Part 10 : Please wake up puppy.

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Jane's POV:

Earlier that same day:

I miss my puppy so much!!!
She said I could check up on her but I'm trying not to be clingy.
I'm just worried. She has a really dangerous job. Helping the king. A lot of bad people try and attack people like him.
I should know, I met most of them when I was on the run. I never helped of course but I know they aim to kill if you get in there way.
I just want her to be safe...
*knock, knock*
I'm on Alice's bed cuddling her pillow, I wonder who that could be.
"Come in!" I spoke up.
A blonde boy walked in. Oh Alice's friend Nick.
"Hey there Jane!" Ugh why is he so happy? He doesn't even know me. I could be a cereal killer.
Then I remembered Alice asked me to be nice.
"Hi Nick." I sat up on the bed sit holding puppies pillow. He sat next to me.
"Do you miss wonderland?"
"A little" He chuckled.
"Want me to help you take your mind of her?"
Whoa. I gave him a very confused look.
"OMG! Not like that! It came out wrong! Please don't tell Alice I said that! I don't want to end up in a ditch somewhere." He was really pleading with me.
"Um it's okay. What did you mean though?"
"Well I have a date tonight and I was wondering if you would give me your opinion."
"That sounds fun, who are you going with?"
He blushed.
"A girl named June." I nudged him in the chest and smiled.
"Someone's caught the love bug." He gave a devilish grin.
"Says the girl cuddling her mates pillow." He gave me a playful look.
" I only miss her a little." He say quoting me.
"Oh whatever." I pouted.
"So are you going to be hauled up in here all day or do you want to have a little fun?"
I thought about it for a moment.
"What do you want to do." He just smiled.
We just got back from a place called sky zone. It was supper fun! It was full of trampolines!
Nicks way cooler than I thought at first. I see why him and Alice are friends.
It's kind of late now and I'm helping Nick get ready.
I'm sitting on his bed and he's in the shower.
Moments later he emerged.
He was still a little wet and his towel was hanging low on his waist. Showing of is muscular body. I was embarrassed just looking at him.
"Hey! Put some clothes on!"
"Oh calm down you don't like guys anyway."
"What if I told June about this little encounter? How would she feel I wonder?" I said playing innocent.
He gave me a look.
"You win." He walked into his closest.
"Did you have fun today?!" He called.
"Ya it was cool."
He stepped out of his closest after a couple of minutes. He made the tux look good. Black dress shoes, black slacks, a white shirt and black vast. Then a cream colored jacket and black bow tie.
"What do you think?" He said a little nervous.
"Don't worry, you look good." I walked to him with a comb. "Bend down?" He is still taller than me on my tippy toes. He did so and I reparted his hair. Then slicked it back a tad making it look perfectly messy.
"Your ready." I said with confidence.
He picked me up and hugged me tightly.
"Oh thank you!!!"
"It's no problem but don't you have a reservation?" He looked at the time on his phone.
"Oh shit! Got to go! Later!" He kissed my forehead and ran out of the door.
I smiled happily to myself. This is a really nice place.
I walked back to Alice's room. Then noticed a book on her shelf.
"A simple guild to the pack."
It looked old. I picked it up and started flipping through it. One section caught my eye. Mates.
I ran away when I was little and never learned everything I think I should have. So I took the book got cozy on the bed and started reading.

A mate is your partner that the moon goddess has picked just for you. You two could not be more perfect for each other. That being said it doesn't mean there won't be problems. Like an occasional argument.
I flipped the page.
When you start to become more intimate with your partner, you will want to mark him/her. This in tales using your canines to bite the neck area.
Once both partners have marked each other, the bond between the two will grow and the pare will grow stronger.
But this is not something to be done in the heat of the moment. You have to make you and your partner are ready.
I didn't know that.
I started flipping through again.
Then something else caught my eye.
When alpha's are unmated they tend to have high libido.
Wait what? A high sex drive? My innocent puppy didn't try anything on me.
Well when we made out it felt like she wanted more, but that doesn't mean anything.
I closed the book and laid back. I could use a little nap. It's been a long day. I will finish the book later.

