being able to hold in my excitement. I pulled her into a tight embrace and showered her face with kisses.
"Ouch, it's good to see you to."
Oh shit I just jumped all over her stitches! I carefully climbed of her. Then pulled up a chair.
"Sorry puppy I'm just happy to see you."
She cupped my face with her hand and rubbed my cheek with her thumb.
She looked sad.
"You were crying..."
She trialled of. My eyes are red and puffy do to all the crying.
"It's okay, you don't need to worry about that. How do you feel?"
I gently guided her to lay back down.
"Everything hurts."
"I'm gonna go get the doctor, I will be back in a second." I stud up to leave.
"Wait!" I turned around "I don't want to be with out you."
I smiled hear to hear. I bent down and kissed her fully on the lips. She smiled in the kiss. It stated off innocently but then was filled with passion. Her tongue begging for entrance into my mouth. But instead of giving into the temptation, I denied her the satisfaction.
Then trying to be a tease I broke the kiss.
"I will be back in a second." Then shifting to my sexy voice I said "Think about that to keep yourself entertained."
Then made sure to sway my hips on the way out.
She was speechless.
"My name is doctor Armstrong. Do you know your name?"
I was holding my puppy's hand sitting at her side as the doctor questioned her.
She nodded yes.
"Can you say it?"
"Alice Steel."
"Do you know her name?" The doctor motioned to me.
"Yes, she's Jane Summers. My mate."
"Good, good." She jotted something down on her clip board. "Now, do you remember what happened?"
Alice looked down hard. "No..."
"It's okay Hun, you lost a lot of blood."

"You got shot by a sliver bullet saving me." I turned to see who spoke.
It was a very attractive girl with blonde hair and ice blue eyes.
She walked up to Alice and kissed her.
My blood started to boil.
Alice pushed her off.
"Who the fuck are you?!" My puppy sounded mad. It made me a little happy I'm not gonna lie.
"Sophia Love! Why you don't remember helping me?" She was shocked.
"No. I don't. I'm sorry but everything's a little fussy. But you need to apologize to my mate." She gestured to me.
She quickly turned to me and looked deviated.
"Oh goddess! I am sooo sorry! I had no idea! I was just trying to say thank you."
Ya bitch you better be sorry for touching my mate. Lol I can't say that.
"It's fine as long as you didn't know. But don't let it happen again."
"Love, I'm really tired." Yawned Alice.
"Okay puppy you can go to sleep."
"I'm just gonna leave..." Sophia trailed off. "I will see you later?" She asked Alice hopefully. Totally ignoring my death look.
Alice nodded. She gave a big smile and blow a kiss. I could feel my wolf wanting to kill her.
"Feel better!" She called as she left the room. The doctor quietly followed.
My puppy yawned again clearly exhausted from the days events.
"Ready for bed?"
"No, not yet I could use a shower." She moved to get up but flinched in pain.
"Oh no puppy your on bed rest right now. If you want to bathe I have to help."
"I got it don't worry." She tried again but failed.
I sighed.
"Look Alice, honey, You have to take it easy for a while. I know it's gonna be hard for you but, can you do that for me?"
She nodded quietly.
"Good." I gave her a soft kiss on the cheek making her blush. "You don't even smell that bad so it can wait till morning."
I leaned back in my chair ready to drift of into sleep.
"Umm Jane, can you sleep with me?"
"No puppy I don't want to hurt your stitches."
"But honey!" She whined out.
"Alice I said.." I looked over to her to give a scolding look but before I could finish she had the most adorable puppy eyes. Like it melted my heart just to glance at her.
I let out a sigh.
"If you get hurt its not my fault."
I stud up and moved to the bed. I slid her over to the side and got in.
"Happy?" I said a little mad that I gave into her, knowing not to.
"Wait!" She slowly pulled her self close to me and put her head on my chest. Then and arm around my waist.
I had to hold in a chuckle she's so darn cute!
"Night love."
"Not just yet." She looked up at me.
"What's wrong?"
"Don't you ever scare me again." She leaned over and gave me a soft kiss.
"No promises."

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