Part 39: Alice and Jane

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Side Part!!! Um so I feel like it's been really heavy lately and we should take a small break from all that!

Jane's POV:

The bed is cold... I opened my eyes to see that Alice is no where to be found.
{Where's my mate!!!} My wolf whined loudly in my head.
I don't know... I sat up in bed and called for her.
"Alice?!" No answer. I got up and started looking around the apartment.
In the kitchen? No.
In the bathroom? No.
In the walk in closet sleeping on my clothes? Nope.
In the living room? No.
Guest room? Yes!
She was sitting at a desk on her laptop with a stack of papers next to her. She was facing away from me typing away on a document. Clearly not noticing my presence.
Her hair was up in a messy bun, wearing a looses black t shirt that showed of her strong shoulders.
I creeped up behind her and placed my hands over her eyes. Wait is she wearing glasses?
She let out a cute yelp the kind you would hear if you stepped on a puppy's tail. She tensed at my touch.
"It's okay puppy it's just me." She relaxed from the sound of my voice. I gently removed my hands from her and hopped in her lap. She instantly wrapped me in her arms.
From there I was able to see her fully.
Family and close friends calling her wonderland is a joke but to me it works on so many more levels. She's a wonderful person and that body is definitely one hell of a wonderland!
The glasses she was wearing perfectly framed her face making her emerald eyes pop. But... She has bags under those gorgeous eyes.
"Why weren't you in bed with me puppy?"
"Oh um I just had some paperwork to go through."
"Ya, Jordan gave it to me to sort through. He said this is a part of the kings job so ya it's basically practice for the future." She lifted her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose.
"How long have you been awake?" She took a long sigh.
"All night..."
"Then it's time for you to take a nap." She gave me her famous grin.
"I don't need to take a nap, I'm not 7."
"No you're 17. And I'm older so you have to listen to me." Her grin only got bigger.
"I'm fine baby."
"You're a growing girl and you need your rest. Don't make me put you to sleep."
"How would you put me to sleep?" She had lust in her eyes.
"Ugh Alice I'm being serious! It's bed time now." I stud up and pulled her up with me. I started walking us back to our bedroom.
"Wait Jane! I still have more to do!"
"It will be there when you wake up." She mumbled something under her breath. I stopped in my tracks.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing." She mumbled out angry.
"Alice." I said firmly.
"I'm not a kid." She pouted. God why is she so cute?
"I know puppy, but this is for the best. Now go take a shower."
She grumbled again but did as I asked.
"Don't make me come in there and clean you myself!" She stopped walking turned and smiled.
"You act like I don't want you too." I started to blush.
"Just hurry up." I waved her of. She had a trumpet smile on her face and swayed her hips as she walked away.
Oh puppy.
Two can play at that game.
I laid on the bed in what you what you can only call a well next to nothing. I softly chuckled to myself.
Alice is still in the bathroom and this is my payback...
Alice yawned as she walked out of the shower. The second her eyes landed on me and her jaw dropped to the floor. Her eyes quickly scanned me up and down. My puppy's eyes turned a beautiful turquoise color showing that I not only had Alice's undivided attention but Rin's as well.
"It's time for bed sweetie."
She continued to blatantly stare. "Um I don't think I can be in bed with that. There won't be much sleeping is what I'm trying to say."
"Well sleep is all your going to get so come here." She look a big sigh.
"You got to be kidding me right?"
"Does it look like I am?"
"Well you look like a lot of things baby. And most of those things just can't be described..."
Her eyes began to wonder.
"Alice!" Her eyes quickly returned to me. Ha ha her libido never lets up.
"Come and sleep, when you wake up, we can um have a little fun..." She smiled ear to ear. Then quickly hoped in bed and cuddled up to me.
I kissed her forehead as she got comfortable.
"Night pup."
"Night love."

"Baby come on!" I woke up from my nap to see Alice rushing to put on clothes.
I rubbed my eyes. "Where are you going?"
"The better question is where are WE going!!!"
I sat up. "Okay, where are we going?" She chuckled.
"That's a surprise! Come on get dressed!!!" She ran out of the room.
"I'm gonna wait in the car!!!" She called.
"So, what's got you all excited?"
"Um when I woke up, it just accrued to me that... I'm just so lucky to have a mate like you. I wanted to take you on a date! Just to show you how much I love you..." Alice reached over to me and held my hand as she continued to drive.
"Aww puppy..." I kissed her cheek.
"Look we're here!" We pulled up to the... Fair?
I've never been. I looked over to Alice and she had a small twinkle in her eye. Well I guess it can't be all bad then.
"Come on!"
We both hoped out of the car. She walked around to me and held my hand keeping me close.
She brought the tickets and we started walking around.
"So what do you want to do first?"
"Um the Ferris wheel looks fun."
We moved over and waited on line.
"It's really sweet of you to take me on a date like this. I know how busy you can get-"
"That's no excuse. Your my top priority." I felt an unmistakable and quite irresistible pull to Alice. With out a second thought I started to make out with her. God I love her lips...
She broke up our embrace to move up in the line. I started to feel her aura cover me. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, it was warm...protective. It has definitely gotten stronger since we first met. She has also now that I think about it. She turned to me and gave me the heart warming smile that I fell in love with. That's one thing that hasn't changed.
"Come on its our turn."
We sat on the bench together and it started moving up.
"Do you want kids?" She turned to me in shock.
"That's out of the blue!"
"I know but your mom bought it up to me and I'm just remembering now." She turned away and blushed. I grinned. "What did she say again? Oh ya, you want a whole litter of pups!"
"I was little when I said that."
"So you don't want alot?"
"I do! I actually want you round with my pups as soon as possible." It was her turn to grin now. I couldn't handle the look she was giving me so I buried my head in her neck. I saw my mark on her and couldn't help but try and leave more.
I was rewarded with soft moans.
"Wait baby, look." I stopped to see  we had arrived at the top of the ride. The sun was setting past the horizon, it looked like a painting.
"Ya wow." I turned to see she was looking at me. God I can't wait to get this girl home.

We just got of the ride and kept walking around. My puppy had something locked in her gaze. It was the cutest stuffed wolf!
I pulled us to the booth and payed the man.
"Ugh what are you doing?"
"I'm gonna win you that wolf!"
"All of these games are rigged sweetheart. You don't win."
I picked up the darts anyway and aimed for the balloons.
"You have 5 chances the pop 5 balloons! Good luck!" The carny shouted.
"Ugh wow ms. That's a first... So what do you want for your prize?"
"That one!" I pointed.
"Well here you go then. Have a good night."
I turned to Alice to see a shocked face.
"That was impressive."
"It's all in the wrist! Here you go puppy."
She blushed a kissed me softly.
Damn I love my girl.
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