"Jane! Wake up! Jane!!"
I woke up to Nick on top of me shaking me out of a pleasant dream.
"What is it?!" I said sleepy and angry.
He took a pause then spoke.
"Alice is in emergency surgery. She got shot by a silver bullet protecting Sophia Love."
I felt my world crumbling. Emergency surgery? I started chocking up.
Nick picked me up and sat me in his lap and held me. I realized he's still in his tux.
"When did you find out?"
"I just got home and was briefed."
I couldn't hold back my tears any longer. I should have checked up on her! I should have made her stay!
"Jane it's okay."
"No it's not okay! My puppy got shot and I can't help her!" I continued to sob into his chest. "Can we go see her?"
"Yes but you have to be strong. She's gonna be upset if she sees you crying over her." He gave me a weak smile.
I nodded and gathered myself.
We walked down the stairs and out of the house. We went to the backyard and there appeared a small building. Compared to the house that is.
We walked in a waiting room set up.
"Are you going to be okay?" Nick asked me worried.
"Yes." We continued and he opened up double doors. Everything was white and it was significantly colder.
We where in a small hall way with chairs. I turned to my right and saw a wall with glass windows.
People in side the room were moving swiftly around a table.
I sat in one of the chairs in disbelief.
Alice was on that table. I put my head in my arms a cried as softy as I could.
She was pale, hooked up to wires. She was not smiling... She looked dead.
My puppy...
I felt Nick rest his arm around me.
"She will pull through don't worry." I didn't respond.
"Want to see something?" I looked up. He was scrolling through his pictures on his phone. Then hit one.
It was of Alice. She was heavily bandaged and looked like she had been thou hell and back. Yet she had on a breath taking smile and was holding up her hand in an okay pose.
"She had just fought a dragon, and won by herself." I smiled at the picture. "She's resilient, especially when she's fighting to see someone she loves."
"What are you talking about?" He reached in his pocket and pulled out the little stuffed cheetah I gave her.
"Elephant Steel..." I whispered as I took him out of Nicks hand.
"I thought you would know something about this. Alice had it in a death grip when they found her."
Elephant had a little blood on him. Wait that means I was the last thing on her mind...
I was holding back the tears.
"We can wait in the other room if it's to much." He spoke with kindness.
"No it's okay I want to be as close to her as possible."
When I finished my statement the double doors opened. A strong looking man with black hair appeared. He was holding the hand of a half black woman with wavy hair. They where both very visually stunning and kind of looked like Alice.
The two quietly sat next to Nick.
He spoke first.
"Alpha, Luna you can rest. The status has not changed on her condition." Wait alpha and luna? That means those are my puppy's parents!
The alpha spoke. His voice was strong but there was a hint of sadness.
"We won't stay long, we just wanted to check on her ourselves." He turned his attention to me. "Who are you?"
I glopped.
"Jane Summers sir."
He gave me a so what stare.
Nick spoke up for me.
"She's Alice's mate."
The alpha and his luna turned to me in shock. I spoke up.
"I'm sorry we had to met this way." They looked at each other then back at me. The luna spoke up.
"Don't worry about it sweetie, we are family now." She gave me the same heart warming smile Alice has. The man nodded in agreement. She continued. "My name is Lily, this is Allen. We are as you might have guessed, are Alice's parents."
"How are you holding up little one?" Mr. Steel asked.
I really don't have a answer for him.
"Don't worry she's made of steel!" He said with confidence.
"Baby, that was corny." Lily told him and kissed his cheek.
"What I'm trying to reassure her." He whispered embarrassed.
I let out a little chuckle. They both turned to me and smiled.
I'm sitting in the waiting room alone.
Nick, Mr. And Miss. Steel went to bed and I have no idea what time it is.
I glanced over to my puppy. Her surgery had finished about an hour ago. They had bandaged her up and I think the doctors are checking her vitals or something.
Goddess I miss being in her arms...
A doctor walked out. "Are you here for Alice?"
"Yes ma'am." She smiled.
"Follow me then.We just moved her to a private room. You are more then welcome to stay with her. But don't climb all over her. She has fresh stitches and it's going to really hurt if one pops." We arrived at the room. "Now, she's in a coma right now but she will probably wake up in the next day or two."
"Thank you doctor."
"Just find me if you need anything." She walked away and I walked to the bed side of my unconscious mate.
I intertwined our hands. She looks so frail. I could feel a knot in my throat.
"Please wake up puppy."
A tear escaped my eye.
How is everyone? Good?
Well I'm just dandy if you were wondering.
I really want to thank you guys for still reading, it means a lot.
But knock out that like button please?

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