Part 22 : Alpha's Problem.

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Alice's POV:

A roar erupted from behind us. I turned in fear.
Shit it's my dad.
"What the shit are you two doing?!?!" He barked at us.
We both looked away not saying anything.
He took a deep breath.
"So help me god if one of you doesn't answer."
"The killer is his mate."
My dads eyes widened in disbelief. He started rubbing his temples.
"Alice you can't always solve things with your fists."
"His mate is trying to kill mine!"
"Your going to be alpha! I picked you because you're the level headed one."
I took a deep breath. What if I was in his position? I would do the same thing, try and protect her. I turned to Sebastian.
"She will be taken care of in the pack hospital. Then I'm making you her protecter. If she try's ANYTHING your responsible. Your with her at all times. You two will be staying in our special room. Can I trust you?"
"Of course alpha." He bowed his head in respect.
My dad left.
My injures started to catch up with me.
I lipped over to the cell and unlocked it. She stood and glared at me.
"I will end you if you try anything." She didn't say anything in return.
Jane's POV:

I'm making a chicken salad for Alice. She hasn't slept in a while and I don't think that's a good thing for a growing girl. Look she might be my mate but I'm still a couple years older than her. I have the right to worry.
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
I turned in my horror to see Alice beaten to a pulp. Her brother followed behind looking the same if not worse.
"Puppy!" I shouted as I ran two her to inspect her wounds.
"I'm okay."
"No your clearly not! What happened?"
"We got into a little fight..." She had cuts on her face and blood was seeping through her shirt. I carefully lifted the shirt to she one of her stitches has popped.
"Puppy you need to see Jacob right now." She look like she was going to protest but I gave her a warning glare.
"Okay, I will have him meet us at our apartment."
"No right now." She nods reluctantly giving in. I don't know what it is with her. She just refuses to take care of herself. That why I'm here I guess.
"Take her to the pack hospital. Watch her." Alice turned and spoke to Sebastian. He nodded.
"I have a name you know." I didn't even notice there was a girl standing behind him. She was pretty but I could tell Alice didn't like her speaking.
"What is it then?" Alice asked through gritted teeth.
We are in Alice's old bed room. She's eating the salad I made her and Jacobs patching her up.
Allen's on the edge of the bed playing the Xbox trying to beat Alice's score.
I'm sitting next to my puppy holding her hand. She flinched every now and again when the alcohol touched a open cut.
"So you just let her go?" Allen asked as he focused on the game.
"No not really, Sebastian is watching her and I have them staying in a room that's under constant surveillance."
"Oh... Do you think more will come?"
Alice looked down hard.
"I hope not..." I kissed her cheek.
"Don't worry puppy." She mind linked me.
-How could I not worry? People are trying to hurt you.- She sounds unmistakably upset.
-I believe in you. Your going to be there to save me.-
-But...what if I'm not?- She was distant in her words. Jacob I interrupted our private conversation.
"Well that should do it. Take it easy for the next day or two. Doctors orders. Do you hear that Allen? No training." Allen nods still focused on the game. "That also means" He said and turned his attention to me.
I started to blush. I glanced over at Alice to see her reaction but she was staring at the wall deep in thought. I taped her and she quickly turned snapping her out of the daze.
This is really weird for her. She's usually very attentive.
"What happened?" She questioned and smiled. It was very forced.
"It's nothing. Is everything okay baby?"  She looked at me then quickly away. I guess the now empty bowl is more interesting.
"We should head home it's getting late." Jacob adds sensing something was up with Alice.
"Can I just bet her score first?" Allen whined. He sounds like a kid that doesn't want to go home.
"No you have been trying for the past hour. If you were going to do it, you would have done it."
"I CAN do it." He pouted. Jacob sighs.
"Okay fine how about you stay here and I go invite Sebastian over for stake and wine?" For the first time his attention was torn away from the game. Lol it looked like he's neck would snap form the movement.
"No." His response was simple be there was a protective tone to it. They must have some history together.
"Then let's go."
We finally made it to our apartment. Allen and Jacob aren't with us, they went home.
I'm laying in bed reading but Alice is in the kitchen. I think she's cooking to distract her self.
I'm still reading that old book about wolfs.
Alpha's can be strong and stubborn. Their one weakness is their Luna. No matter how upset they are a hug and a kiss put them in a better mood.
