Part 32: Confused

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Picture of Alice with a dog. (Random)

Jacobs POV:
-Mom, it's not a good time to come over.-
-Why is that?!-
-Alice is missing.-
-The future Wolf King?! What happened?-
-We don't know. She up and disappeared a week ago. It doesn't look like she ran away, more like was taken. Allen and I are watching over Jane. We just can't have visitors right now.-
-See you later?-
We went over to Jane and Alice's apartment. Jane has been, well not good.
She's barely eating and talking.
She just shut down.
Allen and I have been protecting Jane and keep her company. She just looks so sad, I don't want to leave her alone.
I knocked on her bedroom door.
"Hey Jane? Want to eat something?"
Their was no response.
I opened up her door and peaked in. She was curled up on Alice pillow crying.
"Please go way."
I walked in anyway and sat next to her in bed.
"Don't worry everyone's looking for her."
"Don't worry?!? Alice is gone! And I don't know where she is! She.shes gone... The love of my life is gone..I don't know what to do..."
Jordan's POV:

Where the fuck is Alice!!!!! I've been looking and looking and still no sign.
Grrrrr, who in their right mind would pupnap my apprentice!!!
I swear when I find them I will end them.
-King? Jane's not doing to well.-
-Jacob? Ugh! I will be there in a couple.-
Jane's POV:

I miss Alice so much. I know it's only been 7 days but it feels like months. Not being able to talk to her, feel her body or see her warm smile.
I've never felt this kind of pain before.My wolf won't even speak to me. I'm so alone.
I buried my head in Alice's pillow and went back to crying.
I shot up to see Jordan kicking down my door. He had a bag of food in his hand.
"Eat." He sat down on my bed and pulled out a hamburger and pushed it to me.
"I'm not hungry." I said softly.
"Jane I'm serious, eat it now."
"I don't want to." He took the wrapper of a part of it, then took a bite.
"Look it's good I promise! Just have a bite." He said with his mouth full.
"I don't want it!"
"Why not?!"
"I can't eat, not will Alice missing. She's probably scared and alone somewhere-"
"Stop your belly aching!" His tone surprised me. He was clearly upset, I could see it in his eyes."Look I get it okay. The indistinguishable pain your feeling. My mate is dead. Because of me none the less. I did exactly what your doing,  staying in bed feeling sorry for myself instead of getting up and looking for her." He looked like he was about to cry but took a deep breath and continued."I won't let you make my mistake. Your going to be the Luna of all of the wolfs dammit!!! So eat something and pull your self together. You can still feel her presence right?"
I nodded.
"Then she can still feel you. And her feeling you being sad and giving up on her cuts her chance of coming home greatly. She needs to feel you yearning to see her." I grabbed the hamburger out of his hand and gobbled it up.
I want to see my puppy!
I need to see my puppy!!!
I'm not giving up on Alice.
-Do you hear me Alice!!! I'm not giving up on you so come home!!! I won't forgive you if you go and get your self killed! I'm waiting for you to come to me!!!!!!!-
I felt a burning passion erupt in Alice's Ora.
Alice's POV:(At the same time.)

Every time. Every god damn time I drink something bad happens!
I get no peace! I'm fucking upside down dangling from the ceiling in silver chains in a sliver cage!!!!
Plus on top of this shit show, my head hurts like a bitch and I don't know how long I've been here!!!
{Calm down and stop cursing}
No!!! I will not calm down!!!! Because the last thing I remember is my brother knocking me out talking about "I hope they don't kill you."!
What type of shit is that?!?!?
{Worry about breaking out.}
I'm trying but it's kinda hard with all the silver around!!! I mean look my skin is burning off with the chains on me!
{Call for help}
I tried! No ones answering, it's like it's not even connection to the outside.
{So your giving up?}
Hell no! If I'm here then Jane is in danger, I need to get out of here.
I turned my attention to a opening door.
A man I don't know and Sebastian walked in the room. The man had a plate of food in his hand. They both sat at a table at a safe distance away from the cage I'm in.
The man spoke. "I'm glad to see your awake."
I made sure to keep me face voided of emotion.
"Where am I, who are you?"
"Well now, you're not really in any position to be asking questions are you?"
"I'm sorry, does it look like I give a fuck?"
"Someone has a potty mouth, I hope you don't talk that way with my daughter."
"Your daughter?"
"Yes my daughter." Wait those eyes, their ocean blue just like... HOLY SHIT!!!!! I let my anger be heard by letting out a growl that would scare a lion.
"Why would you try to hurt Jane!!!" I started trying to break my self out of my chains with pure force.
"Trying to kill your own daughter!!!!!!!" The more I thought about it the more I wanted to kill the man sitting in front of me with the smug grin.
"Cute, so your her "mate". He made air quotes with his fingers.
"You're Damn right!!! And when I get out of here I'm going to make you feel want she felt all those years! Scared, alone and hunted!!!!"
"Be my guest. Try I don't care. Your not getting out of there. You can't call anyone and no one can call you, or feel anyone's Ora. I made sure of that. Plus she's dead anyway." What? I stopped struggling.
"That's right I killed her already. Want to see?"
He pulled out a picture. It was Jane bloody and beaten.
Why? How? When? I wasn't there...
She's gone? I felt all of the fight drain out of me. My love is gone? I'm dreaming right? Ya. I hit my head and I'm going to wake up.
I felt my wolf curl up in my stomach, sad and beaten.
I started to cry uncontrollably.
"Poor girl. Don't worry. Your next, you will see her soon."
I heard the cock of a gun.
I closed my eyes tightly and expected my fate.

-Do you hear me Alice!!! I'm not giving up on you so come home!!! I won't forgive you if you go and get your self killed! I'm waiting for you to come to me!!!!!!!-

I felt a sudden and unmissable fire light in me.
She's not dead and I will see her again.

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