Part 27:Dress shopping

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This one goes out to Wolfram20! And all the other lovely people that continue to read!
Alice's POV:

"You two are a pair. I see why you fight Alice. In fact can you help me with something?" Jordan spoke.
"With what exactly?"
"Well I want you to be a guest at a party I'm throwing." He reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out a flask, then took a long pull." I would like to show the older generation of wolfs that there is no need to fear for the future because of pups like you."
He shook the half full bottle in front of me, offering the rest. I reached for it but then could fell Janes icy glare on me. Right she doesn't like me drinking..
"No thanks, I'm 17." He shrugged.
"Your loss kid." He offered it to Jane. "I'm good, thank you." He happily drank the rest and put the flask away.
"If you where to come, you would be my guest and not on security detail. And of course you would have to bring your lovely mate. What do you say?"
I turned to Jane to gage her reaction.
-It sounds fun.- She mind linked me. I nodded.
"We will be there, when is it happening?"
"Two weeks from now." He polished off his remaining food. "It's getting late, shall we go?"
"Ya but I'm driving." I grabbed his keys.

Two days have passed since our dinner with the wolf king. I honestly don't care that much about the party.
I just doesn't sound fun. I mean I'm forced to talk to a bunch of people who I don't know.
Jane seems exited though. She still doesn't have a friend that she didn't met through me. This could be a good opportunity for her to be social.
Man, she's come a long way. My baby's growing up so fast...
An alarm clock? I broke mine a while ago.
Jane started to wake up. She was still in my arms so I carefully leaned over to her side of the bed to shut of the alarm.
"Don't I got it." She yawned and spoke with a sleepily voice.
She rolled off of me in one fluid motion,got up and turned of the alarm.
She then ran a lazy hand through her hair.
"Good morning puppy." Her voice was all sexy and raspy. Couple that with her only being in lacy underwear and all I can think about is getting her back in bed with me...
"Is everything okay Alice? Your all red." She leaned down over to me and placed a hand on my forehead. At the angle I'm at, it gives me full view of her chest.
"Do you have a fever? Your really burning up." She moved back on the bed making her girls giggle perfectly.
"Do I need to take you to the hospital?!"
I finally snapped out of my lust.
"No! I mean I'm fine thanks baby." Geez that has been happening a lot lately.. just the urge to mate with her 24/7. I hope she doesn't smell my arousal.
She unexpectedly straddled me while I was distracted thinking.
"Are you sure your okay?" She was close now and I'm forced to look at that flawless face. Then those soft lips seem to be calling me... My wolf began to howl loudly.
{Mine!!!!! Take her now!!!!!}
She leaned down and placed a tender kiss on my lips.
"Can I have an answer?"
I was pushed back into reality.
"Are you feeling okay!?" She gave me a worried look.
"Ya I'm good just a little distracted..." I couldn't help my self any longer and pulled her into a hungry kiss.
She seemed to happily go with it. I set the tempo but she added her own flare, sucking my bottom lip and lovingly tongue kissing me.
I moved my hands to her heart shaped ass and started grinding against her.
When I did that she immediately broke the kiss.
"Puppy, not right now."
"What not right now?" I said innocently playing dumb.
"No sex right now, I mean I want to but I have to get to work."
"Work?! I'm sorry but was I in a coma when you told me about this?"
"No you weren't. We talked about this before and you supported me." She got off of me. Why don't I remember this conversation?
"You don't need to work."
"I know but I don't want to all ways need to depend on you. It feels like I'm leaching off of you sometimes and I don't like it. I need to be more independent."
"If that's what you want, then okay." I leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek. Then sadly laid back down. This is just going to cut into our cuddle time. Then again I can't be selfish, I have to support my mate in her choices even if I don't like it.
She wiggles her way back into my arms.
"I know you don't want me working but it means a lot that your supporting me." She gave me a gentle kiss. "You don't need to worry though. I got the job at a little coffee house nearby. The hours are short and this won't cut into our cuddle time to much." She added sweetly. I guess she read my mind. I started smiling, goddess I can't stay mad at her!
"I love you Jane."
"I love you too Alice."

Jane's POV:

It's been one and a half weeks since I started working at the coffee house. I'm a waitress if you were wondering. I don't make much but the tips are awesome. They are mostly from the nice regulars. Then of course that one guy that's to into me.
Just because I ask how's your meal doesn't mean I'm also on the menu.
Alice's has been a wonderful partner though this.
Haha well that's being generous. She was grumpy the first few days but has been getting increasingly better. She just misses me is all.
I feel the same way at times during my shift but then I just think I will she her in a bit. It healthy for couples to be a part some times anyway.
In fact I'm on my shift right now.
"Miss, can I get some service?" A man sitting at a called to me. I remember his voice from somewhere but I can't see him.
I quickly walked to him with my best smile on. Then it disappeared when I saw him. Jordan love. The God damn wolf king.
"What do you want?" I made sure to make it sound as cold as possible.
"That's not good costumer service, do I need to talk to your boss?" He said with a grin.
"Again what do you want."
"Hot chocolate with marshmallows please and thank you." I sighed and glared at him.
"I didn't mean your order."
"Well I happen to like this little shop so I thought I would grab some something. You just happened to be here. Speaking of that, why are you working here? Its below you."
"I wanted to." He sighed.
"If you want to service humans then that's your call I guess, when do you get off?"
"In about five minutes, why?"
"I'm going to take you dress shopping!"

I tried to get him to leave me alone but I ended up at the mall with him anyway.
He's really persistent.
People keep looking at us like we are a couple. Ugh my life...
"So where do you want to start?"
"I don't know any of these stores."
"Really doesn't Alice take you shopping?"
"Well she try's sometimes but I like wearing her clothes most times." I said chuckling. He just smiled.
"Over there then." He pointed to a expensive looking butice.
"I don't have enough money for that."
"Nonsense I'm paying for it, I brought you out here after all."
"You don't have-"
"I interest." He placed a hand on my shoulder.
He's been making me try on dresses for 20 minutes now. But every one he sees a flaw in.
"Can I ask why you're doing this?" I ask him through the dressing room door.
"It's going to be the first impression for you. I just want the other guests to approve and appreciate you and your beauty. One flaw and it's game over. Wolfs can be cruel you know."
I sighed.
"Well I only have one more I can try on." It was a red dress with a slit up to my thigh. I put it on and walked out to show Jordan.
He eyes looked like they where going to pop out of his head.
"Give me a spin?" I did as he asked and he smirked.
"With the way you look we might need to put Alice on a leash." I could feel myself starting to blush.
"Ya let's pay for this."
We purchased the dress and left the store.
"So how many times a week do you two mate." He casually asked. I was very caught of guard.
"'s really.not your business.." I stuttered out. What? Its a little embarrassing to talk about.
"Oh come on! Give me a number."
"One." I whispered out.
"One? That's actually pitiful."
"Asshole!" I punched him in the side of the arm. It was like hitting a brick wall.
"Look all I'm saying is alphas have a naturally high sex drive. Plus they have the stress of managing the pack. It just so happens that mating is one of the best forms of stress relief."
"Ugh I really don't want to talk about this with you, just so you know I happen to make sure she is very satisfied in that department."
*mmhm* He sounds unconvinced. Maybe he's right tho... I mean sometimes she seems like she wants more. Ugh I can't let him get to me!
"Whatever." We walked in silence until
I looked to my side and saw a deep ocean blue scarf in a window display. It looked was beautiful just like my puppy.
"Hey can we go in there?"
Jordan turned to me.
"Why, did you see something?"
"Ya." We walked into the shop and I picked up the scarf. 100 dollars?!? That's basically my whole weeks pay.
"I can get it for you if you want." He peered behind me.
"No thanks okay, I want to get this special for Alice."
He chuckled.
"Okay lover girl."
We are at 6k guys! Um my iPhone is about to die so I can't stay long! Later!!!

Everyone's favorite alpha(Lesbian Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora