Part 35: Memories

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This was my song back in the day! Plus it works with this part! Let's go!!!!

Alice's POV:

Hello? Rin?
Gees what crawled up your ass?
{One bitch of a headache.So if we could not talk that would be great.}
Um no Jane said something happened and I don't remember so-
{So nothing, look I'm trying to remember but I can't okay? It's all fussy. My head just hurts.}
Well okay then just take it easy.
"Are you even listening?!" My dad growled at me.
"No what is it?" He sighed.
"You get offered to be king of the wolves and you don't even tell your mother and I? Do you know how big of a deal that is?!"
"I told Nick."
"Don't bring me into this, he was ranting and raving the whole ride here."
"It's not the same. You should be visiting your mother and I more often. And the pack they all miss you especially the pups."
"I know I've just been busy lately. Plus Sebastian doesn't visit and you don't come complain." Wait. Sebastian? His name is making me mad for some reason. Like really mad.
My wolf started pacing.
{Kill him!!!}
Whoa take a chill pill! He's my brother!
{No!!! He's a no good dog!!!!}
What are you talking about?!
{I don't remember but he's not good news}
"Alice baby dinners ready. Want to shift?" Jane said as she poked her head through the door.
I nodded and the guys left the room.
I shifted into my human form and Jane tackled me on to the bed. She started kissing me all over then suddenly stopped and buried her head in my neck.
I started to rub her back and my neck feel wet. I heard her sniffling. Raping her up in my arms I sat up so I could talk to her.
I rested my forehead on hers.
"Is everything okay?" I placed my hand on her cheek and whipped away a tear with my thumb.
"Don't worry puppy, there happy tears." She placed her hand on top of mine.
"What happened?" I said softly.
"I've missed you..." Before I could ask any more questions she leaned in and kissed me.
I don't know why but it felt like I had been waiting for this one kiss for a while.
She gently shifted her weight so she was on top of me.
She gave me more very loving and longing kisses then started trailing down my neck. Kissing my mark and making me moan.
{Mark her, make her ours}
In one swift movement I flipped her under me and started giving her a hicky which earned me very sexy moans from my mate. She started digging her nails into my back showing her impatience.
My canines started to throb pushing me forward. I opened my mouth ready to sink my teeth into my loves supple sk-
"What are you two doi..... Oh um dinners gonna get cold, we're waiting." My dad said standing in the door frame. He looked surprised and was hold back a laugh.
"Please get out."
"Is this what you have been busy doing?"
"Out!" I growled. He sarcastically held his hands up and walked out.
I sighed.
"Sorry baby." I looked at her and she was blushing really hard.
"That was the second time your dad saw me..."
"Don't worry he loves you. And so do I..." I leaned in a tried to steal more kisses but she stopped me.
"I'm hot enough puppy, I need to take a quick shower."
"Can I join you?" She gave me the evil eye.
"Come on! I'm trying to save water..."
She sighed and gave in.
"Fine but if you try anything your out."
I chuckled.
"You know I will." I whispered to myself.
"The food is really good!" I commented to my mom and Jane.
"We made plenty so slow down." My mom said as she gave me a scolding look. What? I feels like I haven't eaten in a week.
"So hows June?" Jane asked Nick. He sighed.
"She's not to happy with me right now, I think she knows somethings up and won't talk to me."
"You didn't tell her your a werewolf yet?" I asked.
"No, I don't know how she's gonna take it."
"Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and go for it." He rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"It's just stress full, she could easily say no and I'm out of luck just like that."
*Ding Dong*
"I will go get it, we can talk more later." I walked to the door and open it to see Jordan. He gave me a big hug lifting me of my feet in the process.
"How are you feeling pup?!" He carefully placed me back down.
"Um fine I guess, do you have my scarf?"
"You're worried about that? What about-"
"Not now." Jane interjected.
"What do you mean not now? We need to hunt them down while the blood is fresh."
"She doesn't remember."
"You shouldn't coddle her. She can handle herself."
"Um what are you to talking about?" I asked totally oblivious to what they're referring to.
Jane and Jordan  exchanged heated looks over what to do. After what seemed like an eternity Jordan finally spoke.
"Look, your going to be the king, so you need to know about all threats. A week ago you were kidnapped. When we found you were covered in blood not all your own. It looked to me like you broke out of your bonds and where fighting with two others. Then just before you landed the final blow they ran. Probably tried from the massive lack of energy you collapsed and hit your head." ...Oh shit I remember!
Sebastian! Jane's dad! Those fucking bastards!!!!


Why would you try to hurt Jane!!!" I started trying to break my self out of my chains with pure force.
"Trying to kill your own daughter!!!!!!!" The more I thought about it the more I wanted to kill the man sitting in front of me with the smug grin.
"Cute, so your her "mate". He made air quotes with his fingers.
"You're Damn right!!! And when I get out of here I'm going to make you feel want she felt all those years! Scared, alone and hunted!!!!"
"Be my guest. Try I don't care. Your not getting out of there. You can't call anyone and no one can call you, or feel anyone's Ora. I made sure of that. Plus she's dead anyway." What? I stopped struggling.
"That's right I killed her already. Want to see?"
He pulled out a picture. It was Jane bloody and beaten.
Why? How? When? I wasn't there...
She's gone? I felt all of the fight drain out of me. My love is gone? I'm dreaming right? Ya. I hit my head and I'm going to wake up.
I felt my wolf curl up in my stomach, sad and beaten.
I started to cry uncontrollably.
"Poor girl. Don't worry. Your next, you will see her soon."
I heard the cock of a gun.
I closed my eyes tightly and expected my fate.

-Do you hear me Alice!!! I'm not giving up on you so come home!!! I won't forgive you if you go and get your self killed! I'm waiting for you to come to me!!!!!!!-

I felt a sudden and unmissable fire light in me.
She's not dead and I will see her again. I felt a power weld up inside me the likes of which I never felt before. The Ora of this power was straight out of hell but being scared and not excepting this power could mean I die here.

Not today.
I willingly expected the pure beast with in me and broke out of my chains like they weren't even there.
Surprisingly I have perfect clarity of what's going on. Unlike other times when I rampage, I black out from rage.
This is not that.
I rubbed my wrist which where sore from the chains. I looked up at my new enemies. Janes dad was shaking with fear.
"How!!... That's impo..ssible?!" I gave him a menacing smile.
"I told you I was going to kill you right? Or at the least torture you. Either will do." I looked at Sebastian. "That goes double for you."
He looked totally petrified. Just how I like.
"No! This ends here dog!!!!" Janes dad started shooting into the cell that I'm in. I dogged all of them as if it was second nature.
Time to stop wasting time. Janes waiting.
I kicked down the cell door like a demon kicking down the gates of heaven.
Then I pounced at Janes dad knocking him down and tearing into him.
Sebastian tried to run at me but there was no chance at him succeeding. I grabbed his punch out of midair and crushed his hand in mine. He kneeled to me in pain and I stood over him looking at the man who I once called friend. Brother even. He eyes held sadness. I punched him hard in the face knocking him out. His body fell limp. I don't have time to pity a man who betrayed me.
I don't have time to pity a dog who betrayed me.
Turning back to Janes dad I see him bloody and beaten. Perfect. 
I take my time walking over to him enjoying the look on his face. Pure agony and fear.
"This is goodbye then." I picked him up by the front of his shirt bring him eye level with me. He spit blood in my face.
"Kiss my ass."
"Odd choice of dying words."
The room filled with smoke and red pepper flakes. By the time I could open my eyes. They were gone.
"Shit." I sat down and my new found strength disappeared. With my last burst of energy I shifted in my wolf and prayed for a fast recovery.
End flashback.
"Janes dad. Sebastian. They did it."
"We will hunt them down. There is no where in the world they can hide." Jordan said and rested his hand on my shoulder.
Hey guys! Um how's it going? Did you have a good day? I hope you did and if you didn't the image of Alice kicking some ass brightened your day! Please comment so I know what you liked! Also can you check out my friends book please?!
Ms. Kidnapped (gxg) by SkyletR.
I love her writing and I think you would to!
Um okay shout outs to all my commenters!!!!!  Later love!!!!!!

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