Also saying I love you never hurts. Alpha's have the weight of the pack on there shoulders. So talking to them about what's stressing them helps greatly. Do to there stubborn nature getting them to relax before asking for them to talk should help.
Alice knocked then walked in holding two plates. It smells delicious! I sat up in bed and took one of the plates. Something was of tho... Wait there's the same amount of food on the plates! Alice always has more just because of her appetite.
"I made salmon stake. I thought it would be a nice change." She sat in the bed next to me, leaned over and gave me a kiss.
"It looks really good. You treat me too well." I smiled to myself and started eating. I could feel her staring.
"Your my princess, you know that right? I could never treat you too well. Jane you are my personal sun and baby I'm just a humble flower trying to absorb all of your beautiful light. I love you." I was caught of guard by the sudden passion in her words. I really love the way she makes me feel. Sometimes it's indescribable. It's like love, care and protection all at once. I never had a real home until she found me.
I looked up to met her gaze. Her eyes are my favorite color. A warm green. I must be as red as a chilly pepper because she has that unmissable grin on her face. I fell in love with her all over again.
"" I barely stuttered out. I can never form words with her! My puppy's grin turned to a huge smile, then she started eating.
There was a comfortable silence between us Alice's jazz music was playing in the back round. I haven't gotten to talk to her about what's bugging her but I will.
It's not time yet.
She stopped eating and there was a glaze over her eyes. I think she's mind linking with someone.
After a minute she looked back up and put her meal next to her. She was only half way done. She took a big sigh.
"Is everything thing okay?"
"Ya I'm just gonna take a shower."
"But your not finished eating."
"I lost my appetite."
"That's a first." I said trying to make her laugh. She did but it was humor less. She got up grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.
30 minutes has passed. I rapped up her leftovers just in case she wanted it later.
She finally came out of the bathroom, freshly bathed. She was wearing her form fitting workout clothes. She stretched and sat at the end of the bed.
I never really thought about it before but I just noticed the large amount of scars she has.
There all random and they don't make her any less gorgeous. In fact it adds character. It says "I've been fighting all my life and I'm still here." I've never seen her make any attempt to hide them either, unlike other people who I know definitely would have or at least been the slightest bit self conscious.
I spoke up.
"So who did you talk to before?" She glanced at me then away. She ran a hand through her mane.
"It was Sebastian telling me updates about Autumn."
"Do you want to tell me about it."
"No." She sounded cold and it hurt.
"Don't you trust me?" She quickly turned.
"It's not that at all it's just-"
"What?" I cut her off.
"I don't want to worry you."
"Keeping it to your self isn't the answer." She took a pause.
"I'm trying...I really am." She ran both hands though her hair and laid down, still at the edge of the bed. She stared at the ceiling.
"Puppy can you come over here and cuddle with me?" I asked sweetly. She turned her head to face me and looked to be evaluating my intentions. I made sure not to waver.
She gave in after a minute. I lifted the covers so she could get in with me. She laid her head on my chest and we wrapped our arms around each other.
"You can always talk to me." I said. I noticed she seemed to be sniffing me and seemed to be relaxing.
It's understandable, I also love her scent.
"I need to protect you. I don't know why but...I feel like I'm gonna fail." She sounded broken.
"I don't know what to tell you, other than your being crazy. I know it's scary but I know your not the type to cave under pressure. I trust and love you. Now I might be the crazy one but just knowing that I have's all I need." I rubbed her back as I told her this.
She yawned, and it brought a smile to my face. She's finally relaxed.
"Thanks that's just what I needed to hear."
"Want to go to sleep?" She nodded.
"Night puppy."
"Night love."
Morning came quickly. However Alice was still knocked out. She was really cute with her hair all messy sleeping on me.
I wanted to stay like this for awhile but the door bell rang.
Who could it be? It's still early. I slipped a pillow in my place so I didn't wake Alice up from a well deserved sleep.
I quickly fixed my appearance and went to the door.
I opened it and to my surprise I found a girl.
Sophia Love.
Heyyyyy people!!!!!!
Um I don't have much to say today other then comment!
Sorry if there's any spelling.
K later!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone's favorite alpha(Lesbian Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora