Part 23 : Ms.Love

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Alice's POV:

Man, what time is it? I looked around and saw I was cuddling with a pillow instead of Jane. My wolf wined.
{Find her, I want kisses}
Calm down.
{Wait! Do you smell that? Someone else is in here.}
Ya I smell it. I shifted into my wolf and hoped out of bed. I quietly approached my bed room door and sniffed the air.
I smell cotton candy and vanilla. That's definitely my wonderful mate. Then I also smell green apple. I remember that smell from some where...
Poking my head out of the door I saw Jane sitting on the couch talking to a girl. She was a pretty blonde girl with ice blue eyes. Wait! I remember now Sophia Love. The wolf kings daughter!
Why does she not have an escort?!
I bolted back in the room and to the shower.
I can't approach a royal with morning breath and bed head.
{Get behind your ears}
I know how to bathe!
{Don't yell at me because your stressed about the princess you saved and barely remember.}
I almost died!
{Ya ya. Just ask if you need a reminder.}
Thanks. I got out of the shower and dried of. Then brushed my teeth and combed my hair.
I slipped on a normal black and white suit. I could wear my assassin uniform but it seems like over kill.
I gathered myself and confidently walked to the girls.
"Morning baby." Moving to Jane first I leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss staying on my feet.
Then I turned to Sophia and bowed.
"Good morning It's a wonder-" She cut me of by tackling me down and hugging me.
"There's no need to be formal Alice! Just call me Sophia!" She followed her burst of energy by giving me a loving kiss on the cheek.
"Oh okay um sounds good." Gently picking her up I continued.
"So Sophia were are your guards?" I placed her down in a seat. She looked a little sad I wasn't holding her anymore. I just brushed it off and sat next to Jane.
"You mean the twins? I gave them the day off. Then I kind of got bored sitting around the house so I came here. I never got to give you a proper thank you after all." It sounds like she was hinting at something at the last part.
"You came here by yourself?"
"Do you know how dangerous that is?!"
I said half yelling.
"I know but I made it here."
I sighed.
"It just means I have to guard you for the day...after all you shouldn't be wondering the streets alone." I said turning to Jane. She didn't look to happy with Sophia and the affection she was giving me. "Are you okay with that Hun?" I spoke making sure to ask sweetly.
"Okay." She answered coldly and was glaring at Sophia. Sophia was happy and ignored my mates stares. Awe someone's being over protective.
"Sooo anything you want to do today?" Trying to keep it light.
"Ya! In fact I want to have a picnic. Just you and me."
"Okay I have to pick up some sandw-" She cut me off.
"No need!" She turned to her side and picked a wicker basket up. "I have everything right here."
"I don't like this!" Jane whisper yelled at me. She had just pulled me into your bedroom, Sophia is still in the living room.
"It's okay. It's just lunch." I said trying to comfort her.
"No, the way she looks at you... I don't like it I really don't."
"You know your the only girl for me right?" I gave her my puppy eyes and tried to bring her into a hug.
"Alice I'm serious."
"I'm to." I moved in and gave my sweet girl a kiss. We stud close together, body to body. "Jane...I love you. More than I can ever express. I promise you I will be loyal."
"I know I trust you and love you so much puppy. It's her I don't trust."
I drove to a nice park so we could have the picnic.
We both got out and I finally got the chance to observe what she was wearing.
A short light blue skirt, the same color of her ice blue eyes. Then a kinda see through white blouse. I can tell she's wearing a pink lace bra... Her hair is down and parted to the side. If I didn't have a mat-
I'm just looking!
{Ya right. Keep it in your pants.}
Ugh.. I don't want her. I mean if I was single then hell ya! But I have a wonderful mate at home.
"Alice! How about up there?" She pointed to isolated hill that over looks the rest of the park.
"Ya looks good."
We walked in a peaceful silence to the spot. Then we laid out a big blanket and sat down.
She look out a sandwich and handed it to me.
"I'm really glad you wanted to come with me, I've been thinking about you a lot lately."
"Ya? This is a really good sandwich by the way."
"Thanks so how is everything?"
"Fine it could be worse. How about you?"
"Fine thanks to you." She gave me a heart warming smile. I don't know why but it made me blush.
We keep talking for awhile like that. Random things that came to mind.
"So who's your favorite super hero?"
I thought about it for a minute.
"Really why?"
"He was always cool and showed up to save the day." She rubbed her arms. It is getting cold out. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. She snuggled into me.
"So who's your favorite superhero?"
"You." I chuckled at her.
"I'm not a superhero."
"Yes you are! You saved me at least. Plus you fought a dragon."
"Why does everyone know about that?"
"Cause it was awesome." We both laughed. "But really Alice... I owe you my life." She turned and looked at me with those ice blue eyes.
"It was nothing."
"It wasn't. Your amazing." Her hand ran down my body.
"I have a mate." I looked at her being serious. She pouted.
"What? She can't share?" I laughed.
"No she can't and I don't want her to."
"You don't like me?"
"No I think yo-" She cut me of by kissing me. She knocked me back word and straddled me.
I quickly pushed her of.
"No means no!" She just grinned.
"One day."

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